[Your party has entered a Boss fight, phase 2!]

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[Akito's HP: 435%]

Clyde and the others met Akito, eye to eye on the rooftop of the academy, watched by the school. The vampire looked down then softly laughed.

"Humankind shall witness. Demons, monsters, and those of the dark will come out of hiding—we run most of this world anyway. It is ours!"

[Akito activated Silver tier skill: Vampire's Scepter.]

Clyde put up a Spirit shield as the purple magic collided against it.

[You have been inflicted with poison.]

[You have been damaged by poison! Stats down!]

[Your HP has dropped to 140%]

Clyde felt a wave of dizziness hit him, but as quickly it came, it went.

[Alice activated All calm!]

[All party members restore 20% HP , 20% HP, cure of all status effects, including hunger and thirst.]

[You have been cured of poison.]

[Your HP has increased to 160%]

Akito's eyes widened.

"That shouldn't be curable. No unless. You have angel blood."

[Toru invoked Zen Mode.]

[Natalia activated Princess Dire Spiral.]

Akito leapt out of the path of the magic. Clyde lunged forward, delivering a swift roundhouse kick that connected to the vampire's chest. He followed up the combo with precise punches that connected. He also remembered that he…had a skill that could recharge his MP. Long cooldown, but worth it.

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[You activated Power up.]

Aura surrounded him as he felt his strength return. A wind breezed out of nowhere ruffling his clothes as he finished charged. Fortunately, Toru and Melody engaged the vampire emperor, buying Clyde the time he needed.

[Your MP has increased to 80%]

[Your speed and attack has been boost by 2%]

[Melody activated Psychic rush.]

[Toru activated Light barrage.]

[Alice activated Targeted Radiant raid ender.]

[Akito activated Gieshin magic shield.]

Akito's glowing red barrier blocked all of the magic. He raised a hand into the air, gathering what seemed to be fire and lightning.

"We shouldn't leave them out of it, right?" He tilted his head at the crowd of onlookers.

"No you fucking don't!" Clyde said, but it was too late.

[Akito activated Bronze tier skill: Vampiric wyvern breath.]

"Heads up!" Clyde yelled, feeling that it was hopeless. They didn't know the first clue about magic.

[Do you wish to order Maki to block the attack with Ki?]

Clyde selected yes. Maki lurched into action like a ninja, blue Ki surrounding her. She thrusted both hands forward. Yusuke rushed to her side in ninja form. No one seemed to recognize him. Kitome reframed from transforming, not willing to let the school see her in magical girl getup. Maki and Yusuke put up a giant glass-like magic shield that hovered at least a dozen feet from the civilians. They didn't stop there. The duo double-layered it.

<Maki channeled Shield of the spirit dragon.>

[Yusuke activated Ninja Art: fire shield.]

Maki channeled a plethora of Ki, which formed into a translucent-blue Chinese dragon. Yusuke's enhanced the effect surrounded it with magical flames. Akito's magic collided with it.

"Fools! You can't stop the wyvern's breath."

"What the hell are you idiots waiting for, run!" Kitome barked. "Fucking run!"

They scattered. Maki and Yusuke together struggled, holding the magic.

Alice invoked the summon for her father's sword from nothingness. A brief flicker of light and electricity brought it from a spiritual state to solidity. Akito tried fire magic at her with his free hand.

[Akito activated Hell shot.]

Alice dodged, Melody at her side also dodging. Natalia continued a chant for what Clyde knew was going to be the show stopper. To think she fought for him. He made that a mental note as he prepared to launch his own attack. The vampire emperor suddenly stopped his magical assault and ran, but not before Alice plunged her sword into his gut, then pulled it free, drawing blood. Melody…blasted him with a lot of purple magic. Clyde felt the psychic element within that.

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[Akito's HP has dropped to 395%]

He leapt from rooftop to rooftop. Clyde dashed ahead of the others to chase him.

