"You're out of town, my king?" Hisa said to the phone. "…Yes, I will."

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After hanging up, she continued to pace back and forth, nervous. Alucard, arguably one of the strongest vampires in the city, decided unsurprisingly to be a complete dick and do the job himself. She felt naked without her personal force. Almost everyone was here this night, chatting, some drinking from captured humans, some flirting and living it up. She supposed there couldn't be any backstabbing—the prince's orders were to remain in the mansion and witness how a simple job was supposed to be done.

Hisa was just glad the king left doing some task for the academy he ran. He worked among his favorite victims to drink as a simple Dean. A man of influence, but more dangerous than they'd ever know. But he even paled in comparison to the emperor. The oldest vampire of the city, said to have fought even the gods, Hisa housed so much respect for him. She only ever laid eyes on the great vampire once, briefly. Emperor Akito.

Despite all of the powerful vampires in the mansion this night, a quarter of them even ten times stronger than Alucard, she…had a bad feeling. The showy arrogant dick would normally be back by now, acting all graceful while denouncing her with words in between the lines.

In fact, he was the one that sent her out to the festival.

Hisa overheard something from one of the vampires sitting at the dining table. They were all looking out the windows.

"The sky's been acting weird for some time now. I swear if it's the poor doing the fireworks again, I will take away their jobs."

"Oh shut it, Garison," Nathan, sect-lord, said. "If you stop thinking of money for even one second, you'd realize that there's no way the humans could do something like that." He stood up, his silk robes fluttering behind him as dashed over to one of the windows. "I mean look at that. Glowing cracks? What the hell's happening."

"Can you not feel that?" High lady, Ruby, said. She pushed away a strand of long purple hair. "Can you now feel the taint in the air?"

Hisa's eyes widened. The taint…opposite of purity. Toxic to creatures of light and holy, converting them with ease, it still wasn't exactly a comfort for creatures of the dark either. While it didn't harm those of the dark, there were very few beings that could actually control the element. Very few. Single digits. The same went for purity—a slip of that may spell disaster for its wielder and anyone within the immediate vicinity of him or her.

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"The taint?" Garison said skeptically. "Bah. You and your nonsense. All of you are acting like a bunch of paranoid children. With Hades gone, we should take back this city, put it rightfully under vampire control. I don't know what's keeping the great emperor so busy—the takeover will be quick, delicious. Glorious."

"Wasn't he obsessed with marrying the daughter of that human CEO? Tanaka corps something," Nathan said. "I don't understand the man, wanting to marry and fuck his food."

The blood drained from Hisa's face as she turned away. Was Alucard involved in the activity outside? A feeling of dread embedded into her bones. Something headed this way—but the others were too caught up in their arrogance to feel it. Except maybe Ruby. But Ruby was too proud to run.

Hisa experienced more electrical pain than she ever felt in her life—it still tingled with every breath. She had to get out of there. The others could call her a coward, Alucard may declare her a crybaby—Hisa would not stay in this place. She'd flee the city, start anew, live a better life, even give herself over to the light—anything would beat what approached the mansion. The feeling of absolute dread made her want to vomit.

Without another thought, she bolted for the mansion's front exit.

"What the hell's her problem? Not how a princess is supposed to act," Garison said.

Hina panted, tears streaming down her cheeks, as she ran with all of her vampiric speed. She flung open the front doors, but…someone...or something stood there. And he was the most terrifying sight of her life. She backed up, crying.

"Please..." she said.

Death looked at her with impassive red and gold eyes, the pressure of his power warping reality around him. He was beyond anything she'd ever felt, beyond all. A real god. And to be there of all places meant…meant… "Please." She dropped to the floor, head down, weeping. "Please don't kill me."

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Death didn't reply, but she felt his extremely immense power approach her. His aura was like the hellish touch of the sun.


Yusuke's eyes snapped open as a super-intense…. Something… filled the air. He jumped up, eyes searching, then widened when they peered out his window.

"What the fuck?" He dashed over to it. The night sky looked as if someone took a giant hammer and shattered it. Golden cracks were forming, more and more. Was this the apocalypse? He turned around to search for his TV remote when he saw her. The reaperess was in a corner, knees to chest, head down, whimpering. "Holy shit," he whispered.

Yusuke quickly threw on some clothes then dashed to his sister's room. She wasn't there. He sent a text to the group but got no reply. The leader always replied. What the hell? Were they involved in whatever was going on outside? He checked on his parents. Asleep. Lucky for them, not to have supernatural senses. Otherwise, there would be no way they'd live in a house that contained a harbinger of death.

He tried dialing, but nothing. When he opened the door, his breath caught in his throat. Words could not describe the freaky shit he witnessed. So much wind and energy, golden cracks in the sky, and the aura of pain and loss hanging in the air like desert heat.

Suddenly arms from behind grabbed him.

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"It is impossible…Impossible, impossible, take me…hide me…"

He turned and nearly jumped out of his skin as the reaperess fell to her face, whimpering. She said nothing else. Was the world-ending shit responsible for this? Too bad he lacked the power to damage her—he definitely analyzed her aura structure to see if ending the torment was possible.

Abruptly, the reaperess vanished, leaving the young man confused. Another sign that shit wasn't right. Great. He dialed Ruri.

"Hello? Yusuke, something's wrong."

"Yeah, I know," he replied. "Can you meet with me?"

"Booty call? Oh my, how lew—"

"Ruri," Yusuke interjected, blushing.

"Fine, fine—how about in front of the maid café?" she said.


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Tear, Natalia, and Melody paled as they felt something intense pass through the air like thick liquid despair. Tear jumped, nearly dropping the papers that would acknowledge her beloved and cousin as the rulers of Lot City among the demon world. This magical contract would prevent any demon lords from settling there—she, Melody, and Natalia worked on it for days. There were still more kinks to clean up, but soon…just soon.

Tear focused on the new surge of power that seemingly spawned from nothing. Something about it was familiar.

"Lady Tear, outside, look," Natalia said. The three young women gaped at the strange phenomenon accumulating outside.

"We have to go," Melody said, shaking. "They need us."

Tear nodded in agreement.

"I have a bad feeling in the pit of my gut."

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