Wednesday. Week 4. Month 1. Year 1. Season: Autumn. Last week of the month…

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Clyde shut off his annoying alarm, but as he prepared to sit up, the young man felt…both of his arms being held. He really looked this time, noticing that on one side of him was Chika and Alice on the other.

Suddenly, Mortem blinked into existence, arms folded, floating in an area, a good distance away. There was a dark imprint on his face, suspiciously in the place where Clyde remembered delivering a well-deserved time-traveling kick. The bat-like tiny man still wore his trademark suit and tie, though instead of the assholey sharky grin, that face expressed business. And tired eyes.

Chika and Alice awoke, eyes wide at the unwelcomed visitor. Clyde held up a hand. He was also glad that he already told them everything.

"Well mortal, you've made quite the accomplishments," he said, his voice holding the usual condescending edge. "And you must deal with the consequences, but I'm sure you know that. The magic that prevented normal people from interacting with hostile supernatural events, magic, and beings has been erased by one of the watchers. We don't know who did it, but now the world is about to change. For the worst or the better is up to you." He waved his hand, causing a transparent screen to appear in front of them. It revealed the local news.

From Clyde and his friends battling for the city, to the magic, Akito's words, to academy security footage of the young man and the others evacuating the school and even the cheering at the end—tales of the event spread like wildfire. The title at the bottom of the screen read: Saved by Team Stone, but Who are They?

The screen flickered to another news channel: Hoax, Terrorists, or Something this World Has Never Experienced?

"You get the point." Mortem made the translucent object vanish. "Don't give me that look, I am just a messenger and still your guide, to my utmost misfortune. You have my first master acting like a horny, giddy schoolgirl. You'd question if she actually lived thousands of years, I tell you." He folded his arms. "Now listen because I'm not repeating myself. There are rules everywhere, even for your precious Earth. They are usually enforced by the universe or what you know as the system, some even call it nature. Although Mother Nature is another story. She…Never mind. Some watchers may start forsaking these rules. This is a warning from my first master. Not sure why she's obsessed with the system disruptor." He took a moment to glare daggers at Clyde. "Now as much as it pains me for giving you this warning, I'm only doing this for the universe's safety. Do not start any kind of romance with my first master. Do not let her into your…hare—your group, no have sex or even so much as make contact with her. She's dangerous. Very dangerous. You may be one of the most powerful deities in the making, but she's been one for millennia. There's no telling what…" He stopped. "Just don't make my job harder than it already is."

Mortem gave Clyde one last glare before vanishing.

"Holy hell, what the hell was that?" Chika said.

"That was Mortem," Clyde said. "And holy fuck he just dropped a ball." He strained not to react to how she stroked his horn beneath the covers.

Alice snapped out of her trance.

"So just pops into reality like that? Anytime?"

"Normally, he freezes time, making himself completely invisible to anyone he chooses," Clyde said. "I wonder why didn't this oh—"

He eyed the silver-haired girl, who smiled innocently. She wiped her hand on the underside of the blanket. Alice gave her a blank stare, then snuggled into her life mate.

"We'll discuss Mortem's warning later, with everyone," Alice said. "Who else is glad that classes are canceled until Friday?"

"We still have to take exams," Chika said. She gave Clyde a lecturing look. "I'll be doubling up private lessons on you, mister. You too Alice."

Alice harrumphed anime-girl style.

"You humans—I'll take that number one spot from you."

Chika grinned.

"You can try, but I'm number one for a reason."

They both began to bicker, one-upping each other on scores and who would tutor the young man.

"You know, I was number one at my college back on Earth," Clyde said.

"You stay out of this!" they simultaneously snapped.

"You lis—"

A loud knock on the door interrupted Clyde's return quip.

"Master Clyde learn to be a prize and stay quiet," Yuki called from the other side. Another knock.

"Open up, pervy nii-chan—it's morning! Good morning! What kind of lewds are you hiding in there," Natalia said.

Clyde laid back.

"She really loves messing with me, doesn't she?"

Alice smirked.

"More than you ever know."

"I think it's cute," Chika said.

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"Now don't you start adoring it," Clyde said.

"Breakfast is ready, you can't sleep all day or you'll make a certain pink-haired girl who helped cry," Yuki said. "In the meantime, I'll take the runt into the dining room."

"Hey! Let me go—you booby-monster! Cow! Booby-pingas. Booby…"

The protesting died off as Yuki kept true to her word.