"What a fucking cowardly emperor," he snapped. Akito didn't speak, just continued to his rooftop leaping.

"Every ninja and samurai anime," Clyde said. He let it soak in that he may be a part of this forever. Not a bad trade. Why was he so eager to go home again? Oh—unfamiliar plane of existence and no friends. Never being exposed to real magic, he was scared. Now he looked forward to every single day.

"Wait for us," Alice said, though she had no trouble catching up. When it came to being OP, the half-demoness was at the top of his list. Natalia and the others were close behind. "I think he wanted to disrupt all attack charging."

"Possible, but he could've just launched himself at the loli-bait," Clyde said. "No…he's up to something crazy. Fuck, he's fast."

[Akito's speed stat is 205. Your speed is 140 + the 2% boost. You will not easily catch him.]

Clyde continued to chase anyway, not caring. The vampire wanted them to follow. After minutes of chasing, Akito suddenly leapt to the top of a fucking water tower.

[Akito activated Void tier skill: Dark exchange.]

[Akito has changed the water inside the tower into lava.]

He smiled then his voice boomed loud, everywhere and nowhere, magically. The young man was sure everyone could hear.


There were screams as the tower started to crack. He would really mass-kill an enormous amount of innocents. Clyde snarled with utter bitterness then stood tall, closed his eyes, inhaled, then let out a breath. When he opened his eyes, they glowed. White aura surrounded him, hugging.

"To think he can use void magic," Natalia said. "I won't have enough time to stop that. I suggest we—Clyde what are you doing?"

[Warning! You do not have access to this system.]

"I've had enough of this," Clyde said. If he was the main character, the Stone, shouldn't he be able to save people for once? Sure, he didn't think of himself as some hero of justice or anything lame of the sort, but dammit, if he's going to have access to powers that made no sense, LET HIM!

Mist poured oozed from his mouth like a freezing winter day. "Stand back." He took aim. "Let me show you what it's like to freeze lava."

"Go, go, go!" Natalia cheered.

"This power," Melody whispered. "How are you generating it? Are you not sealed?"

[You activated Unknown tier skill: Pluto's Ice- Solar System's Fury!]

Clyde's hand shimmered, allowing the pain of the strain to rattle his bones, but he clenched his teeth and released the spell. This was supposed to be Blizzard, but like before, it evolved whenever he touched the power. He hoped he didn't have to rely on it before getting the proper training—the strain hurt like a bitch—but life sometimes gave one no choices.


He'd not only embrace this life. Clyde would stop holding back. This world is home now, not earth. Of course, that wouldn't stop the gods from sending him back after he beat the Viper.

[Oh really, desu? Embracing this life? Then marry those girls. You have god tier skills of unimaginable abilities awaiting if you do. It is time you realize that you are no mere mortal.]

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Strange prompt, asking him to become some kind of harem master. How would he even begin to manage so many women? This wasn't possible for any man…or was it. Maybe he'd have to become more than just a man. Yet…he loved Alice above all. No…not just Alice, Chika held a chunk of his heart. Who else would leak inside, if not already? Harumi. Tear? Melody?

Clyde released the magic. As the tower opened to pour liquid death, it froze. Akito managed to leap to a nearby rooftop in time.

"You won't get away, dickhead," Clyde said, chasing. "Natalia flank right, Alice, left. Use targeted skills to lure him toward me. Melody do not let him get far ahead. Toru continue the circle with a raining blast. Fight hand to hand if you must."

"Right!" everyone said then fanned.

Clyde found a decent spot and watched it unfold. He let go of the power to give his bones some rest. His party put out one hundred ten percent, but they also took heavy damage engaging the emperor. Well, Natalia took no damage. Crafty witch kept a careful distance.

[Alice's HP: 43%]

[Toru's HP: 19%]

[Melody's HP: 46%]

[Natalia's HP: 100%]

[Akito's HP: 239%]

Akito realized the trap way too late. Clyde invoked mystic wrath, hands aimed. No more doubts. Besides, he really did like this world.


