Akito, Vampire Emperor of Lot City

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Level: 109

Type: Monster

Work under: N/A

Special: Silver tier skill: Vampire's Scepter [Inflicts Colossal demon damage. Chance to cause poison and agony at 50%]

Weakness: none.

Resistances: none.

Secret: he is part vampire, part incubus (a lost race.)

[You have challenged the great vampire emperor…]

[This has been noted by someone of higher power…]

[Your party has entered a Boss fight!]

[Akito has exerted incubus pressure!]

[You have resisted! All people in this room have been inflicted with lust.]

"Ugh! What's happening," Chika said, wobbling, face flushed. Alice fell to a knee, seeming to struggle with herself, her hands trembling.

Akito snorted, rushing Clyde. The young man parried the vampire's sword, but the force it emitted blasted a mystic wrath-covered Clyde backward. His back hit the wall, causing it to crack.

Chika…somehow spawned a kitchen knife from nothingness, plunging it in Akito's chest. Clyde didn't let her strike go unaided.

[You activated Tier 2 skill: Neptune's water edge.]

[You activated Mystic lightning.]

[Akito's HP has dropped to 435%]

Akito took the magic without budging, his face expressing disinterest as he simply pulled out the knife.

[Akito activated Untold Flash Strike.]

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Clyde saw just an explosion of knuckles and the afterimage of a sword that slashed across his chest. He hit the wall harder this time and it gave in. Concrete wasn't something that the young man enjoyed feeling in particular. He groaned, on his back, in the middle of the hall.

[Your HP has dropped to 170%]

[Remember, if anyone dies, that's it. And for you, it is worse if a rival god catches your soul. You will likely be tortured for an eternity, desu.]

Clyde snarled. Now the system told him that? Automatic Hell, even for the Stone. Clyde picked himself up.

[Alice activated All Calm.]

[Alice activated Targeted raid ender.]

[Akito activated Gieshin magic shield.]

Clyde charged back into the room, Ludacris in hand. He thrusted it forward. Akito still parried.

[Akito activated Side of three faces.]

[Alice activated Slip distraction.]

Akito blinked, giving the party the chance needed to home in a good old-fashioned ass-kicking. Or so they thought. The vampire emperor suddenly jumped through the hole in the roof. Clyde wondered how he did that without even so much as bending his knees. Anime logic.

"This school is a distraction," were his parting words.

That alarmed Clyde. And so did the flashing red prompt.


[Stone Duty! Objective: evacuate the campus. Time limit: 15 minutes. Failing this will result in instant death: game over.]

Clyde only gave himself a half-second to flinch before allowing his team-lead mind to take over.

"Wake her up now. We've got to get everyone off this fucking campus."

The idea came to Clyde like Eureka. He's from Earth. Earthlings had a sick sense of humor. "Chika, what's this school's phone number? Hurry."

Alice shook the professor rapidly. Sazuki looked confused.

[Time: 14 minutes remaining….]


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"Akito's going to blow the school up—I know of a way to hasten the evacuation. Don't argue, give me the number now," Clyde said. His head ranged.

[Your intellect has increased by 2 points.]

He was sure mischievousness played a role in thinking of the idea. Chika gave him the number without further argument and he made the call. The administration wasted no time answering. Clyde wouldn't put it past them to maintain a reputation of being the fastest phone call receivers. For a good measure, the young man dashed to the nearest fire alarm and activated it.

"There's a bomb in the school. Get everyone the fuck out! Hurry! This is no joke!"

The woman on the other line squealed then soon, the announcement blasted louder than the fire alarm. He hung up, gesturing for the others to follow. Hinako's face nearly turned blue.

[Time limit: 10 minutes.]

"Four minutes passed? Bullshit," Clyde muttered. The clock was definitely trying to kill him. Aloud, he said, "you guys go ahead, I've got to make sure everyone's moving. Go, go!"

[Party loyalty has triggered. Any companion in the area will be notified. Bonus stats will be awarded to them if they're able to provide assistance.]

Clyde would've used Flash step to speed up the search, but couldn't risk running out of MP. He did turn off his Mystic wrath, relying on his speed stat. He felt a tug on his shirt. Alice. He opened his mouth with an order on his tongue, but the half-demoness beat him to the words.

"Don't tell me to go out with the others," she said. "I'm with you always."

[Time limit: 7 minutes.]

Clyde nodded and the two banged on doors and shouted without stopping. Students were still pouring through the halls. Fortunately, the number thinned significantly due to their efforts and of course the fire alarm.

[Talent, main character stuff. Eyes through Servant.]

In his head, he saw everything Maki saw. She and the students were getting as far away from the school as possible. Police also lurked around the area but not closer than necessary. One of them appeared to be looking up at something in horror. The image snapped off.

[Let it be known that using this skill has established a kind of intimacy with Maki.]

[Your relationship with Maki has changed to sex slave.]

[Time limit: 5 minutes.]

Oh what the hell system? Clyde thought.

Floors two and three were secure. The first floor, however, turned out to be a nightmare. With less than five minutes on the clock, some of the idiots refused to leave, calling the threat, fake. Some went back for valuables. An academy…rich kids—of course.

"This isn't a joke, we've got to go," Clyde shouted, but it was no use. Some of the students had the audacity to wave away his protests. One even flipped the young man off. Clyde almost socked the fuckface, but time wasn't on his side.