When Clyde rose to shower, the women did too.

"How many news crews do you think we'll have to deal with?" he said.

His phone buzzed. Naomi, his favorite journalist. Tsk, tsk. She wouldn't get her scoop for free out of him. He wiped away a tiny nosebleed. This world had poisoned the young man.

The shower was a challenge, as the teasing felt endless.

There were two sinks in the large bathroom with Clyde and Alice's toothbrushes, toothpaste. Chika's things were added to the mix, though she shared a sink with Alice. They both agreed on that much—not that it stopped her teases or borderline acts. The half-demoness sounded reluctant being the one to remind them that people were waiting.

The trio dressed in casual clothing and headed down to see that the entire party was present.

"Look who finally joined the rest of us," Kitome said, smiling.

"Good morning," Harumi said.

"I see someone had a nice sleep," Toru said. Fumi, to Clyde's surprise, was present, smiling warmly. The slime girl was well-liked by everyone—kind as Harumi. She currently wore her human form.

"You're a celebrity dude," Seth said.

"He says he's got girls and a certain toad girl dialing him up," Kitome said. "Freaking monster girl lovers."

Yusuke laughed.

"I suppose I can't talk."

Kitome sniffed.

"Jealous humans will be jealous," Tear said as she walked over to Clyde. Kitome stared angrily at her breasts. Her eyes narrowed when Tear squeezed them against the young man during the hug. And looked at her.

"It's not fair," she said. "Yuki, milk please."

Yuki grinned, allowing hers to jiggle. She was in a French maid outfit, despite Clyde's protests.

"Never mind, I'll get my own." Kitome stormed off, daring the demoness to stop her from going into the kitchen. Everyone laughed.

This was a moment Clyde could relive forever. His party was his family in this world.


Ming shook her head, briefly glaring at her companions. She rested her head on her hands, feeling useless.

"I don't know if he's interested in the world star fragments." She said in a defeated voice. "I'm such a failure at being his prophet."

"No, you're not," Tyrone said. "Had you not erected a barrier over the city, it would've been destroyed by that weird weather. Just call him. Unless you no longer intend to pursue your childish dream of becoming his wife."

Han laughed, but cut short at Ming's dual-colored glower.

"I will be his wife," Ming said. "It will just take some time. I'm over the shock of having to share him."

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"Fuck that guy," Peng said.

"Someone's jealous," Zack said.

"Don't you start, ice-lover," Peng said. "I'll match you up with Sazuki if you want."

"Oh, fuck off—I don't like cold-hearted bit—"

"Chill," Tyrone snapped. "Anyway Ming, tomorrow, you will call and tell him everything. You have the power to detect objects that could help, right? World star fragments and omen's spheres, whatever."

"I can detect a general location," Ming said. "Neko and Ako are more specific, but they're bound by their clan rules."

"Pretty sure Neko breaks them every now and then," Tyrone said.

"Ako's so…strict," Han said.

"She says she follows the way of the samurai," Ming said.

"Catgirl samurai," Peng said. "Bizarre."

"I don't care what she is as long you're the one entering her lands and not us," Zack said. "I'm still weirded out that monsters and magic are real and what was on the news."

"This is why she needs to get off her ass and help him," Tyrone said. "What was it that you foresaw? That if the Stone lost, the Viper would kill everyone in all worlds but his own."

"Yes," Ming said. "He comes from a bloodthirsty world of powerful world of warriors. They're espers. Everyone's death will be his "gift" to the gods that brought him here against his will. He also just enjoys killing."

"This is basically the fault of the gods then," Peng said. "Fan-fucking-tastic."

Tyrone shook his head.

"We will either sit here and complain or save the world."

"Damn right," Peng said. "And get Ming her husband or she'll cry."

Ming tossed her pillow at her insolent companion.


A Forest….

[Warning! You are being confronted with unimaginable power.]

[Warning! Consider a tactical retreat.]

[You have entered a Maxed Death Sentence!]

[You have been challenged by the Viper. Prepare yourself.]

[The pressure of the power is impossible to withstand!]

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[You have entered PVP combat!]

[Life and Death! Survive!]

Tessa glared in defiance at the monster that walked toward her, his pace unhurried. The young woman held her sword in a death grip, trembling. She could not understand how her motherfucking day turned out so motherfucking bad. The townspeople were about to crown her queen! Then HE showed up, even killed her guide. Now she truly was stuck in this world.

