Clyde gulped as he shut the door behind him. This trope up close and in real life made his horn nearly tear a hole in his pants.

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"Alright Yuki, I know you're watching," he said. No response. Except from Chika who pinned him to the wall faster the Flash's best time. He couldn't get a word in as she stroked his horn and wildly kissed him. Her eyes radiated lust as she stripped him. He wondered again why he wanted to go back to his boring ass mundane college life.


Both of them froze as Natalia and Nina stared at them.

"There are people here?" Clyde hissed, low enough for only Chika to hear. He zipped up his pants at lightning speed.

"No one was here for more than an hour," Chika whispered back. "Even Yuki didn't suspect anything."

They looked at the two smirking lolis.

"Pervy-nii chan!" Natalia said. "Let me join."

"I've got the cops on speed dial," Clyde said as he stood up straight, righting himself.

"And here I thought Alice had a tight rein on him," Nina said. "Then again, she isn't human."

"Why are you here and not with Toru?" Clyde said.

"He told me to wait here for two hours," Nina said. "He accused me of bugging him. It's not my fault he wants to get all naked with the girl who came over. I need blood."

"You could always suck some of pervy-nii's," Natalia said.

"She will be doing no such thing," Clyde said. Nina stepped toward the young man, hands raised and curling as if groping breasts. "Little girl, I said no."

"Just a taste," the vampire loli said. She wiped drool from her chin. "Just a bit."

[You are unaffected by attempted mental status alignment.]

"You can't charm me," Clyde said then stepped behind Chika. "And she won't be happy if you bite me."

"It'd be cute," Chika said, causing his evil grin to fall. He shot her a surprised glare.

"I thought you were on my side," Clyde said playfully. Nina drew closer, wiggling her tongue, then licking her lips.

"But she's so cute," Chika said.

"Kid I swear if you come near me."

"I'll hold him!" Natalia said.

"Me too!" Chika said then turned to Clyde, grinning.

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The young man gulped.

"You can't drink my blood, it's poisonous."

"Your scent is wonderful," Nina said, groping at the air harder.

Clyde opened the door and bolted, only to bump and crash into a heap on Kitome. He looked at the glaring woman, hand cuffed with breasts, and gulped again.

"My bad," he said.

"You have five seconds to get off me or I'll make you…" She blushed with the intensity of a tomato when Clyde's face got really close to hers.

He could not for the life of him believe he somehow got caught up in an anime fall.

"Dogpile!" Nina cheered.

Clyde snapped out of his trance and evaded the loli vampire's attack. Her mouth ended up on Kitome's arm. Nina would've bitten if the magical girl's furious glare wasn't set on her. Clyde had made his way back into the house, laughing.

"Next time, bring your A-game," he called back. When he got to his room, he closed his warded door and relaxed.

[Quest: take all female party members on one date. Accept? Reward: gold achievement, 200,000 EXP.]

Clyde blinked as he accepted. Another goddamn quest to add to his backlog. The system continued to be as evil as ever. He wouldn't be surprised to see sassy prompts upon analyzing non-hostiles again.

That early evening, he inspected his house's defense system, while in bed. Alice and Tear arrived not too long ago from mansion diving. The place was expected to be sold by Saturday.

[Main barrier level: 6. PP: 25. BP: 25.]

There was just no use for this system, not yet. He hadn't made any enemies. Then it again, it could be protecting him from random intruders, perhaps even the Viper. Clyde dismissed the prompt and brought up the quest log, scanning once more. He checked his inventory.


$ 10,681,400

-Map of Lot City, Satovia.

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-Map of Libado Grasslands, Satovia.

-Map of Ashen City, Satovia.

-Map of Niyoto, Satovia.



-Reminder for practice- note.

- Zelt's printer. Level 1/25.

- Wind blade. (item class: very rare.)

-Melody's note.

- Deed to the Ashfall estates, treasures, etc.

- Honey Potion of Healing (item class: rare.)

-Wind blade. (very rare) +16 to attack. Wind element.

- Place of Power Core (item class: Relic) (item value: priceless)- establish a place of power.

- Super health potion (item class: common)

- Max MP replenish potion (item class: epic)

- invisible potion. (Item class: very rare.)

- bundle of materials. (Item class: rare.)

