After eating, Clyde led the others outside. He sent a mass text, ordering everyone to meet him at an abandoned park on Fortieth street. That's when two police cars screeched to a halt in front of them. A woman dressed in a business skirt and shirt combo approached the party, flanked by two cops. She was a dark-skinned woman…with pointy ears, long black hair, and hazel eyes. Though she clearly tried to hide them in her hair.

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Her breasts looked as if they would pop out anytime to smack the young man in the face. He analyzed her just for shits and giggles.

Name: Tetra

Level: 63

Type: Dark elf/Alethian, *Detective*

Relationship: Distrust, suspicious. Very interested.

HP: 100%

MP: 100%

Stats: Relationship isn't high enough. Stupid head.

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Special abilities: Relationship isn't high enough. Baka-baka!

Skills: See above, sex-fiend.

Magic abilities: see above. Masochist.

Secrets: see above. Womanizer!

Nice to see that the system hadn't lost a wick of sass, Clyde thought sarcastically.

"Clyde…Stone," Tetra said, flashing identification and a badge. "Let's go back inside for coffee. I'd like to have a word with you and your friends."

Alice snorted, but said nothing. Melody glared, possibly at her chest. Natalia held an innocent look, but the young man wouldn't put it past her to turn the woman into goo.

"We're in a bit of a—"

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Clyde held up a hand to cut Ming off.

"Sure detective," he said, emphasizing the word in a slightly mocking manner.

Eyes continued to watch the group as they sat. Clyde felt a little awed. This was the first time he witnessed an openly non-human in the city. Or at least somewhat openly. Not that he brought this up to his group nor spoke with any civilians about the world. The history lessons didn't speak of race or species at all nor anything supernatural. At least not yet.

[World side objective: learn more about this world. Current knowledge of Satovia: 1.8%]

[System opinion: you suck! Get on it, godling.]

"So how can we help you?" Clyde said, smiling. The detective held on her smiling mask too. The young man did take notice of how Alice watched her with suspicion, as if she knew something. Tiny flickers of pink aura buffeted from the half-demoness. Tetra pulled out a notepad and a tablet.

"First of all," she paused to look at her officers two tables over, scanning the restaurant like militant bodyguards. "Let's start with some basics. I wish to distinguish rumor from truth." She displayed a short video of the party fighting Akito. "I wasn't there, but these videos are showing up everywhere, on the news, on our networks, and even into the government sectors. Do you mind giving an explanation?"

"Well, considering what you are," he said, "you should have no troubles swallowing what I'm about to tell you." The detective's eyes widened for only a split second, but that told the young man everything he needed to know. What did Alice know? Why was she emitting so much suspicion, distrust, and disapproval through the bond? Did she know this woman?

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Clyde gave Tetra a brief rundown on the events of that day starting from Sazuki's attack by the missing dean, Akito the vampire emperor and CEO of some large company, threatening to destroy the academy with everyone in it, and Akito's attempts at laying waste to the entire city.

"I see," Tetra said, jotting notes. "And do you have any connection to Akito or this missing dean?"

"No," Clyde said.

"And speaking of missing dean, our investigations have led to us to believe that your academy has been covering up a number of incidents. We're currently interviewing all teachers and that temporary dean. You're the fourth group of students. Among the other three, something interesting became a common theme. Though this was covered up, which is infuriating to those of us who enforce the law, some students were ripping off their clothes, screaming their servitude to a popular student by the name of Maki. Maki of the Ikeda family. The interesting thing they said immediately after calling her goddess was 'death to the Stone' or any variant. Now…if I'm not delusional here, your friend on the video clearly declared you, 'Team Stone.' Deducing that some of the people in the crowd were students of the academy, the episode started at the academy, I can connect Team Stone to the clothing incidents and the Ikeda family. Maybe even how they were suddenly taken down a few notches within the city's power." She coldly eyed Clyde. "What we have is that Stone or perhaps Team Stone is at the center of the missing dean case, the incidents of the academy, including the attack, Maki's family deposition, and possibly a number of strange occurrences, though for your sake, you'd better hope we gain no proof. Because you are now being considered as possible suspects for the missing people."

Clyde had finally allowed the rage to seep through his skin, but he let it out in a fist smash against the table.

"Listen here, detective," he snapped. "You know goddamn well that we're not at the center of all of that shit. Especially the missing people. Hell, I haven't been in this city for more than a month."

The detective nodded.

"Good. You have an alibi or, so you possibly do, but tell me, Clyde, where did you live before? We cannot find any records on file."

"That's hardly relevant, now is it, detective," Clyde said, still emphasizing "detective" mockingly. "No, I'm not going to sit here and have you accuse my friends and me for any of your bullshit deductions."

"But you are among the center of it," the detective pushed, still annoyingly calm in that investigative way the young man always saw on TV. "Every occurrence, every interview has led us back to the same thing, Stone. And with the strange happenings, it is possible to connect you to missing people or at least the missing dean."

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"You're spouting a load of nonsense," Clyde said. "And you know you are, hoping to catch anything between my words. Hoping I tick, so you can move in and blame all of your failures on a group of college kids."

"Magic-wielding college kids," the detective said. "Magic that was used to make a dean disappear. Magic that causes problems at the academy."

"This meeting is over," Clyde said with ice in his voice. "I'm not going to sit here and listen to an incompetent detective push this shit on us with inconclusive evidence, guesses, and assumptions. And I can deduce that none of those students actually named any of us. Besides, our friend called us Team Stone at the heat of the moment. The Stone thing didn't originate from us." He grinned at the detective's frown. "Later, detective."

He decided it was best not to Jump under the public's gazes nor head home. The party was still on track to meet the others at the park, though Yusuke didn't reply. There would be no excuse for ignoring to the team leader. What if there was an emergency? He'd make sure Kitome yell at him for it.

Little did they know, someone watched the party on a nearby rooftop. She especially gawked at Clyde, sniffed his scent, and struggled against her urges…She considered shoving fingers inside herself—no…she can't. But why? Like the girls below, she had a right to him as well. She'd be damned if Matsume got….

She…was Ruri. Yes, that's who she is…the princess of her clan. Now wasn't the time to succumb to those instincts. The hellhound still followed the group, curious, whiffing the air for her newly favorited scent. She wiped what she hoped wasn't drool from her lip.

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