Top floor of a Skyscraper – CEO's Room…

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Akito glared down at his messenger then allowed his eyes to widen. The smartphone picture of pure carnage, destruction—his entire clan was slaughtered, except for his appointed king. Hector conducted business for his academy in a neighboring town during the massacre. As the two driving powers of the clan, Akito and Hector were rarely at the mansion. He worked so hard to forge a bond with the CEO of Tanaka corps. Even offered deals and money, which finally got the ball rolling. As a reward for his effort, Akito would get to marry Tanaka's daughter, his food.

His clan…

The vampire emperor snarled, kicking over his desk, smashing an expensive cup into the wall, then let out a yell.

"Who," he said after he calmed.

"A group of gifted," his messenger said. "Led by a student of the academy where the king teaches."

Akito's white hair seemed to whiten more, his grey eyes, paling. Then they glowed red. He roared.


Black aura surrounded him as he grabbed his katana then leapt from the one-hundredth floor. Before landing, air rushed up from beneath the vampire, halting him. He sprinted for the academy.

The messenger dialed the king and reported the news. After hanging up, he pulled off his disguise and laughed.

"This should be very entertaining."

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The Academy…

Hector still held a half-naked Sazuki against the walls, his lips dripping with blood. His eyes held raw panic. The emperor would destroy the academy. Hector's cultivated meals would go, his favorite money source in ruins. When the emperor grew angry—he became a nearly unstoppable vampire. No sensible messenger would've given such information to the emperor—the King received all news first and handled the problems. Of course, by passing the log of shit down the hill for the lesser born to deal with. But now…there was no clan.

Something that could be rebuilt over time—that messenger was definitely not of their clan. How did he slip past the personal guards?

Hector glowered at his half-eaten meal. The only thing she'd remember was coming here and falling asleep. A pity he had no time. Hector would've had his way with her. He sat the meal in the corner. He'd try to catch the great emperor before he reached the academy…He'd try…

"He has to know the woman he's trying to marry is the top student of the school," Hector said. "He's got to be reasonable!"

The Academy Front Gates…

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The chilly autumn air danced around the Clyde and his party as they entered the school gates. Students were out and about, some scrambling to get into breakfast lines, others chatting with friends. Clyde even saw Naomi ahead and waved, receiving one in return. A peaceful day, without clouds drifting across the sky. Cars battled each other in traffic, drivers honking horns and shaking their fists, and shouting profane words. A typical day in a busy city of tall buildings, sheltering a vibe that matched both New York and Tokyo. Despite this being the anime world, there was a difference between it and Japan. Customs in Lot City seemed Japanese, but in other places, other nations of this world, they were completely different. Currency said dollars on his menu, but the bills and coins themselves looked strange.

The only way to find out what this world had to offer was to travel it. City to City. He couldn't Jump, except to Ashen City and that was only to the mansion. He hadn't so much as attempted to explore it.

There were item classes that he didn't know existed. Loot he could use to help him take out the Viper. Clyde chuckled. What if the edge lord somehow encountered the antagonist before he did? Nah, as if the system would let that happen. It'd no doubt try to kill Clyde first over any interdimensional intruder. Or so he thought.

Still… loot. Every gamer's wet dream. Not that he could think of this as a game or anything, no matter what the watchers thought. That didn't mean the system would go away.

[Item classes: common, uncommon, rare, very rare, epic, legendary, relic, symbolic, ancient, Dietic.]

Dungeons, raids, and whatever this world housed—he'd focus on bringing down the house and….And what? What the hell were world star fragments? The system didn't respond to any question about them. He'd have to find someone to explain the shit later.

Abruptly, the dean burst through front doors and into his nice, front-row parked, fancy vehicle. He smashed the gas pedal.

"Holy shit," Seth said.

"Guys, I'm going to run ahead and find Kiko," Chika said. "See you after school."

She hurried off.

As Clyde took a step, he felt it. A pulse and intense pain on his bones. The pain of strain.

[You have been inflicted with agony.]

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[The strain of using your true power untrained has its consequences.]

Clyde almost collapsed, but held himself together. His chest burned as if someone wrote something on it with a knife. He could feel the seal heating like lava.

"Clyde, we have to get you home," Alice said. "You're the one who should—"

"Heal me," he said. "Use All calm."

[Alice activated All calm.]

[All party members restore 20% HP, 20% HP, cure of all status effects, including hunger and thirst.]

[Warning, the healing does not fix the damage done to your soul. It will self-repair, but do expect more random negative status effects until the end of the day.]

[Let it be known that receiving training to control mass power is possible. It is highly recommended to make this a stop of your journey.]

[World Objective: Receive *Special training*. Reward: Stone magic line access. This objective has been added to your quest log. This is your most important quest yet and getting here will not be easy… The area has been marked on your map. Information will appear on your request. Good luck, desu.]

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[It is recommended to take Ming with you on your journey. Ask her about her purpose. You will need her to get through certain political channels.]

Clyde blinked. That was a lot of shit to intake… however, he barely contained the excitement. At last, it presented itself: a way for him to train for his powers. No more annoying strain bullshit. He was sure he'd probably have limits—a man could not possibly train for that kind of power without at least a year on his belt.

Clyde froze first along with Toru, Alice, Seth, Kitome, and Yusuke.

"Do you feel that?" Toru said.

"Another goddamn vampire," Clyde said. "Something feels different about it."

"Let's not stick around and wait for it," Kitome said. "Not out here."

Clyde nodded then led the way.

He did not know someone stood yards away watching, smiling.

"And the entertainment shall begin. Ooo, I can't wait till he gets here." He wiped the Dean's blood on the back of his red cloak. "That son-of-a-bitch healed too quickly and got away, not that it matters. It bought the time needed for him to miss the emperor."

He chuckled. "Let's see how the Stone unexpected guest. A love rival? Hmm, I should've told the emperor man about that possible harem. Oh well. Entertainment time."

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