Lot City, Satovia…

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Ki increased from the previous night.

[Life: 1. Lightning: 1. Heart: 2.]

[ Strength is at 1. Passion is at 1. Energy is at 1.]

[Soul is at 4. Command is at 4. Radiance is at 4.]

[Vitality is at 2. Speed is at 2. Aura is at 2.]

[Mystery is at 1. Power is at 1]

[Yuki increases heart, power, and mystery.]

[Alice increases command, radiance, and soul.]

Clyde accessed the ID store after returning from a breakfast-serving diner with his life mate. Alice cuddled next to him in the living room as they watched TV and talked. Yuki showed minutes later and snuggled into his other side.

[Items available: Super Health Potion (1200) Super MP Potion (2500) Epex Helios's Sword (12,000,000,000,000,000), Golden Condom (1000), Magical **** Whistle (45,000,000,000), Loli Saga Special edition #1.5 (99,000,000), Ki Book of Golden Ki Line (Special discount: 4,000,000)

Clyde forced himself to remain composed at the absurd prices. The items were outright ridiculous—not that this surprised him anymore. Who's Epex Helios? What kind of madman would spend one thousand dollars on a golden condom? Ultimately, he had to mentally brace himself before dropping this amount of money.

[You've purchased Ki Book of Golden Ki Line. With the Ki compatibility, you will learn skills of the Golden Dragon.]

[Balance remaining; 6,681,400.]

Four million. The system wanted him to feel the stings of his purchases. Four million! Well, at least he had this much. In fact, he'd go shopping…with Seth and Toru. What kind of video games and electronics did this world contain? Sure, it could be comparable to Earth's, but Satovia offered many differences, in various ways. Hell, the language he heard and read was English, but what if it turned out to be different for the others. Questions for later.

Abruptly, Alice laid Clyde's head in her lap. A tiny trope: classic lap pillow. She shot a triumphant smirk at Yuki. They had a stare-down until Chika emerged, seconds later. The silver-haired girl dove right into Clyde's lap.

"Best spot," she said, moving in a way that guaranteed an erection. The yoga pants she wore made sure of that.

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Harumi stepped into the house with Tear, both wearing sweat clothes, seeming exhausted. Tear collapsed to her knees.

"You tell the girl to go easy and she tries to kill you," the succubus said, panting.

"You asked for my help," Harumi said, "so you're going to get it." She grinned. "Six miles is the easy part. Just wait till tomorrow. You'll never worry about fitness and health again."

Tear gave her one of those tearing anime girl faces, but it didn't work against Harumi's cheery smile.

Melody rushed in then pointed at Chika.

"You! I need your brain!" Chika opened her mouth to object, but Melody dragged her off. "Exams are Friday."

"But my spot," the silver-haired girl whined. Silence dawned, except for the TV, when the two were out of sight. That lasted until Natalia leapt out of nowhere, changing into her adult form midair, landing right on the young man's mountain.

"Take me shopping," she said seductively. Clyde gaped.

"Your clothes shrink and grow with your size," he said after recovering.

"Yep," she said.

"Natalia," Alice said, "you're in my spot."

The woman seemed to flaunt her boob size at Alice, causing the half-demoness to glare.

"I think pervy-nii's really happy I'm here," she said. "Really happy." She moved around a bit. The faint blushing didn't make his situation easier. Then she sneezed. Like a reverse popcorn popping, she instantly turned back into loli mode.

Clyde leapt from the seat.

"I'm going to see what the rich boy and Seth are up to today."

Clyde noticed the women were staring at something before realizing his boner hadn't shrunk.

"Do we have any more apple ciders?" he said as he started for the kitchen, hoping to change the subject. At once, all of the women hopped to their feet.

"I'll help you find some," they all blabbed at once.

"Natalia, Tear, do you not have somewhere to be?" Alice said, her voice holding an icy edge that spoke of many extra words Clyde couldn't interpret. Women were mysterious like that.

"Do you not have an exam to study for Lady Alice?" Natalia said.

"How about taking her to a playground, Tear," Alice said.

"There's a candy shop not too far from here," Natalia said. "Lady Alice would love to go. Well, me too, but I'm not a child." She glowered at the half-demoness.

"You three sort out your mess, the kitchen is my domain," Yuki said.

"It's not just yours," Harumi said.

"It is now—you're still sweaty from your run," Yuki said. "And you Tear."

While the argument carried on, Clyde snuck off. Women could argue for days while forgetting why. He nearly bumped into Maki down the hall.

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"Master Clyde," she said, nearly shyly.

"Don't you start too," Clyde said.

"Your Ki training," Maki said. He could've sworn steam rushed out of her nose as she flushed, eyes looking eerily similar to Chika's yandere gleam. "Yuki said not to let you put it off, no matter what." She grabbed his arm and pulled him toward the back.

"Can't we do this later?" Clyde said.

"Nope! Yuki needs me later," she said. "And trust me, she's scary when angry."

He sighed. Just learn it now, the young man thought as she opened up a room in the very depths of the house. Thanks to the home being and new, and Yuki and Maki's constant maintenance, there wasn't so much as a speck of dust anywhere in the large bedroom.

"Before we start, I need to use this." Clyde pulled the new magic book from his inventory.

"You…took that out of midair," Maki said, eyes wide.

He briefly explained the inventory to her.

"Whoa," Maki said. "Can anyone have an inventory."

"Not that I know of," Clyde said, then activated the book. It burst into snowflake-like golden sparkles and he knew. All of its information downloaded into his head like a magical computer program.

[You have unlocked the Golden Dragon Ki line. Let it be known that this is a lost line. You will need someone to teach you how to properly channel the power.]

