Clyde's house….

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"This isn't what it looks like," Clyde said, dropping the leash. Maki rubbed against his leg, like a cat that needed something. Like a pet. He glared at her, but she refused to meet his eyes, smiling innocently.

"Let's see," Natalia said. "You're sweaty—looked as if you've had sex, she's on a leash and is clearly playing a role. Pervy nii-chan, give me one good reason why I shouldn't scream for Lady Alice." She grinned evilly.

"Demons aren't—"

"Do you think Chika or even Yuki will enjoy hearing about the great leash wonder?" Natalia said.

"What I—"

"Just think what they'll do when they find out," Natalia interrupted.

"I do—"

Clyde covered her mouth before the annoying loli could talk over him again.

"Listen," he said. "The only thing that happened was some Ki training. I'm heading to the maid to café to meet with Ming about some important Stone-related crap. You may come and have ice cream—as much as you want."

He let go.

"That's not enough," Natalia said, placing tiny hands on hips. "You must treat me like an adult too."

"No," Clyde said simply.

"Why?" Natalia said.

"Do I look like a lolicon to you?" Clyde said.

Natalia folded her arms.

"It's either a date or I'm telling Chika first. I'll also begin a conversation about knives."

"Where do you want to go?" Clyde said, giving her a blank stare. "Let me guess, arcade then candy shop, toy store—"

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The loli glared at him, then morphed into her adult form. Her sexy true self.

Clyde gulped.

"Movie and dinner. Maybe the aquarium?" he said.

The anger instantly faded from her like dust blown in the wind.

"Really? A normal date?" she said. "I've never been on a date before."

"Yes, but please stay like this," Clyde said. "You're one of the most beautiful women ever." He immediately choked on his words. He said this to Natalia…but the young man couldn't help it.

She smirked, but seemed to remember Maki was there.

"A deal it is, Saturday," Natalia said, shrinking back to her loli form. "I'll keep Pervy nii-chan's secret and in return, we're going on the date." She hugged Clyde's leg. "I've got to tell Nina." She scurried off.

"I can never get a read on her," Clyde said.

"Is she really changing personalities with each switch?" Maki said. "Like from kid to adult."

"No, she isn't," Clyde said. "The brat just likes to mess with people. Anyway, here you go." He handed the woman back her leash. "I'm going to get ready for my meeting with Ming. I suggest you shower up before Yuki shows up."

"Awe, we didn't get to have leashed sex yet," Maki said. "You'd go as rough as—"

"Maki," Clyde said.

"Fine, fine," she said. As she turned around to go, she spoke again. "Thank you…for treating me at least a little human. Even if I don't deserve it."

Clyde said nothing as she left. Even while enslaved with highly restricted privileges, she still had it easier than most. But the young man would be a fool not to put all of that power to use.

After showering and changing into casual clothing, he scooped up Alice into his arms.

"I've got a meeting with Ming, coming?"

She kissed him.

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Melody stared at them, which signaled to Clyde that he interrupted their TV time. Oh well, Alice was his, so it didn't matter.

"I'm coming too," Natalia said, emerging from the kitchen. She finished off her bottle of water. "I want ice cream."

"It's kind of chilly out there," Alice said. "Maybe pie? Hot cocoa." She licked her lips. "It all sounds good."

Melody seemed down, but gave Clyde the anime girl style harrumph when he looked at her. She turned back to the TV, arms still folded glaring.

He glanced at Alice. She smiled.


"Go have your fun," she snapped. "I'll still be here."

She flinched, blushing furiously when he scooped her up.

"Get dressed. We've got sweets to eat."

"C—carry me to my room," she said playfully.

"Let's not get carried away," Alice said. "If he's carrying anyone it's—"

"Me!" Natalia chanted, already on his shoulders.

Clyde sighed.

When the young man Jumped the group in front of the café, all eyes shot to them. People that were carrying out their day, those who walked on the other side of the street, even the maid-waitresses awaiting their entrance. Whispers and murmurs stirred. Cameras flashed.

"What should we do?" Melody whispered.

"Let's go inside," Clyde said.

"I hope these pesky humans don't ruin our outing," Alice said.

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Inside, Ming waved for them at a table toward the back. Eyes still watched their every move, some with caution, others with fear, most with fascination.

[Your reputation has increased to level 4- I think I know you.]

"Hi," Ming said. "I'm glad you came."

"Hey," Clyde said.

"Hello," Alice said.

"Hi," Natalia said.

Melody didn't greet…because she was about a dozen feet away, surrounded by people asking questions. Asking questions about the man she came with. Clyde could tell she finally grew annoyed because her voice became honey. Within seconds, they were her bitches. Maxed charisma…at Clyde's disposal. Ideas briefly spun into his head. He'd come up with a use for it.

"I'd like to reintroduce myself," Ming said. "I'm Ming, a prophet of the Stone. Like Neko, an observer, I'm supposed to guide you to the things you need to beat the Viper. Unlike Neko, I'm not stuck under some ridiculous oath—and I'd really like to get to know you, help you. Please allow me to join Team Stone."

"No," Alice said. They turned to her in surprise. "Unless you pay me one cupcake. No exceptions." She smiled. "If my Clyde trusts you, I will too."

"I'll take all of the help I can get," Clyde said.

[Ming has joined your party. Congratulations! You have been united with your prophet. Your BCFUS has been altered so that you can rank her up. The higher she gets, the more abilities she unlocks. Currently, she is at prophet rank 1. Warning: you have not met the relationship requirement to rank up your prophet. She needs to be at friend closer level one or above.]

"Welcome to the team, Ming," Clyde said. "I hope we can become friends."

He offered a hand, which she accepted.

"Thank you."

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[Your relationship with Ming has increased to Friend level 1.]

Starting from the basics. Clyde would handle this one day at a time. One must crawl before walking… Just what kind of abilities was she to unlock? He could hardly wait…like fuck, he had his own prophet?

After their orders were taken and served, the young man turned his gaze to Ming.

"So you know Neko?" Clyde said. He replied to Harumi's text about Airi's plane arrival time. "I'd like to visit her. I have questions. Where does she live?"

"I could call her, and she'd be here in—"

"Please don't," Alice said. "I'm not in the mood for dealing with the cat."

"Well, well, look who's here."

The group turned to see Yusuke and Ruri. Except, she seemed pissed off. Maybe Yusuke brought her to cool her anger—but why in god's name would he choose a maid café?

"What's up?" Clyde said, "we've got plenty of seats. Join us."

Ruri hugged Alice. She whispered something to her that he didn't catch, but they both glanced at him then giggled.

"Did you piss her off?" Clyde said.

"What? She's not angry," Yusuke said. "That's what I'd like to say—but honestly, I have no idea. Anyway, since you're here, Ruri has shit to warn you about."

"Great, warnings, just what I needed," Clyde said sarcastically. "Have you seen how people are acting toward us? Hell, you'd think we're…"

Ruri fixed Clyde a glare that silenced him.

"Oh don't give me that look," Clyde said. "I'm not the one who pissed in your cereal."

There was a twinkle in her eye… a twinkle that shouldn't be for him. Was she not dating Yusuke? No…this had to be his imagination.

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