- Forger's hammer. Item class: very rare

- Storage ring. Item class: rare

- Exploding blowup doll. Item class: *One of a kind* Unsuspecting enemies will experience a nice surprise. Does dark deity damage.

-Howler's Binding collar. Item class: Dark Rare. An evil item used to enslave any beast kin or beast-like enemy. The victim will be compelled to obey you, unable to remove the collar until you dissolve the hold. This does not require your soul signature, just a little magic

- Sharpened Crystal Dagger. Item class: uncommon

-3 rubies, 3 diamonds, 3 emeralds, 3 casper-jewels.

- Staff of Hopes. Item class: epic]

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There was a knock on his door.

"Come in," Clyde said. Harumi strolled in, bringing a smile to the young man's face. "Good evening."

"Hi," Harumi said, taking a seat next to him. In fact, she laid her head on his shoulder. "Airi says she's coming to visit."

Clyde's mouth dropped.

"The legend herself. When?" he asked.

"On Sunday," Harumi said. "You don't mind if she takes a room here, do you?"

"Of course not," Clyde said. They sat in silence.

"It feels like months have passed since we were alone together," Harumi said. "This crazy ordeal started with just the two of us, then grew into something greater. We made Lot City safe again, dealt with all kinds of nasties."

"Lot City isn't safe," Clyde said, then he took a breath and let it out. "There is one last hazard."

Harumi gave him a skeptical glare.

"What do you mean?"

"It's something I…kept from everyone. Even told Melody not to speak of it," Clyde said. "Honestly, I haven't seen the thing since, but every now and then, I think I can sense it spawn in the city."

"What thing?" Harumi said.

"It calls itself the Abyss to the Blackness," Clyde said. "Melody and I encountered it during that clusterfuck night of harpies and slimes. His level's four hundred sixty-four." Before Harumi could open her mouth to speak, Clyde talked over her. "Never mind, I'm being a pessimist. Let's drop that."

Harumi shot him a glare then sighed.

"This black abyss thing doesn't count."

Clyde shrugged, then it hit him. Yuki mentioned it. What did she know of it?

[Quest: Ask Yuki about the Abyss to the Blackness. There is no penalty for ignoring this quest.]

He nodded.

"So Airi's really coming to visit."

Harumi smiled.

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"I missed her so much. Sazuki practically squealed when I told her the news." She held up a finger. "I forgot to tell you, Kiko will be coming over tomorrow for training with Tear and Yuki. She wants to thank you again."

Clyde shrugged.

"Her thanks is for all of us," he said. They sat in silence for another half-minute. "Harumi, let's hang out Friday, just you and me." She gave him a look of wonder.

"Just us? None of the others?"

"Just us," Clyde said. He didn't bring up the lame main character excuses 'blah blah blah, first friend, blah blah blah, showing me around, friendship, blah blah blah.' No, this was a date. And he knew what kind of endgame he wanted.

"I want to see a movie," Harumi said. "The new romance that came out." Her cheeks colored.

"Sure," Clyde said. He was neutral to the Romance genre.

[Date set! This is mandatory and cannot be ignored. Friday after classes: time with Harumi!]

Sheesh System, way to lay on the dramatics, Clyde thought. A movie and a dinner didn't sound half bad for a Friday night. Especially with Harumi.

That night, Clyde snuck into the kitchen, applauding himself for managing to sneak out of Chika and Alice's holds without waking them.

First, he swiped one of Alice's cupcakes, devouring it in minutes then hopped on the local internet search engine to search for a basic recipe. In his opinion, he thought it was always best to start with the basics, just in case, the world's mechanics decided to turn his food into shit. He was an okay cook before the cooking system made itself known, but the young man didn't want to take chances.

[You must have the recipe to gain the cooking points.]

"Are you fucking kidding me," he whispered. "It's right here. On the phone."

[You can find recipes like item drops, win them, etc. Try asking Yuki for one of her recipes. She even has a stash of basics to get you started, desu.]

He was trying to beat her in a cookoff, not become a pupil. Pride swirled around the young man like a rabid python. An idea struck him.

He quickly made his way to Yuki's room and tested the handle. Unlocked. Perfect. He slowly and carefully opened the door.

The demoness's room seemed to be slightly lit by moonlight, nice and tidy and incredibly feminine. He didn't have time to observe it though because she was looking right him, smiling.

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