[You have started the learning of Dragon's Breath level 1. Requirement to learn: you must cultivate 3 Ambition, 3 heart, and 1 mystery. Requirement left: 2 ambition, 1 heart.]

[Quest: Learn Dragon's Breath, a lost Ki skill of a forgotten line. How REMARKABLE. This quest is mandatory and cannot be refused.]

"Master…that's amazing! I felt it…something unusual," Maki said. "I never felt Ki like that before."

Clyde shook his head, trying his best not to bellow with utter rage. HE SPENT FOUR MILLION DOLLARS ON THAT GODDAMN BOOK. WHAT THE FUCK? He'd have to wait another fucking week before getting a chance to right the wrong—and who knew what the asking prices would be.

"It's fucking useless," he said softly. "I can't even learn the Ki skill until I have two ambition and one heart. I know where I can get heart, but ambition. Anyone or no one may have it."

"You need to cultivate ambition, Master?" Maki asked.

"Stop calling me that," he hissed. "I know you're here to serve out a punishment and atone, but don't get on my nerves while doing it. I have enough of that from Yuki."

"I want to…beside, if you need ambition, you can get it from me," Maki said. She wiped away a tiny nosebleed.

"Just teach me how to channel Ki," Clyde said. "I don't have time for games."

"I really do have ambition. Also, command and submission. I have the ability to check anyone's Ki signatures."

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Clyde's eyes widened. What a truly useful ability. If his skills required certain Ki signatures, he could take the purple-haired young woman with him to find what he needed—hopefully among the women he knew. If the requirements came from a stranger, he'd be fucked.

"Alright, Maki, I'm giving you a little more freedom," he said.

"Really?" she said. "I don't know if I want it…after all, I deserve this. Perhaps worse."

"Don't shred up a gift horse, I know what you did," Clyde said. "Yuki is in charge of your atonement for a reason. I'm granting you this freedom on one condition."

"Okay," Maki said.

"You will use your Ki detection for me," he said. "Any time I need it. If you do so, I'll grant you additional hours off, plus more TV time. Also manga."

"Deal!" she said. "Loli saga if you have any."

He frowned.

[Your relationship with Maki has jumped to Friend level 3, sex slave, intense sexual craving.]

What in the fuck was wrong with this system, he thought. Another question for later.

"You may find some in the library," he said. "If Yuki and Harumi finished stocking it."

"Probably not," Maki said. "Fairly certain I'd be scrubbing the floors and dusting things off if so."

Clyde shrugged.

"Teach away. Start with the basics."

Maki nodded.

"Join me on the carpet. Sit in the lotus position."

Clyde did. The purple haired girl closed the door and locked it.

"We can't have you getting disturbed," she said. He expected her to sit in front—perhaps even stand to induce a hard lesson like a martial arts master. Instead, the young woman straddled him. He became all too aware of her purple mini skirt and nice breasts. His erection jumped, and the scent of perfume licked his nose.


She talked over him, placing her hand on his chest.

"Close your eyes and focus," she said. "Picture yourself in a field of grass."

He closed his eyes, following the instructions. And getting harder. "With that picture in mind, focus on my Ki, then imagine it reflecting into you. Done correctly, you will begin to have access to your pool."

He tried, but nothing happened. Or so he thought nothing happened. The instructions were clear as day to him.

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[Your intellect stat allows you to learn this 30 times faster than normal. You now have access to your Ki pool.]

[You can now since Ki in everything—the world around you, breath itself, spirit.]

"Channeling Ki is uniting with nature and the world itself," Maki said. "Harmony, peace. It's not as crude as magic, something I foolishly let myself forget. Attracting black Ki of all things."

Clyde opened his eyes and nearly lost his breath. He could sense it—he sensed Ki in everything! Spirit energy which connected everyone and everything—he could tap into it, expand it, do things that even magic couldn't dream of. Cloak himself in it—he'd have to learn that and who was a better teacher than the psycho woman who did so to waltz into his apartment.

He still wanted to know how in the hell did yanderes get to be so OP while others…he let the thought drop. Anime logic, that's why. Something to research one day perhaps: discover what makes the crazies so powerful.

Clyde needed ambition. He checked his updated stats, which included Yuki's heart, power, and mystery.

[Life: 1. Lightning: 1. Heart: 2.]

[ Strength is at 1. Passion is at 1. Energy is at 1.]

[Soul is at 4. Command is at 4. Radiance is at 4.]

[Vitality is at 2. Speed is at 2. Aura is at 2.]

[Mystery is at 1. Power is at 1]

He'd have to have sex with Maki for at least two days and then either…. Oh, what the fuck is with these thoughts. SCREW IT, FOR THE KI, HE'D LET HIS INSTINCTS TAKE OVER.

[You have started learning Basic Ki ward level 1. Requirement: Radiance 4. Strength: 2. Desire 1.]

Clyde blinked. Desire? Who had this? He really wanted to learn warding—this skill could be useful for even solo training trips or course his doors. Ward the area to take a break without fear of getting attacked. He had the feeling Ki was going to hide some of the best skills one could learn behind annoying requirement walls.

He'd make this a side quest. If Ki skills were so much harder to acquire…well considering the amazing abilities Maki tossed at his party during the boss fight, possessed or not—that shit was still Ki. Just what did the golden dragon have to offer? Why is it lost?

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but Maki, have sex with me," he said. He could believe he was saying that—despite being a yandere, the anime girl wore beauty like a flashy garment. His erection maxed out.

Maki flashed a devilish poster girl grin.

"I'll help you build as much Ki as you possible."

She…was already stripping.

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