A brief chill struck Clyde like icy lightning. Possible anime trope? It was probably the detective. The young man turned to Alice, silently walking, thinking to herself. As they approached the park, she finally spoke.

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"Dark elves gave themselves and their lands to someone known as the Supreme demon lord some time ago. I know you're new to this world, so let me…as you humans say, break it down for you. Most humankind mainly stick to their cities, towns, and nations—and only know Messalay as an isolated entity, a country that keeps to themselves. The force that separated humans from the supernatural somehow made them forget that trade and political stuff with the dark elves as well as other nonhuman lands was common as bugs. Mother told me that secret." The half-demoness looked at Clyde. "Nobody knows anything about the god who created the magic, but supposedly it was to protect mankind. And while it pains me to say this, Mother said humans are special due to the unique spirit energy they contain within them. And you know the deal, monster girls craving it like starved animals." She looked forward again, making an absent gesture with her finger, then twirling a strand of her hair. "We need to investigate the investigator. She may be a spy for her homeland, maybe even worse."

Clyde's blood froze to ice as he remembered the prompt that mentioned the Supreme demon lord. He didn't believe for a moment Tear would worship him or anyone else though. Hell, he was surprised that she actually cared. Then again, the stat boost probably had something to do with it, no matter what it claimed.

Clyde nodded to his somewhat full party as he approached it. Yusuke didn't show of course.

"Dude, check this out," Seth said as he left Toru to approach Clyde.

"Check what out?" Kitome said, tiny edges of fire in her voice. Perfect. The young man wanted her to release all of it on her brother.

"Just guy stuff," Seth said.

He showed the team lead a picture of a beautiful woman with captivating, emerald-green eyes, pointy ears, long white hair, and a figure that would hold the stares of men for eternity. "She calls herself the elf queen of Elroot, a country isolated before the weird human protection doohickey vanished. She's establishing relations with the Prime minister."

"Okay and not to be a dick dude, she's hot and all, but what does that have to do with—"

"Well, this is Naomi's blog," Seth said. "And check out the end of the article. Says she wants to meet with the leader of Team Stone. Apparently, you moved her dude."

Clyde looked thoughtful for a second. Then he shook his head.

"That may be a trap."

"Lay off the paranoia dude, it's an elf," Seth said then spoke even lower. "She's one of the hottest women on the planet with an enormous connection pool. A woman like that could teach you many things." He grinned. "I'm so jealous of you right now."

Clyde sighed.

"Let's talk about the matter at hand right now." He moved forward, ignoring the blond man's protest. "Ruri's pack is causing mayhem at the hot springs inn. They've captured a bunch of men from this city, so we're going to free them. Simple enough?" He held up a hand. "I know—we could be outnumbered. So, Chika's going to stealth in, check it out, and then we'll…no wait, that won't work either. Chika can your stealth hide scents?"

"Of course," she said then winked. "I wouldn't be much of a rogue if it didn't…but."

"Go on," Clyde said.

"I can only stay invisible for a small amount of time. The cooldown won't allow me—"

"Say no more, here," Clyde interrupted, accessing his inventory. He handed her the invisible potion. "I don't know if this invisible potion will help with hellhounds, but it's better than nothing. If anything, just do a quick scope without going all the way inside and wing it from there."

"An invisible potion? Really?" Chika said. "How long does it last."

[The invisible potion's level is weak. It will last 3 minutes.]

"Three minutes," Clyde answered. "Will, that be enough time? Or should we drop this whole stealth thing?"

"Who do you think I am?" Chika said. The young man smiled at her.

"I leave it in your hands," he said. "As for everyone else, be prepared to fuck shit up if we have to. Toru and Seth, you are to have Melody and…" He paused when he noticed Kiko, Sazuki's young sister for the first time. Nina was at her side, vigorously tapping buttons on a handheld video game. The gothic loli, Toru's assistant…Awesome—more help. But Kiko.

"I know you and Yuki were training her," Clyde said to Tear, "but it's best not to have her involved."


"No," Clyde said coldly against Kiko's objection. "We went through hell to free you and until I acknowledge you as a member of this party, you will not be tagging along. This isn't a game. People make die. We're up against hellhounds. This ordeal is not a place for those lacking the experience. I will not be knocking on Sazuki's door to tell her news we've could've prevented."

The party nodded in agreement.

