In first period, Clyde found himself in a huge dilemma.

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[You have been inflicted with lust and exhaustion.]

His eyes widened as the status effect flooded through him like venom. His horn prepared to show the world that it was a dominating figure, the new tower among towers. The real Mount Everest. The young man snatched warped a spare heavy textbook from his inventory and placed it on his lap. Then he found himself battling against heavy sleep. He considered it too: fuck class, fuck the upcoming test, fuck passing. No…He had to fight it. The professor's lecture was boring anyway, right? There's nothing wrong with resting one's eyes for a bit. Just a quick head-lay and he'd be fine.


Clyde found himself walking on a dark path with walls of stones. Torches lit up the area in what seemed to be five-meter intervals. There was no sky, just a black void of nothing above. Eventually, he approached a table with someone sitting there. Two wooden mugs awaited. A man in a black cloak, hood up, stared at him with glowing purple eyes. The gaze of death. He raised one of the mugs.

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"Care for a drink?" he said. "Life is too short, especially for you and I."

Clyde considered sitting…Who was this man? Why did he feel…so much power radiating from him? A watcher perhaps?

Something felt off about him. Wrong…Wait… Speaking…was a trap.

The man grinned.

"I will find you."

Clyde jolted awake, causing the entire class to look at him. No…they were already staring at him, perhaps for some time now. The professor stood by his desk, glaring.

"Am I boring you?" she said.

He gulped. The boner nor lust hadn't left, hidden by the book.

"No, sorry professor, I—"

"And are you really reading another book in my class?" She reached for it.

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"No, that's not a good idea—I'm just holding it there," he said. The beautiful professor was really close—he so wanted to kiss her, do many, many things to her. That hand missed the book entirely.

Her eyes widened, face flushed, but she quickly composed herself.

"Never mind, I have a better idea," she snapped. "You will stay behind and explain to me why you think sleeping in class during a test review is a good idea." She looked at the class, addressing them. "Is that fair enough? Maybe assign him some extra work?"

The class nodded, not wanting any part of the professor's wrath. She shifted her glare back to Clyde. "Don't fall asleep again. I have high hopes for you. Don't let them crash into the gutter." The professor poked his forehead, smiled warmly, then took her place back at the front of the class. The other students gave apologetic smiles to Clyde, some nodding in sympathy. Fucking great. Embarrassment, like a middle school kid.

"I'm sorry," Chika whispered to him. "I didn't notice you dozing off until she marched over. You never sleep."

"It's not on you," Clyde said. He didn't expect the top student to blow off a lecture, ever, just to keep an eye on someone who should also be paying attention. Even if she was a yandere.

"Why do you have a book in your…." She paused, eyes widening, definitely remembering the day she gave him a private lecture. "I know of a good closet." Chika's lusty gaze appeared. She actually wiped away…drool? "Cramped and—"

"What are you two going on about?" Alice whispered. She was in the seat behind the young man.

"Nothing," Clyde said, covering Chika's mouth. He moved his hand just in time before eyes from other classmates turned to glare at him. Alice stared at him skeptically.

Half an hour later, the professor dismissed the class, but gestured for Clyde to remain. He gulped. She didn't respond as if she'd write him up or whatever they did for punishment at the academy, but that look still played no games.

Alice and Chika didn't budge until the professor's glare struck them like Truck-kun. They gathered their things.

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"See you after classes," Chika said.

"See you next class," Alice said.

"See you," Clyde said, heart hammering. Alice and Chika bent over as if to kiss him, but stopped to eye each other then at the observant professor. A wide-eyed professor.

"Bye," both women said, but the instructor halted them. They gulped.

"Go find the student council president and hand her these," she said, passing over papers to both Alice and Chika. "She's either in the student council room, dean's office, or that one meeting place…I think the Sect room on the top floor. Hurry, hurry. Those papers are important. We've got school events coming up soon."

The school event trope…Clyde would worry about that one when the time came. He couldn't wait to dive back into the realms of athleticism. Well, to be honest, he'd skip the event if it meant nestling between Harumi's…Oh boy, the lust just wouldn't stop.

When Alice and Chika left, the professor locked the door for some reason. Clyde gave her a confused look.

"I don't have a class after this. Now, Clyde, we've got to talk."

"Look, I'm sorry prof—"

"It's Hinako," she interrupted. He took her in, as if seeing the woman for the first time. Long black hair and glistening green eyes, complimented nice curves. Nice breasts. Dressed in a professional blouse and skirt, she still made the no-nonsense look sexy. "No need to be so formal, we're both adults."

Clyde gulped. "Now about this problem." Her hand curled around his horn. "You can't expect for an unmarried woman to not get excited when someone openly expresses to her that she's attractive. My friends make fun of me for being single and living alone. Drunk and workaholic they call me." She pushed away the desk in front of Clyde then straddled him. Hinako undid her hair, allowing it to fall. "Let's get to know each other."

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[Your relationship with Hinako has changed from neutral to friendly- highly sexually interested.]

Clyde's mouth went agape, but the professor only smiled. She began the kissing.


Chika and Alice trotted down the halls, annoyed, not with each other, but with that cow of a processor. She totally blocked them. What a nuisance—she was a thirty-year-old hag who needed to just go away and get married already.

Chika shook her head. She should be getting ravished by Clyde, gliding her fingers around his chest, not running errands. She and Alice spoke their thoughts simultaneously.

"So much for the respect of the top student," Chika said.

"So much for being the heir of the Hades throne," Alice said. They looked at each other then laughed.

Sazuki wasn't in the first two rooms the professor mentioned, so the young women took the stairs to the top floor. Students rarely went up this high due to Administration. The duo located the room far in a back hall.

Chika opened the door and promptly dropped her papers.

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