[Clyde activated his special attack. Tier 1 skill: Omen's desolation!]

He blasted what seemed liked like miles of black and white and lightning magic onto the emperor. Akito's mouth opened to scream but nothing came out. He…was the fried emperor. The dusted emperor. Ashes.

[Super-critical! Akito's HP has dropped to 0% ]

[Battle completed. Victory! Reward: 2 million EXP and 2 million dollars.]

[Congratulations, you've reached levels 69 and 70.]

[You've earned the title, Tactician. Working together with your party members to overcome higher level enemies is how things should be done.]

[Quest completed! And for defeating Chika's bane, secret quest completed! You will receive something better than a wooden chest!]

A golden chest appeared in front of Clyde. Loot! He and his party members gathered around. His party nodded at him, confirming first dibs. Gold and diamonds were the least of his desires—they were plentiful in the chest. He gestured for his party to start digging. Melody simply looked baffled.

"This kind of thing may happen when we kill a powerful enemy with our leader around," Toru said to her.

Clyde pulled out a staff. It looked incredibly fancy, deck with embedded rubies and emeralds. Symbols that resembled hieroglyphics spiraled around it. The top of it was in the shape of a star. Pure gold.

[You have found the Staff of Hopes. Item class: epic.]

He warped that baby to his inventory. Something to tinker with later.

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[You have found the Exquisite Necklace of Hopes. Item class: epic. Unknown ability, fitting for such a beautifully crafty necklace.]

Clyde placed the necklace around Alice's neck without a second thought. He almost surprised himself. She lit up and threw her arms around his neck. Melody and Natalia glared at him. The joy he felt through his life mate's bond made the fight worth it.

[You have found 2 Sex potions.]

Clyde sighed and warped them to his inventory. Except they wouldn't go.

[You cannot store these in your inventory.]

Annoyed, he passed them off to Melody without thinking.

"Just toss them in the fridge or something when we."

He claimed some cash and jewels, which could be used to craft complicated items.

Abruptly, a cheer erupted. Clyde and the others looked below from the shop rooftop to see an enormous crowd of people gathered.

"Team Stone!" Toru yelled.

"Team Stone! Team Stone! Team Stone!"

Clyde glared at him.

"I'm sure the Viper would love to know of my location," he said.

"I'd expect this from Seth, but you?" Alice said.

Toru smiled apologetically.

"It doesn't matter. The entire fight was recorded on the news anyway."

Clyde sighed.

"Well, it's nice to be thanked. Wrap it up with the chest because it will disappear once I take off."

The crowd cheered louder when Clyde waved. His classmates were there too. He caught Harumi's eye contact. The beautiful young woman smiled and waved. Long-lived the Vampire Emperor. Oh, wait, long-lived the king. But…who was the king? The dean? Where'd he go? Natalia hopped on his shoulders and waved at the crowd.

She whispered into Clyde's ear,

"Onii-chan, I love you."

Clyde considered sending the munchkin crowd surfing.

"Why do you torment me?" he said. "Anyway, let's get the hell out of here. Who's up for a buffet after this."

His party raised their hands, hooting.


The observant red-cloaked being, actually impressed, nodded.

"Yes indeed, he's the one. I shall report back to the Stone Maidens. They will be pleased that I finally found him. They'll probably drag him back to the palace and claim to be guiding him to fight the Viper. Not even the Stone can do much against thirteen of them. Hmmm, I wonder what I'm going to buy with my new reward. Ooo, I know—sushi! Lots and lots of sushi." He cackled, standing only four feet tall. "I wonder if the dark elves will let me eat there. Annoying kinks…beautiful though. As long as they're not cracking that whip…" He shrugged. "Such a good fight. The cocky maidens may think they're using me…"

He made the Jump, cheerful. Accomplishments, accomplishments.

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