"Words of a leader," Seth said. Kiko harrumphed anime girl style but didn't object. She knew Clyde was right. She didn't know the first thing about fighting. The young man noticed a gleam in her eyes—and the fact that she didn't break her stare at him. If the others weren't around…

"Tear, could you Jump her to Sazuki's?" Clyde asked. "Meet us at the hot springs inn. As for Seth and Toru, Melody and Yuki will be by your sides at all time. We don't have time to be saving your asses from rapes." The women nodded in agreement. "If we don't have anything else—"

Natalia hopped on Clyde's shoulders.

"What's my job, pervy-nii chan?"

Clyde sighed.

"Your job will be to protect me."

All of the women looked at him, eyes seeming to shine.

"Are you serious?" Melody said. "If you need protection Clyde, I'm the best choice."

"No, he's my Clyde," Alice said. "If anyone's protecting him, it's me."

"I would take a bullet for Master Clyde," Yuki said. "So, therefore, I'm the best choice. Obviously."

Natalia stuck her tongue out at them.

"Ha-ha! Onii-chan's mine." She wrapped her arms around his neck, threatening to suffocate the young man. He gasped.

"Look, I'm not some damsel in distress," he said. "She's going to be my right hand."

"I get to protect onii-chan, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha," Natalia said in a sing-song voice, wiggling her tongue at the others, soliciting their furious glares. Alice and Harumi simultaneously facepalmed.

"Alright, let's ge—"

"Let's get moving," Natalia interrupted cheerfully, raising a fist.


*Clyde's stat sheet. You may skip to the next part*

Name: Clyde.

Level: 70

Type: Main character/ Stone. Mystic.

HP: 100% (+110%)

MP: 100% (+30%)

Ki: 100%

Attack: 114 (+33)

Defense: 116 (+16)

Speed: 144

Luck: 134

Will: 142

Intellect: 148

Form: 1/1.

Special: Tier 1 skill: Omen's Desolation. [Does almighty, spiritual, and sound damage. Chance to cause hopelessness and despair. Triple, super-severe damage against entities, deities, spirits, and darkness-type enemies.]

Special Abilities:

Flash Step: Briefly move at the speed of light. A high, speed stat will increase the critical chance of any attack combined with this ability.

Acrobatics: able to run and jump swiftly. Can leap from building to building.

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Mystic senses: whether in or out of battle, you will be connected to nature and its spirits. Unknown benefits. Ability to sense abnormalities.

Skill Fusion- legendary special ability- combine skills and see what happens. You could unleash death on your foes! [Can be very draining to your MP. Use seldomly.]

Jump: You can warp to area you've been to or picture in your mind. You can also open and close portals, but not create them. You can also warp with a party.

Astral Projection level 1: project an image of yourself to an area you know. Raise the level to be able to move around in this state as well as increasing the range. Your body will be vulnerable. At the right level, you will learn to be simultaneously aware of both your astral projection and your true self. Warning: it is recommended to have a composure of 200 or more before projecting yourself.


The Man Who Shatters the Balance. Reckless Abandonment. Man of the Impossible. Millionaire and Again. Slave driver. Entity Destroyer. Vampire Slayer. Massacre Man. Ladies' man. Tactician.

Hidden stats revealed:

Special Defense: 126

Paranoia: <varies>

Charisma: 134

Composure: 132

Evasion: 114

Reputation: level 4- I think I know you.

Endurance: 154

Regeneration: 37.

Haggling: 24.



[Life: 1. Lightning: 1. Heart: 2.]

[ Strength:1. Passion:1. Energy: 1.]

[Soul: 4. Command: 5. Radiance: 4.]

[Vitality: 2. Speed: 2. Aura: 2.]

[Mystery: 1. Power: 1 Ambition: 1]

[Submission: 1]

Ki-based skills: none.

Ki-based ultimate attack: none.


Free points: 105.

Wanted rep Harpy clan: 5/5.

Omen's spheres (some call them orbs): 5.


- Athlete: 10% bonus to speed and Will. [Passive].

- Mystic Calm: 100% resistant to fear, despair, discomfort, and shock. [Mystic Passive.]

-Hostile Detection 5: detects hostiles within a certain range of you. Detects enemy information. [Passive]. Can now see weakness. Can now see resistances. Can now see secrets.

