"Yes! Yes!" Hinako hissed. Clyde held her by the waist as she bounced and twirled. He thrusted upward, meeting her at the dance. Large naked breasts jiggled, slapping his face, quadrupling his erection. The professor responded in kind, briefly smirking and moving her hips in a way that made him consider marrying the woman.

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Who would ever believe he made love to a teacher? Ah well, as if he intended to tell anyone anyway.

Hinako looked him in the eyes as she slowly rotated her hips. Clyde thanked his endurance stat ten times over.

The chair creaked as they sped up again. It could break anytime.

Sweat mixed between the two, shirts and pantyhose were scattered, a picture of wild desires. Her warm insides tightened and so did her hold. Clyde covered her mouth as she came, her sung threatening to pierce the walls. He pulled out and allowed his release to hop, right onto her lip. She licked it without losing eye contact. Clyde unloaded again. It jumped out of the open window.

Hinako giggled as she laid against him.

"You made me feel like a woman again, not a workaholic machine."

She snuggled into him, adorable. His horn rose again, gaining a smirk from the lewd professor.

"Maybe later, but you have class. Let's exchange numbers," she said.

"Sure," Clyde said, pulling out his phone.

[You have exchanged phone numbers with Hinako.]

[Your relationship with Hinako has drastically increased to friend level 8, highly sexually interested. Longing.]

[You have earned the title, Ladies' man. Tsk. Tsk.]

[Warning: Venus, goddess of love and sex has taken a curious interest in you. This is possibly due to the result of your message. Warning! Her attention may be extremely dangerous.]

Hinako grabbed his horn, face full of longing, forcing Clyde to ignore the prompt.

"How much do you care about going to the next class?"

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"Fuck the next class," Clyde said, getting a laugh from his teacher. She mounted him, rotating her hips, while swallowing up the young man's manhood. Hinako was insanely wet! She rocked against him, fast, full of love. She kissed him then licked his neck, clutching onto him. Clyde accepted it all, holding the woman, handling her.

Abruptly, there was a frantic knock on the door. Fortunately, it didn't have a tiny window like some did back on Earth.

The duo quickly dressed and put the desks back in order. Hinako made sure her hair was pinned up again. She adjusted Clyde's shirt like a wife, even kissed him afterward.

Chika burst through the door after Hinako unlocked it and grabbed the young man's arm.

"I need to talk to you."

"What's going on here?" Hinako said with a professor's assertive voice.

"We found Sazuki, our friend, unconscious and bleeding in that sect room," Chika snapped.

"Take me to her!" Hinako said, her voice nearly panicky. "Did you call the police? Get an ambulance. I'll have to notify the dean of this incident. The attacker may still be around."

"Fuck," Clyde said, and they all scrambled up the stairs. He knew Alice would've healed her in a flash. There was a reason why they made a scene.

Upon arrival to the room, they spotted a furious Sazuki ranting to Alice. Her neck had a large bandage on it.

"Sazuki—dear god." Hinako rushed over to her. "What's going on? Let's get you to the hospital."

"No! I WILL NOT let this be covered up," Sazuki snarled. "I got him! I fucking got him! I set up a camera days ago in every room he meets me in. Thinks he can run my life, hold my scholarship against me." She looked at the ruined bookcase, then collapsed to her knees, crying. Clyde saw why. The room was a fucking mess—as if…. two people were fighting. A struggle? The camera was shattered to pieces.

"Sazuki, who are you talking about?" Clyde asked, but he already had a suspect. One man ran out that morning. One man Sazuki talked about during their meetings.

"The dean…he attacked me…" her eyes suddenly widened. "With some kind of force…he's not human."

"We have to take you to the hospital," Hinako said. "Call the police. How fucking dare, he do this to a student! I will see him in prison…You must have a concussion, speaking that way." She was already dialing the number, pacing back and forth. "No wonder why his office is dark. He's not here. He left! And left you in that condition."

"The camera may be broken, but the memory card inside should still be intact," Clyde said. "We've got all the proof we ne—"

Suddenly, a crack emerged in the ceiling then shattered into a large hole. Someone leapt through, surrounded with fiery black aura.