[Time limit: 3 minutes.]

"Fuck, this is bullshit," he said, forcing himself not to hyperventilate. "I'm going to die with them."

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That's when Chika's voice sounded over the intercom. To him, it was the voice of an angel.

"Stop being stubborn idiots and use your head. Did you really make it into this academy because you sure aren't being smart. Take the advice from your top student. Get moving—get out of the building now! It's going to explode. Anyone not out within a minute will be expelled. I already have the permissions."

Never in his life had Clyde saw a building empty itself so fast. That's when he heard Chika grunt over the intercom.

"My ankle…"

[Time limit: 2 minutes.]

No. He wouldn't lose her again. Even if the system didn't lock him in an all or nothing mission, he still wouldn't.

"Alice, make sure everyone's out. Use your full demon speed, I want you out of this place in less than a minute. Get as far away as possible. Don't argue."

His life mate nodded. She almost melted when he kissed her. And in an amazing blur, she was off.

Clyde wished Jump worked for short distances—this wouldn't be a problem at all if it did. Fucking magic. It made no sense.

He flash stepped to the first floor's administration office—the sole place where announcements were broadcasted. Chika cursed repeatedly as she limped.

"How hard is it for them to keep this place nice and tidy?" she muttered. "And now I'm going to die because of it."

[Time limit: 1 minute!]

"No you won't," Clyde said. Her eyes lit up and even more as he hefted her into a princess carry. "Hang on tight."

He didn't have to go terribly far, but Clyde wasn't dumb enough to take any chances. He flash stepped the hell out of the building. He immediately spotted his party, meters away, gathered in a secluded circle. He used his own speed stat at this point—so students were about to see and cheer him on as he got Chika to safety.

[Objective complete! Success! Reward: 200,000 EXP and 30,000 dollars.]

[Balance: $ 8,681,400.]

[Your relationship with Chika has dramatically increased to beloved.]

[Chika has fallen head over heels in love with you.]

She snuggled against her hero as they approached the others. They had grim faces.

"Look above the school," Toru said. "Everyone can see it."

Clyde looked where they pointed, and his mouth dropped. Akito hovered a few meters over the academy, one hand held in the air. A giant pink energy ball floated above that hand. This ordeal reminded the young man of Frieza from Dragon Ball Z or even Majin Buu. The crazy vampire truly planned to ruin the lives of many students who worked hard to get into the academy.

"Has anyone actually tried to stop him?" Clyde said.

"None of our magic could budge him," Harumi said. "He's warded himself somehow."

"Shit. Harumi, could you heal Chika?" the young man said.

"Awe, I was just starting to get conformable," the silver-haired girl said.

Clyde checked his MP.

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[MP: 49%]

It was regenerating, but not fast enough. What could he do to stop fucking Dr. Evil up there?

"I'm here!"

Natalia hugged Alice then leapt onto Clyde's shoulders. None of the students around seemed to notice nor care. All eyes were on the insane flying vampire with a giant energy ball.

"I don't suppose you can do anything about that," Clyde said, pointing at Akito.

The loli actually licked his ear, causing the young man to flinch. "Could you not get me thrown in prison? There are cops, right there."

"We're both adults," Natalia said softly in his ear. "And I will have you. That's a promise. Anyway! Leave it to me. But you'll have to fight-fight-fight!"

Clyde sighed, purging his mind of her "promise." He briefly considered crafting a system that would automatically call the cops when she went perverted-loli on him.

"Do it." He turned to the others. "I need just a few of you to come with me. Everyone one else, keep an eye on the school." Alice walked over to him before the young man could call names. He looked at Chika. "Rest that ankle. Harumi will stay behind to assist you."

The silver-haired girl looked as if she wanted to put up an argument, but decided he was right. "Melody." She gave a start when he called her.

"I'd love to help," the redhead said as she cheerfully bounded next to him. Her radiated charisma no longer affected the young man.

"Toru, let's go."

He nodded.

"What about me?" Seth said.

"Maybe if you stop dying your hair blond, maybe," Toru said, soliciting a glare from the man.

"Watch over the school with Harumi," Clyde said. "We don't need too many people up there."

Seth nodded.

"Stake him."

Clyde, Alice, Toru, and Melody versus Akito, emperor of the vampires. A fight right in front of everyone. Ah well, the young man thought.

[Natalia activated Silver tier skill: Magical breach!]

"Okay you can get off me now," Clyde said.

"Hehe, no can do," Natalia said. "Wherever you go, I follow. Besides, you need me, and you know it."

The crazy loli's magic actually snuffed out Akito's. Even distantly, Clyde could see the surprise on his face. The students frantically murmured among themselves. The cops wondered if it was safe to proceed, but probably changed their minds since the vampire still hovered in midair.

"I'm not going to carry you there," he said. "Do you know what it would look like?"

Natalia hopped down.

"You're no fun. And here I put on this nice black skirt just for you."

"Enough," Alice said. "Let's get him before he tries to charge another one."

Natalia made a pouty face.

"As you wish, Highness," she said.

Clyde and his party took off, ignoring the urging people behind them. The truth of magic was going to be revealed this day. Students surely recorded this on their phones, maybe live-streamed. Skeptics would call it hoaxed. But there were too many witnesses.

"It's dangerous."

"What are you doing?"

"Hey you crazy kids, back here!"

"Listen to the officer."

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