Yuki's body was that of a goddess. The incredible feeling of her soft breasts caressed Clyde's face as she pulled him onto her. A faint flowery smell of women's bath soap tickled his nostrils. Her lips tasted of strawberry. Pulling off her silky black nightgown, his eyes feasted. Her thighs were perfect—he trailed his tongue from one end to the other then onto the sea. The first round intensified with the duo nearly rocking the entire house. At least it felt that way—the young man let raw instincts take over.

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Clyde almost forgot why he came to the room as she tightened and convulsed, moaning. He barely managed to pull out, missing by a hair's breadth, ejecting onto her leg.

He stared at the naked women with long dark hair, large breasts, and purple eyes. To think Ashfall treated her so badly. To think that anyone could even consider such a thing to this woman.

Clyde kissed her, which seemed to surprise the young woman. The move made her giddy.

"Spend the night with me, Master Clyde," she said.

"Clyde," he said. "Why do you insist on—"

"Because it's fun," she said. "Clyde, you gave me hope, an enjoyable life, and even yourself…for me. You and I weren't born rich and snobby. We both do what we can to survive. Twenty-two years old without a family, except for the maids and servants you freed. It felt amazing to truly be free…yet…I don't want to be anywhere else except near you. Despite knowing what you are, knowing that you could be taken away from me by killing the Viper, I don't want to be anywhere else. This is why I chose to be your maid…I want all of my skills to be useful to you. Every ounce of magic, at your disposal."

"I don't know if deserve you, Yuki," Clyde said. She nuzzled into the young man's embrace.

"Don't try to be modest," Yuki said. "I won't allow it." She gazed at him in silence for a handful of seconds. "You know, one day I'd love to be your wife…bear your children. Spend the rest of my life with a man like you." She giggled. "Every silly girl's fantasy, right? To get married, have kids."

[Your relationship with Yuki has evolved to cherished and Friend closer level 9.]

Clyde dropped the idea of asking her for recipes, not wanting to crush this moment. What kind of an idiot would? A wimpy harem main character. Probably the edge lord.

He was out a loss of words, staring back at the smiling woman. They held an embrace…He had to say something. No bullshit. No dodgy pathetic main character words. No indecision.

She melted into his kiss, giggled at his erection.

"Let's really get to know each other," Clyde said. "No bullshit—you've been a huge blessing ever since you came into my life. I kept trying to talk you out of the maid thing—I wanted nothing of your old life coming to mind. I wanted to protect you, still, want to—even if you don't need it. I can't help it. You're beautiful, fun. Sometimes throw me into the thrills—like that time in battle." They both looked at each other and erupted into laughter.

[Yuki has fallen in love with you.]

The duo engaged into another passionate face-kissing session, which turned into sex so wild that someone in the house did wake up.

"Quiet down pervs," Natalia snapped. The duo laughed again. They talked for hours, truly getting to know each other. While this wasn't the first conversation, he had like this with Yuki—Yuki basically kept the house going—he was always talking to her. And she didn't allow small talk.

Thursday. Week 4. Month 1. Year 1. Season: Autumn. Last week of the month…

They fell asleep in an embrace. So he felt VERY awkward the next morning, finding Alice in his arms and Yuki behind her. Neither stirred, so he carefully picked the half-demoness up and snuck out into the hall. As he approached their room, he could see through the open door that Chika was still asleep, legs spread wide. Good thing the bed was enormous. He still chuckled at her ridiculous pose.

"Psst, Alice," he whispered.

"Five more minutes," she murmured. He pinched her cheek. "Ow." She opened her eyes and accepted his kiss.

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"Let's go out for breakfast." He had left a note for Yuki, asking her to take the day off. He'd personally manage Maki over the contract. Today was training day.

Alice's face lit up. "Before you ask, yes, just the two of us."

Somehow, an innocent kiss turned into sex, right in the hallway. The feeling of his life mate's insides, her lips pressed against his, and the love she emitted—it stood as a reminder of who remained the best. Three rounds later, someone dropped something right as they released. The duo flinched, snapping out of their realm of passion to see a wildly blushing Melody.

"We have rooms for a reason," she said, hurrying away, but not before scooping up her notebooks.

He looked at Alice, taking in the playful mischievousness in her eyes. They both laughed.

"Let's go get breakfast before we lose another hour," the young man said. Alice aimed a hand at the floor. The splatters of Clyde's releases vanished.

"Carry me to our bathroom, Heart."

Since she was already in his arms from the standing position, he shrugged and carried her.


A Small Town…

Aunder took a long swig of his thirty-second beer. The waitresses were no longer smiling and sitting in his lap. Instead, they were expressing concern, offering to even take him to their home. The man tuned them out. If he wanted to be treated like a lady, he'd say so.

Mortem popped into existence next to him.

"Drunk, can you follow one simple suggestion? Participate. You disobey the watchers, who appointed you a professor at Tactsum High College. While journeying isn't against the rules, you haven't obeyed a single one. STOP MAKING MY LIFE MISERABLE."

Aunder stood, causing Mortem to shrink back. The time freeze the entity constructed shattered.

"Shorty, you've got until the count of one to get out of my sight," Aunder said. "I've already killed seventy-five entities. Do you—One."

Mortem flew up to Aunder's face, snarling.

