Sex with Maki… Clyde was far from gentle with her—the purple-haired yandere demanded it as she moaned louder, wildly kissed him with lips of cherry, begged for his load. Her wetness spread to the point of dripping on the floor. She felt tight.

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As the young man plowed her like hydraulics, he thought about some of the things the women were saying. It'd be dismissible if only one girl said so, but did they all want him to release inside? Why were they in such a rush for motherhood? Anime logic? It's definitely not uncommon in that case—but this felt…Well, he didn't know. Even if the young man considered it, he didn't know the first thing about being a parent. That was just far from his mind. The system took the time to make even that a grind.

[Let it be known that your strength increases immensely for having a child. Nature reveals how parents will give it their all to protect their children. Being a good parent earns you the Superior Dad Achievement. Unknown special rewards for that.]

[Starting your bloodline in this world may turn out very interesting…]

Well, at least the System rewarded him for not being total scum, but holy damn did it push the parent and marriage thing too often. Let Clyde breath—he's only been in the dimension for about a month. Although time passed oddly…

Maki pushed him down and took the top, rotating her hips, and riding like a machine. Clyde grunted—the two sweated and panted and galloped. The disarray of her hair and the intense perverted look in those eyes marked yandere thirst.

"Master, oh! I have a request," she said.

Clyde wrapped both of his arms around her soft waist and finished strongly at what felt like a hundred miles an hour, while sucking on amazing breasts. When he pulled out, he released on her stomach. Then laid back to rest.

Maki laid on top of him, her panting reviving his erection. Holy shit did he want to fuck Maki again…Despite her crimes, his plans of making her his spy, and now his Ki-eyes, he'd still tear it up.

"The master again," he said.

"Just between us," she said. He wanted to glare but the soft body on top of him prevented it.

[Ki increased!]

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[Life: 1. Lightning: 1. Heart: 2.]

[ Strength:1. Passion:1. Energy: 1.]

[Soul: 4. Command: 5. Radiance: 4.]

[Vitality: 2. Speed: 2. Aura: 2.]

[Mystery: 1. Power: 1 Ambition: 1]

[Submission: 1]

He'd need to do Maki the next day as well as someone with Heart. Harumi. He could hardly wait to nestle in between those b…

The sound of his ringtone interrupted his thoughts. Maki began another ride, slow as he pulled out his phone to answer.

"Let me be yours," she said. "I even have a leash. Well, Yuki gave it to me, but she has no idea how much I want to use it."

Clyde gaped, nearly dropping his phone. He was surrounded by some rather kinky women.

"Hello?" he said as he answered. Maki rode harder, while grinning evilly at him. He held onto her with his free arm.

"Hello, uhm, this is Ming…I've asked for your number from Chika," she said.

"What's up Ming?" he said, picturing the dual-eye colored cute girl on the other line. Maki rode harder. Clyde held a little tighter. He gave each of her ass cheeks a squeeze, getting a giggle from the purple-haired girl.

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"I'd like to meet with you," Ming said. "This is very important. Something for your mission as the Stone."

"Just tell me when and where," Clyde said.

"Maid café on Twenty-first street, this afternoon—maybe at two, if you don't mind," she said.

"Sure, no problem at all. And thanks," he said.

"Su—sure. See you then!" Ming hung up.

[Quest: Meet up with Ming this afternoon. You've already pre-selected yes to this quest.]

The climax struck. Clyde pulled out and showered Maki's face. She grabbed a towel from a dresser and wiped. After the two got dressed, the young woman snatched something from inside a drawer. He didn't realize what, until the leash was on.

"Maki what the fuck—"

"Just try it," she said as she got on all fours. "Come on, what do you have to lose?"

The room was large… so plenty of space. Oh, what the hell, Clyde thought. Nothing better to do until noon.

"Nyaaa," Maki purred as she crawled, face flushed, eyes becoming lusty again. Chika would be so jealous if she found out. He cringed at what she'd do to Maki…

"Why are you making cat noises?" Clyde said. "Who walks a cat?"

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"Woof, woof," Maki said, then laughed at Clyde's pained expression. "Come on, continue to walk me. Your pet."

"Are…you really into this kind of thing? Because calling someone a pet," he said.

"Of course I am," Maki said. "It's fun. People are so wrapped up in their insecurities that they don't bother to take the time to just enjoy life."

Clyde bit off the next remark and decided to just play along. Besides, the way she swayed those hips while crawling—his boner maxed out again.

"Let's sneak down the hall," Maki said. "Adds more thrills and…well is hotter."

"I don't know," Clyde said.

"Come on," the purple-haired girl insisted.

He sighed then opened the door, allowing the crazy girl to lead the way. He stared at panties as she crawled. It was about halfway down when Natalia appeared, eyes wide. She solicited Clyde with a blank glare.

The young man just remained frozen as if she'd go away.


Ruri snarled at the reaperess sitting in a lotus position on Yusuke's bed. She trembled with rage, so much so that light-blue aura surrounded her. Undine, simply sipped her tea without a care in the world.

"Are you sure she's unkillable?" Ruri said to Yusuke. "Because I've got a lot of pent-up anger and need somewhere to spend it. My pack is ramping up on rap es and I can't stop them. The only one who listens to me now is Matsume and that's because she has a childish crush on your team leader."

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"She does?" Yusuke said, clearly ignoring her question.

Ruri kept the fact that she had to fight with all of her strength not to ra pe Clyde on sight, hidden. She would've been his number one, even humped his leg if he tried to ignore her. She tossed away the thoughts. Alice would not approve of her thinking dirty thoughts of her life mate.

Besides, Ruri didn't think like that anymore—all of her sexual cravings would be solved by Yusuke. Probably now if it weren't for the reaperess. She hoped that she could take him as husband one day with or without her mother's approval.

The urges…No…She was civilized, trained—the example as a reasonable hellhound. She wanted to…

"This is fucking unbelievable," Ruri said under her breath. "The sight of her is making me angry."

She could smell past sex between Yusuke and Undine—which brought her blood to a boil. Sure, she didn't expect for the delinquent to be a virgin, but this... What infuriated her is that not only was she STILL present in his house, probably doing all kinds of things with him—but he had the audacity to act as if everything was okay.

The urges…Why didn't she ra pe Clyde? Ruri fought the hellhound inside, fought the jealousy of Matsume having a crush on him.

She held her calm on the outside, but the reaperess smiling at her threatened to ignite the transformation.

The scent of recent sex between Yusuke and the reaperess made its way into her nostrils. From the shower. Sure they weren't dating just yet—but didn't humans court this way? He surely saw her as more than just a friend.

Yet, this…this pissed her off.

"I've got to get back to my pack," she said coldly. She'd…try once more…desperation? Maybe she just wanted to marry a ninja? No… Ruri didn't know. Her luck with men sucked. "Maid café at two. Be there. And bring some manga."

She managed to look nonchalant when she said this, but inside, she wanted to slap some sense into the dense buffoon. She glared daggers at reaperess before opening Yusuke's window and leaping out. The urge to ra pe the living hell out of Clyde still didn't leave.

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