Some city…

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Airi glared at herself in the mirror then downed her third glass of milk. Life was just not fair. Her darling friend Harumi seemed to have Venus's luck in the area that mattered. She sniffed. Three cups a day and no luck so far. The girls in her group said it worked! Life was just not fair.

She turned and tripped over something, falling flat on her face.

"Nice job, Airi. At the top of the leaderboard. The slayer of Dragua, the woman who walks the wind, the one who they call goddess. Here's your new title, the clutz of Satovia."

She picked herself off the ground, allowing the thoughts she put off to flood her. Everything supernatural was secret until that day. She caught a journalist's blog by luck and couldn't believe what she read. The videos she watched—all of it revealing a battle in Lot City, between a group of people and a man named Akito. Akito, who was the head of a large company—firing magic in broad daylight. If sources were correct, that group actually killed a vampire emperor. An amazing feat for mere gifted. Incredible. And they were led by someone that surprised Airi. That friend Harumi mentioned. Nobody knew his name—but this particular journalist dropped it on her blog, though it was blurred out a day later. That man moved her. There were rumors going around on the adventurer forum, speaking of Lot City's demon lord defeat. Could that man be responsible?

Airi faced Hades before, back in her very early days, before all achievements and powerups and training, before becoming gaining top tier. Hades wiped the floor with her. Yet…a group of ragtag gifted called, Team Stone, took him down. What kind of power is hiding in that? Airi needed to know!

Of course, this wasn't her main reason for visiting. The trip to see Harumi was planned months in advance—she loved her best friend. Too bad the pink-haired sweet girl didn't want to be an adventurer at the time.

Airi sat at her computer and flipped on the video. That man, the leader of that party, flipped from normal to emitting intense, inhuman aura. She met and fought with many adventurers and not once witnessed magic like that. Not from a human.

Oh, she hoped her dear Harumi, her friend that is like a sister to her, didn't get charmed by that guy.

She bit the bottom of her lip. He was handsome, strong, and powerful. She wouldn't blame Harumi for getting charmed by someone like that. She licked her lips, eyes glistening with interest.

Who was he? Sunday couldn't arrive quick enough!



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"Get away from me you stupid vile creature!" Dark snapped. He was fed up with his shit luck. First, the Viper being unbelievably and unfairly overpowered to the point that the young man believed him simply unbeatable. Second, the dark elves gave themselves over to the Supreme Demon lord like idiotic simpletons, betraying the entire planet. Now monster girls, they captured Dark and his guide the moment they stepped into a city. Hell, he spent more time dealing with their BDSM than actually having sex—or getting forced into it. The whips, chains, handcuffs, candle wax, ropes—the sight of that would probably make Dark go for a lit torch and burn everything immediately. Third, a mysterious girl declared him her servant—the nerve of her, claiming the great lord of the dark—but let him go without another word. She even healed him and Selkie. So thoughtful. Though if it were him, Dark would fear the power of his right hand too. The duo thanked her and escaped the dark elf city.

Then Selkie decided she needed to make some "important" report, promising to return. Keeping traveling she said, she'd sense his location, she said. She'd rejoin him, she said. That was days ago!

During a forest outing—his internal navigation system leading him toward the next town—a harpy caught sight of him. Then there was a flock upon the young man—he tried and failed to fight them all off.

They captured Dark, declaring him husband to the flock leader. He couldn't push off her advances, forced into enough sex that every sight of her now brought him an instant erection like muscle memory. Fortunately, Dark knew a skill that prevented pregnancy, but the idiot harpies, of course, lacked intelligence. He tried to claim that he couldn't have kids, but the bird-brained monster girls refused to believe. The young man ended up raped by the entire flock.

"Come, my husband, I require you inside of me," the flock leader said, frantic lust in her eyes.

Dark tried and failed to utilize a skill. The magic-mute status effect was renewed again, silently cast by one of the twelve women. He was so tired of the bird's nest living—apparently, the lowest tier flocks weren't allowed in the palace of a harpy queen.

After the sex sessions, they scrubbed the young man with soap, brushed his teeth, then dunked in the freezing river to rinse. Two rounds of scrubbing and they got everything. He was at least allowed some privacy to take leaks. Or so he thought.

He was so goddamn sick of the fruit and vegetable diet. It took five runaway failures to make him stop trying. A whipping while being raped was no fun at all. Oh, how the great lord of the dark had fallen. These creatures. These fucking creatures.

"How many times must I say, bird, I am not your husband," Dark said. "The one who embodies the dark belongs to no one."

Of course, Dark knew these bird-brained women wouldn't understand. They tried to integrate him into the flock, have his kids. Not on his watch.

Well, the harpies ripped his clothes off and forced the young man on his back. His manhood already jumped to full drive. He was going to be stuck here forever.