-Heart Protection 5: you're 53% less affected by unwanted mental magic or skills from enemies. You gain a 41% bonus to your ability to convince others to do anything that would protect their hearts. 46% chance to break from any magic or charismatic hold. [Passive].

- Secret sword and martial arts combination. Random unknown increases to speed, defense, and will during battle. Chance to critical increases by 2%. [Passive].

- Crafting 5: enables you to craft items using everyday objects. Complicated unlocked. [Passive].

- Dagger combat 6: does physical damage. Enables dagger combat. Chance to critical at 32% [Passive].

-knife throwing 6: does physical damage. Enables knife combat. Chance to stun at 27% [Passive].

Trap Detection 4. You will be warned by the system automatically on things your mind would consider a trap. Your will stats dictate this! [Passive]. Range: 20 meters.

Party loyalty: Your party will know if you're in danger and need help. A boost of stats will be provided to anyone who's able to provide you assistance.

Unarmed attacks:

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-Roundhouse kick. [Attack] – does physical damage. Change of knockdown at 5%.

-Mystic punch/kicks. [Attacks]- does physical and spiritual damage. Chance of stun at 1%. 50% stun if catching enemy by surprise.

Sword attacks:

-Precise Slash 8. [Attack] – does physical damage. Chance of critical at 41%

-Deep Slash 8. [Attack]- does physical damage. Chance to cause bleeding at 39%. Chance to stun at 7%.

-Spirit Slash 8. [Attack] – does physical and spiritual damage. Chance to cause dizziness at 27%. Chance to cause spiritual blight at 37%.

-Shatter Strike 5. [Attack]- does physical and fire damage. Chance to break barriers at 22%.

-Tier 3 skill: Sound Slash [Attack]- does physical and sound damage. Chance to cause deaf at 1%.

Defensive skills:

Spirit shield: [Defense] – invoke a magical shield around you for a few seconds. Will shield you from magic and block physical attacks. Chance to invoke Spirit Counter at 1%.

Special skill:

Quick meditation: once per cooldown, you can boost random stats. The buffs will last for up to two hours.

Mystic meditation: once per cooldown, you can boost speed, will, and composure. This buff will last up to 2.5 hours.

Power Up [charge]- Once per cooldown, you may recharge 30% of your MP and slightly increase attack and speed.

Combat level:

-Intermediate level 4. Combat style: somewhat skilled.

-Mystic combat level 4.


-Energy Blast [evolution 1]. Type: spiritual. Class: mysterious. (Mystic counterpart is available.) Now does scorch damage.

-Six Hand Skill [evolution 1]. Type: spiritual. Class: mysterious. Shoot a flurry of energy balls at multiple enemies. 8% chance to stun an enemy. Now does gun, metal, and glass damage. 1% chance to instantly kill enemies ten levels or more below you. (Mystic counterpart is available)

- Holy Spirit Wave [evolution 1]. Type: spiritual. Class: mysterious.: Shoot a wave of concentrated spiritual energy. Chance to cause spiritual blight at 7%. Chance to do double damage on dark creatures: 35%. Now does holy and purity damage. (Mystic counterpart is available)

-Spiritual Fire. Type: spiritual. Class: very rare. Unleash special fire at your enemies. Chance to cause spiritual blight at 9%. Chance to cause burn at 4% Chance to agony at 3%. (Mystic counterpart is available.)

-Binder's hand 4. Type: spiritual. Class: mysterious. Bind your enemies with tendrils of spirit energy. 44% chance to bind 1 enemy. Does no damage unless you will it. If willed, will do 5% damage per second. Able to will it to hold allies. Cannot damage allies.

- Charm 3. Type: spiritual, mental. Class: uncommon. Once per cool, you have a chance to take control of 1 targeted enemy. At this level you can only charm 1 enemy at a time and only those with lower levels. Be wary of enemies immune to charm.

-Mystic aide: invoke the power of nature to assist you. Does nature damage. 150% attack increase in forests, grasslands, and spiritual domains.

-Mystic wrath: Enter mystic mode. This form lasts for a short time and drains magic points, but all physical and magic attacks increase greatly. You will be able to cast Mystic Lightning. Due to the strain this form does on your body, it is highly recommended to use if needed.

-Mystic Lightning- can only cast during mystic mode. Does spiritual, electrical, and holy damage. Change to cause spiritual blight at 34%. Chance to blind.

