A short distance from the Hot springs inn…

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Chika stopped at a point where she believed the hellhound bitches wouldn't detect her then stealthed. Her body and heat, presence, and scent became invisible to the world. She had to get this done for the sake of those prisoners and course Clyde's smile of approval. She couldn't wait to get him alone—the things she wanted him to do to her—oh! She didn't care if he got her pregnant. A piece of him inside of her for nine months... Then a bundle of joy of their own. She'd love the baby, protect it fiercely and of course the father. But for now, she just wanted him inside of her. She knew it was a nearly uncontrollable addiction, maybe even a problem—but she saw no harm in wanting to have sex with the man she loved. A lot. A LOT. He was her control switch and no other.

Some may call it a miracle that she could easily push her cravings to the side and focus on things like schoolwork, business running or management, and tutoring, but Chika saw it as practical. What good would she be if she didn't excel at many things as possible? And her Clyde was number one at his old college. An intellectual couple…Well, with the other women, "couple" was gone, even Chika saw that. Apparently being the Stone meant not having a defined relationship. Of course, there was that tidbit about him getting sent back to his world after the games.

She'd feel like a part of herself would die. On the other hand, the young woman understood his position. She balanced practicality with logic. Well, not logic—a month or so of crying should get her over him if he left. Practicality?

The young woman peeked through a window of the inn. The attendant at the front desk looked dead tired, perhaps even a little scared. That poor woman, stuck dealing with unpredictable monsters, she thought.

When Chika slowly opened the door in a way that made no sound, the smell of sex punched her in the face. Following that were loud ecstatic feminine moans, grunts from the guys, and... things that sounded quite gross. Sounds that men shouldn't be forced to make.

She snuck through, darting past the half-aware attendant. She peeked into the first room. A hellhound was feeding some man, meat and vegetables, with her mouth and saying sweet words. She laid across his lap, missing the erection just by a hair. He…started petting her. The monster girl looked too happy. The man, appearing to be in his twenties, seemed nonchalant about his situation. Maybe he hadn't realized that going back to his home, to society, was not going to happen. On the other hand, he probably didn't care.

Not wanting to waste further time, Chika peeked into a few other rooms, taking in different stories. The defiant guys were being raped into an endgame of submission, while others mostly accepted their fates. Not all of them were handsome—the hellhounds didn't seem to care about looks. As long as they were under forty? Under thirty? Knowing the monster girls, they probably judged everything by sex.

Chika rounded a corner in time to see two more. One was a depressed hellhound—actually depressed! The other, a friend or pack member comforting her.

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"Matsume, you'll be fine. Forget him—there are plenty of prey to fill your insides. Let your urges run wild again."

"You don't understand," Matsume said, voice barely above a whisper. It had enough depression to turn an entire sunny day into a miserable typhoon. "You will never understand what it means to imprint…and so unexpectantly. I can't—I can't stop thinking about him. I don't want any of these lousy men here, I—"

The two walked outside, cutting off the conversation. Chika shook her head. That last thing she needed was more unwanted competition and by a hellhound, nonetheless. If it came to battle, she'd personally deal with this Matsume, just to make sure she doesn't somehow slip into Clyde's arms. She tolerated the other women because they were her friends. Alice especially felt like a sister, even if she sometimes got on Chika's nerves. Alice…was her biggest rival for Clyde's attention and for the number one spot at the academy. If she let the twin-tailed demon take that…Psh. Chika wouldn't be outdone. Studying was like another form of sex, except for the brain. Reading too.

She drew closer to the hot spring, the loudest source of the outrageous moaning, when suddenly, her stealth snuffed out. She pulled the invisibility potion from a pocket, a container the size of a nail polish bottle.

She never got the chance to drink. Arms pulled her into a room.


Meters from the hotsprings Inn…

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Clyde found himself pacing back and forth after twenty-five minutes had gone by without a single word from the silver-haired girl. Natalia, seemingly oblivious to the situation at hand, joined him, though choosing to race the young man to each of his subconsciously chosen destinations. Nina yipped and joined in too, both lolis bickering to outdo each other.

"Fuck, what's taking her so long?" Clyde said. "Shit, I know sneaking around slowly takes time but this is ridiculous."

Alice leapt to her feet.

"I can't take this anymore. What if she was taken captive to be dinner?"

"Ha, no way that could happen, dude," Seth said. "Girl's got spunk. Power. She can lay us all out if she wanted to."

Melody, Tear, and Ming rolled their eyes. Natalia stuck her tongue out at Nina before hopping back onto Clyde's shoulders. The vampire loli gave her a pouty face before returning to her game.

"With monster girls, we never know," Toru said. "You know how some like to have stun effects."

"Yeah for men," Seth said. "As if any of them could touch Chika."

Clyde wasn't so sure. Hellhounds were…well, unpredictable. He had a Spongebob Squarepants flashback. The fish standing in line for Bubble-buddy yelled, 'TWO HOURS IS LONG ENOUGH.'

The young man decided that logic was good enough to act. If the silver-haired girl turned out to be okay, he'd let her chew him out for lack of faith over whatever kind of sex she wanted…within reason.

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He pulled out a new weapon, something he never tried in this world yet. A prize for slaying the vampire emperor, the golden rod sported rubies and emeralds. The star at the top of it was the size of a lemon and seemed to be made entirely of the two jewels. A soft white aura outlined the weapon.

He considered giving it to Harumi multiple times, but the gamer inside howled. It's either for himself or a dedicated mage, not the healer. A dedicated super mage. Fuck, she was never going to leave him alone now.

[You have found the Staff of Hopes. Item class: epic.]

"I can't believe I'm doing this, but Natalia, I have a present for you," he said. "Use this to fuck shit up."

Please System don't increase the relationship. Please System, just give me this one. The system ignored his thoughts. Silent protests that seemed only to make nature more mischievous.

"Whoa! Clyde…I shouldn't," Natalia said, her voice boiling with excitement.

"Take it," Clyde said, holding back the feeling of loss. But Natalia was a super mage, no doubt about it. He'd be an idiot not to equip her with the staff. She hopped off his back, shifted to her incredibly beautiful adult form and kissed him, right in front of everyone. Then as if to stomp on the moment, shrank back into the loli again.

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[You have given Natalia an epic-level gift! This has moved her.]

[Natalia has fallen in love with you. MP increased by 50%]

[Your *relationship* with Natalia has significantly increased to—]

He cut off the prompt as the loli continued to hug him.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! This is one of the greatest things someone has ever given me."

He could see the evil grins of his party and cleared his throat.

"Let's go. Get ready to fight," he said with an asserted voice. "We're going to check on our favorite silver-haired rogue."

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