"Akito?" Chika said with widened eyes. "W—what is going on?"

The tall man with white hair and grey eyes scanned the room before turning back to Chika. Hinako was back into corner, terrified. She started to dial the police again. Her phone never lit. In a nearly invisible move, the man sliced it in two without even looking in her direction.

"So, you're gifted and a part of his group, huh? To think such a poor excuse for a group…no, you didn't do this. He did." He gave Clyde a look of utter hatred. "You will be pay in blood for what you did to my clan. No one humiliates us."

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"Clan? Akito what—"

Clyde blocked backhand that almost collided with the silver-haired girl.

"Your father had no idea he was trying to marry you off to some measly vampire," Clyde said. "A dead vampire."

"Measly vampire?" Akito barked. "MEASLY VAMPIRE? You dare belittle me, worm? I am the greatest, I am the top of all food chains. I am the emperor!"

Clyde snarled.

"A dead emperor," he snapped. "Raising a hand to Chika, fucking bloodsucker."

Hinako fainted. A trembling Sazuki attending her, eyes full of horror.

"The dean's a vampire too," Alice said. "The wounds in her neck—I didn't even think of bite marks."

"I don't understand," Chika said to the vampire emperor. "You…you just don't know when to back off, do you?"

"I will have you, Chika, an obedient flower you'll be, and my empress," Akito said. "Your father loves my business offers too much to let opportunity slip in favor of a rival."

"No," Chika said. "I bet you used some kind of vampire charm on him."

"The charm of money," Akito said. "I do not need some lowly trick to get my way. Now…"

Clyde warped his sword from his inventory just in time to block Akito's insanely fast strike. If it wasn't for his mystic abilities, he would've been much slower to react. To make up for the thirty-five defense point loss due to the shitty sleep, he invoked mystic wrath.

It was time to depose this fucking emperor.


The red-cloaked figure watched through the hole in the roof, stealthed, chuckling.

"That emperor's going to murder him to bits! Bits, bits, bits. The Stone truly has no idea why the vampire emperor is feared. Hehehe. Entertainment indeed."

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[Natalia has entered combat!]

Natalia walked toward the snarling vampire king, impassive look in her eyes. His clothes were torn. Burn marks and dirt and bruises littered him. It was time to finish a worm that escaped her some time ago. And to think he hid in this city. He dared believe himself to be her equal? To be greater than her? This leech went under the radar too long without being put down.

"You brat! I will gut you, bitchling!" he said, spittle raining from his mouth.

[Hector activated Bronze tier skill: Unrestrained level 0 blast.]

As the beam of deadly black magic started for her, Natalia held up a hand in its path.


The magic collided with her fingers, gathering, until it formed a shimmering energy ball as dark as midnight.

"This is what you were going to hurl at my Clyde?" Natalia said then laughed. "This weak stuff? Here, take it back."

[Natalia's reflect activated.]

Hector didn't stand there, but the grazing couldn't be avoided.

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[Hector's HP has dropped to 34%]

Natalia gave the pitiful so-called vampire king a cruel grin.

"I foretold what you did to that poor girl. It's very rare when foretelling comes to me, but I need to get to the others before it is too late. The foretelling you see, showed me your crazy emperor. To think he was the one Chika's father tried to marry off her to all along. I bet the poor girl's shocked. Bloodsuckers."

"Enough! I will not let you insult my emperor."

[Hector activated--]

[Natalia activated Void tier skill: Swallow into oblivion.]

A giant hand made of void and darkness and every ounce of fear imaginable, erupted from the ground, liquid grey death spilling off it. With one impossibly fast motion, it took hold of the vampire king.

"It's been a while since I've got to use this one," Natalia said then giggled. "And you will not be around to squeal on me. Ta-ta."

Hector yelled and bucked as the hand dragged him down into the abyss. The portal closed behind them. His howls of agony still echoed through the air.

[Natalia ended the battle.]

"Too easy," Natalia said then hurried off. The girl just hoped that she wouldn't be too late. Her Lady Alice went to that school. She loved the others, but valued Alice above them all. She and Tear took her in during childhood. She owed her life…

If that stupid bloodsucking emperor hurt her, Natalia would rain heaven and hell on him.

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