- Trust Bond Skill Mimic. Type: mystic. Class: very rare. Once per day, you will be able to randomly activate a skill from any of trusted friends. If you do not wish to activate the revealed skill, you may store it for later use; however, if not activated that day, it will vanish from storage.

-Summon Mist: Type: water. Class: uncommon. summon a thick mist that can cover an area the size of a small town. You and your allies will be able to see 40% better than any enemies. Warning, this is useless against enemies that do not rely on vision.

BCFUS lv. 4. You can only present a temporary speed and jump boost. You may make only minor changes to their appearances, heal minor injuries, and sense their whereabouts.

PENDING: You need the correct friendship level to rank up your prophet.

Tier 2 skill: Blizzard: Type: ice. Class: very rare. Unleash a portal blizzard on your foes. Does Heavy Ice damage.

Summon: Tear- 2.

Tier 2 skill: Neptune's Water Edge. Type: water, holy. Class: very rare. Unleash a sharp blast of water blessed by Neptune himself.

Tier 1 skill: Star Storm 1: Type: light, earth. Class: very rare. Summon a shower of light and earth energy upon your enemies. Chance to inflict repentance at 2%. Chance to paralyze at 1%.

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Main character stuff.

Mystic languages. [Can read and speak old and unknown tongues.]


10% boost to relationship stats with Harumi and her friends.

+5% damage for a physical attack.

Marriage System.

Bravery noted to someone of great power.

Ruthlessness noted to someone of great power. (Demons killed.)

10% boost to all stats- mystic bonus.

Good favor with Cupid, god of love


CKP: 10

Recipes: none.


Lot City: [Main barrier level: 6. PP: 25. BP: 25.]


$ 6,681,400

-Map of Lot City, Satovia.

-Map of Libado Grasslands, Satovia.

-Map of Ashen City, Satovia.

-Map of Niyoto, Satovia.



-Reminder for practice- note.

- Zelt's printer. Level 1/25.

- Wind blade. (item class: very rare.)

-Melody's note.

- Deed to the Ashfall estates, treasures, etc.

- Honey Potion of Healing (item class: rare.)

-Wind blade. (very rare) +16 to attack. Wind element.

- Place of Power Core (item class: Relic) (item value: priceless)- establish a place of power.

- Super health potion (item class: common)

- Max MP replenish potion (item class: epic)

- bundle of materials. (Item class: rare.)

- Forger's hammer. Item class: very rare

- Storage ring. Item class: rare

- Exploding blowup doll. Item class: *One of a kind* Unsuspecting enemies will experience a nice surprise. Does dark deity damage.

-Howler's Binding collar. Item class: Dark Rare. An evil item used to enslave any beast kin or beast-like enemy. The victim will be compelled to obey you, unable to remove the collar until you dissolve the hold. This does not require your soul signature, just a little magic

- Sharpened Crystal Dagger. Item class: uncommon

-3 rubies, 3 diamonds, 3 emeralds, 3 casper-jewels.

- Staff of Hopes. Item class: epic


* Legendary Sword: Ludacris (Ashfall family loom)- +33 to attack. Fallen Angel element. Can fire raw magic from the weapon. Does magic damage. Lv. 2.

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-School uniform or casual clothes.

-School shoes or casual shoes.

-Necklace of strength. (Uncommon) +1 attack +1 defense.

-Ring of Emergency Magic. (Very rare) +20% MP.

- Dust stone armor set. (Rare). +15 to defense.

- silver dagger- +ice and earth damage. (rare.)


Stone-Tokken Deck:

The Sorcerer's Creed.

Classes: (year1).

-Satovia History 1.

-Romance Literature 1.

-Sciences 1.

-Crafting 1.

Phone numbers:







- Melody




Quest log:

Main story.

Defeat Dark in a Real game (Stone-Token quest.)

Call or visit Chika in the late hours. (MS.)

Either call or visit Kitome in the late hours.

Talk to Melody….again.

Investigate Niyoto (multi-step quest. Required to defeat demon lord)

Take the exams. Excel.

Craft 1 complicated item. (MS)

Get to know Sazuki over time.

Ask Yuki about the Abyss to the Blackness

take all female party members on one date

World Objectives:

Slay the demon lords: 2/15. Reward: *World star fragment*.

Receive special training. Reward: Stone magic line access.

World side objective: learn more about this world. Current knowledge of Satovia: 1.8%

System opinion: you suck! Get on it, godling.

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