Covered in bruises and wounds, the woman saw Death incarnate. Glowing purple eyes from a hood as dark as the deepest void. A smiling man who enjoyed fighting to the point of insanity.

"You know, I'd never harm a lady, not usually," the accursed Viper said. "But you know what event you've intruded on. You knew the risk and really, running into me was just bad luck. I let the Leaf escape but when I catch him, he'd be a better fight. And you, I could've let go had you accepted the drink with me. Tossing it in my face and talking down on me with such arrogance. You think being royalty will put you above me?"

Tessa stepped back when the Viper teleported right in front of her.

"Why…why are you doing this?" she said.

"Put up a better fight," he said. "I know He and I can't be the only ones with immense power."

It took Tessa an entire second of flying backward to realize she was backhanded. "Come on, you are the Wind. Call upon your stores."

Tessa snarled.

"I won't take this!"

[Tessa invoked Raging Storm Mode.]

The clouds above instantly gathered into a fierce hurricane. She aimed both hands at the monster.

[Tessa activated Silver Tier skill: Wind goddess's kiss.]

Green magic and lightning erupted from her like the blast of a cannon. This was a killing move. No one could survive it. Not even this monster.

The Viper sighed as the magic went through him without even so much as rustling his cloak.

"You disappoint me," he said. "I let one escape, but that is not something I will repeat. On your honor, prepare yourself."

Tessa's eyes widened.

"No please," she whimpered. "I didn't do anything! Why should I have to die?"

"You are what you are," the Viper said as he approached her. "Fight till your last breath."

Tessa rushed, swinging her blade with brilliance. A technique of a master swordswoman. With a single pinky, the Viper blocked each strike with no effort. Strikes that have been known to slice giant mountains in half.

"That's a good girl," the Viper said, voice full of mirth. "I shall remember you over a nice, cold drink."

He flicked her forehead. The contact with his fingers spiraled her three hundred yards backward at hundreds of miles of an hour.

Tessa hit many trees, snapped them in two as she flew backward, destined to die. She…would really die. Her poor guide…beheaded so cruelly. And now her fate... The Viper…was not possible to kill. She'd be paying for it.

She was given a new life and this fucking monster took it away… Tears welled into her eyes.

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Do not give in, girl.

The feminine voice filled all of Tessa, from her soul to her breath, to her very essence. That voice…so much beauty and love and lust. A holy voice, one that contained mischief and what it means to be a highborn woman. A voice of a queen and a princess and…something vast.

I will place you elsewhere, but in return, you will serve… Do you agree?

"Yes, please help me, I don't want to die," Tessa just barely managed to cry, still airborne, flying backward.

Accepted. I am Venus and I have work for you to do. Welcome, new servant.

Light shined everywhere then the young woman found herself in a familiar land.

Live here and wait for Him. This is Messalay, land of the Dark Elves. You've been here before, during your travels. Your job is simple. Pray to me of his arrival. In the meantime, you will spread my influence here. I don't expect much since they're of the monster girl type, but it'd give you something to do.

I eagerly await news of the Stone! Oh, and declare the Leaf your servant. They'll let him go. Get that embarrassing leash off his neck. I've already healed that nasty status alignment the Viper left on Selkie. She should awake soon.

I masked your true nature, so she won't give you any trouble. She'll take the freed Dark and leave. Heal him while you're at it. Free gift from me. Maybe he'll go to the Land of the Dire Princess. If he's smart.

Did you catch all of that? Now go! I've already prepared you're a house with servants. My servants but they'll know your face as soon as they see you.

"Yes," Tessa said. "And thank you, my goddess."

This has been volume four of The Anime Trope System. The episodes will remain in order.

The next story arc is underway!

Clyde's story continues, his mystery unraveling, his determination set. He has, at last, accepted his gift! Owns it.

The journey still has quite the way to go! Who are the interlopers involved in the stone-viper games? What is the end game?

Fate is a mysterious string.

Hello, you amazing anime, light novel, fantasy, and manga fans. I'm Alvin Atwater and I would just like to take the time to thank everyone who read and support the series. Please consider leaving me a review on I could use all the help I can get. My goal is to expand this baby as vast as possible.

In the meantime, I will get back to work as this series is very fun to write. The number of plans and ideas feel endless.

I can be found at

And until the next volume, have a good one.

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