Suddenly, they were all unconscious. Just like that. Still breathing, but struck by something faster than his eyes could detect.

"Sheesh, chuuni, I leave you for just a few days and you get yourself captured."

Before Dark could open his mouth to erupt what was sure to be raw anger, Selkie caught him in a hug.

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"Are you okay? I'm so sorry you're in this predicament."

Dark allowed himself relief for the first time in a while. He threw on his clothes.

"Thanks for bailing me out," he said. "The bird-for-brains negated my magic."

Selkie nodded.

"I see. I'm glad you're okay. Did you know lunatic men get themselves captured by harpies on purpose? They beg not to be rescued but the passing groups of adventurers tolerates no human adduction from harpies. They take the idiotic men to special healers and even asylums to get them to adapt to modern society again."

Dark felt Selkie's healing magic spread around him, destroying the mute status effect. The feeling of being connected to his skills once again made the young man ecstatic. He was whole again. Dark. The strongest being…that had fair stats. The Viper, on the other hand, was an insane, overpowered, murderer.

"Let's go," Selkie said. "That town ahead will be more than happy to get you some food."

"Real food," Dark said. "When I take over this world, all criminals will be forced to consume raw vegetables and fruit before taking on their perspective punishments."

Selkie sighed.

"You damned chuuni."


Lot City, Satovia…

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The hellhound gave Clyde an overview of the situation, without losing eye contact. The young man could've sworn she was pulling a Neko and whiffing the air. He tossed that arrogant thought to the side like a used tissue. He didn't believe for a moment that he was the center of the world and that every girl wanted him. Ruri and Yusuke looked great together, though how he managed to keep a hellhound from going rape-city, the young man couldn't piece together.

Ruri's pack were going rampant, raping for sport on the outer edges of the city. A lot of human men were captured to be taken husband—to the point of filling the hot springs inn. Some of the men accepted, but others fought, which only made the hellhound women eager. Eager to force rebels into submission. Dominate.

Ruri squeezed Clyde's leg for just a second, then continued.

"There's one more thing you should know," she said. "Yusuke has—"

Yusuke quickly covered her mouth.

"That's all the news—the important stuff," he said. "She wants our help, to control her overbearing pack, free the prisoners."

Ruri looked as if she finally reached her limit. She opened her mouth to chomp at Yusuke's hand, but he removed it just in time. Clyde knew he needed to interject before this cause was lost. And before the hellhound decided that the Stone made a better snack. The last time she and Alice fought, they almost destroyed the goddamn city. For her pack. If Ruri got involved directly, as he had an uneasy suspecting in his gut, blood would shed. The phenomenon wasn't there to protect the civilians.

"Yusuke, I want you to really listen to Ruri," Clyde said, surprising and silencing the entire table. "You—"

"What are you talking about?" Yusuke said. "And what's up with that accusatory voice? I'm certainly not the reason why she's angry, it's her pack, dude."

"Yusuke," Clyde said, giving him a look. He clapped his hands together. "My friend, think. Let me talk to you in the—"

"No," Ruri said, standing. She jabbed a finger into Clyde's chest. "Let me have a word with you, outside, Mr. Know everything."

Yusuke shrugged, shaking his head.

"I see the tables have turned, leader," Yusuke said, then suddenly something dawned on him. He leapt up and pulled Ruri to his front, holding her arms. "What happens at my house is nobody's business. I told you, I don't want anyone else getting hurt because of her. Why do you not listen?"

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Ruri sneered.

"Let me go!" she snapped then shoved the young man to the side. "I hate you!"

The hellhound darted outside, Jumping before her foot touched the sidewalk.

"Did she just vanish in thin air?" a waitress said, trembling. The people around were awed, whispering among themselves, snapping photos of the ground.

"Let's go," Clyde said. "And you," he pointed at Yusuke. "You've got to tell us what's going on. Why did she flip out? It's certainly some kind of concern for you."

"It's nothing," Yusuke said. "Besides, if something was happening, Kitome would be all over you, right?"

Clyde nodded.

"You've got a point there. But still, we saw what we saw. Let us know man."

"I said it's nothing," Yusuke snapped. "Nothing. You're the leader, not my babysitter. Not my keeper. Let's keep it that way."

The ninja stormed off, leaving Clyde and his party even more confused.

"We're not going anywhere until every bite of these sweets is consumed," Alice said, breaking the minute-long era of silence. Clyde laughed. The others joined in.

"You see, this is why Alice is my favorite person to be around."

He didn't mean to say that aloud, but the blonde nearly squealed in delight snuggling next to him. Warmness spread across his face—all attention was on him. Ming grimaced. Melody gave her a look as if understanding something.

"What are you waiting for, waitress," Clyde said. "Go get the bill."

"Yes!" she said, nearly panicky as she ran to comply.

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