"No one dismisses me like a fly, mortal," he snapped. "NO ONE." Time froze again. "I—"

Every bone in the entity's body rattled as he was bashed backward by a single finger. And he flew, through glass doors, shattering them, through a van, beneath a horse and into a large statue of a woman.

Aunder walked toward him, staggering a bit. Mortem roared as he rose.

"You're stwill alive?" Aunder slurred, the alcohol now beginning to take effect.

"Master! You should really get to bed." Su Yang came to his side, flanked by Olivia and Momo.

Mortem laughed, nearly manically, but filled with scorn.

"We've let you run ragged far too long. So I'll take everything from you. Let me show you why I ADMINISTER THIS GAME! Viper!"

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[You have been challenged by Entity, Mortem.]

[Mortem has activated administration privileges—he has invoked UNRESTRICTED ENTITY MODE.]

[You have entered a Maxed Death Sentence!]

[Warning: not even you should take this lightly.]

Aunder laughed, snapping out of his drunken state, a smile of glee on his face. He watched a silver aura envelop the entity. Cold eyes shining of gold, like molten lava, stared back at him.

"Woo, now that's what I'm talking about, fuck yeah!" Aunder laughed. Mortem teleported in front of him, unsheathing a sword of fire out of midair. He plunged it into the Viper's chest. And he wasn't done yet.

<Mortem channeled Almighty von seki>

Blue and black energy blasted Aunder twenty yards from his foe. He skidded against the ground, then hopped to his feet, laughing.

[HYPER-CRITICAL! Your HP has drastically dropped to 2.3M%]

Mortem was already there, swinging his sword. Aunder took grazing slices, his clothes smoking.

"You may not take much damage to magic," Mortem said, his voice booming like a god's, "but Ki doesn't follow the same rules. You think you're going to continue to NOT TAKE ME SERIOUSLY. I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU. I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!"

Aunder laughed harder, slapping his sides. Mortal's aura engulfed the entire town.

<Mortem channeled Yama's Destruction>

[Warning, this attack is unblockable! You may not be able to withstand it!]

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"Master…." Su Yang said. "That attack."

Aunder snapped out of his state. If he didn't do anything about that attack, the Venus sisters, his servants would die. Oh well. That meant Mortem's doom, because Aunder wasn't about to lose these women. Only honorable deaths could be bestowed upon them—death in combat.

He held up a hand.

"Su Yang, if we met by other circumstances, you'd be my wife."

She blushed.

"Then why do you not give me the honor. You know of my love."

"You know why. And I've told you the reason why you're coming with me on this journey. Besides the whole servant thing, your powers will be used to help me set up a trap against some watchers."

Mortem released his charged magic in a giant ball. The women looked worried, but when they made eye contact with Aunder, relief appeared.

"While it's true I have no tolerance for Ki, that doesn't mean I'll roll around and die to it." Aunder raised a hand into the air. "Let's access chakra, shall we?"

((Aunder has triggered Break- Particle Shatter.))

Mortem's magic froze mid-air, causing the entity to stare back, aghast. Piece by piece, it turned into harmless ash. A gust of wind hurled it away like a dust storm.

"That…this is impossible, even for you. Wait…to disrupt my Ki using chakra. No. I won't let him humiliate me while I'm in unrestricted mode. If I can't control him…"

[Mortem has maximized his power output!]

Aunder grinned.

"Come on, ya bastard, show me what you got."

Mortem grinned.

"You let yourself become weak, Aunder."

"What?" he said.

"You have a weakness. Witness what happens to those who cross me. Who make me go this far. It took me some time to get permission to access this power, damn deities, but with you two, I can't mess around." The entity raised a hand. Lightning caressed his fingertips.

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<Mortem has channeled Cold Song: The end of all>

[Warning, this is an undodgeable attack!]

Aunder put up a magic shield, but he realized Mortem's meaning too late. He turned around, eyes widened. The women screamed their last breaths then they exploded. Matter and blood sprayed in all directions. The light of the full moon seemed to make it shine.

His hands trembled. Su Yang….

He turned, snarling, but Mortem was gone. Words rang in the air as the time freeze deactivated.

"You will understand, Aunder, that I am not to be taken lightly. You will play the game, or I'll continue to take everything from you. Your world, I'll destroy it. Have you forgotten that?"

Aunder was full of surprise and bewilderment and…shock? Those women died without being given a chance to fight. What…blasphemy for this goddess-forsaken world. This lack of honor, to the man—it was unheard of.

He shrugged. Yeah right.

"Mortem you are a fool if you don't think I have a backup plan for my three lovelies," he said. "I figured one of you would go for them eventually."

He snapped his fingers. "When I see you next time though, you're dead. Hell, they'll probably kill you."

[Items activated: Respawn Doll x 3.]

Time reversed for the women until they were whole again and completely unharmed.

"Get ready. Our next hunt is an entity. I can't have him popping in on us like that," Aunder said to the resurrected women. "We won't find any more of the dolls, so if you die again, you're gone. I can't help there."

Su Yang wrapped her arms around the man.

"Please hold me tonight…I remember the feeling of agony."

Aunder nodded.

"But you know what I won't do."

"I will convince you," Su Yang said. "No matter how long it takes."

"Even if it means turning against the world?" Aunder said.

"Of course."

The Viper grinned.

"Very well. I'll watch your resolve and maybe allow things to shift between us. Trust me, the world will soon be hating us a lot."

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