The air expunged out of Chika's throat as she was slammed back-first to the wall. Her vision blurred then darkened on the edges. Strength began to leave her.

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"You've got some nerve coming here, girl," an accented voice said. "So, you better have a reaaalllly good reason to why or I'll be snapping your neck, human."

She felt herself get tossed to the floor like a rag doll. "Now speak." Chika burst into hysterical laughter. "You find something funny, meat! I'll kill you!"

"You should've done that while you had the chance," Chika said darkly. Intense white and pink aura surrounded her. "That hurt. I do not like to be hurt." Her gray eyes glowed a bright pink, then she smiled. A dark, cruel smile.

[*Control Zero…*]

[%$%#@###$# !@#%%$]

A hellhound's widened eyes….

Blood covering the floor...

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"Touch me again and I won't leave you alive."

Chika snapped to herself sometime later. At least eight severely injured hellhounds were at her feet, bleeding everywhere. Several others with lesser injuries begged for mercy, some whimpering like mutts, others in tears with broken bones or some pulled, nearly ripped hair, stab wounds, very dark and large bruises.

"Please," a hellhound cried. "Mercy."

Some of the prisoners looked terrified. Some had hope in their eyes, seeing that only the hellhounds were attacked. Some stood in a puny defense of their captor, Stockholm syndrome in full effect. Chika shook her head.

"What is this mercy you speak of?" she said, grinning. "I wonder in here, an inn open to the public, and I get choked out. You miserable creatures. Alas, I'm willing to spare you in exchange for the release of every single man here. Otherwise, I proceed to killing."

The hellhounds whimpered and whined.

"My husband," one of the injured badly bruised monster girls cried. "Please don't take my husband. My love."

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Some of the men stood stall, supposedly defending their "loved ones." Others cheered.

"You're one awesome and crazy-scary, amazing girl," one of them said. "Hell, I may even get to keep my job after I explain this shit to my boss."

"I get to catch the release of Loli Saga the Game after all," another said.

"Shit, I may swear off sex for a while," another said. "I'd love to sleep more than four hours a day again."

"I won't go!" one of the defenders said. "She loves me. She's my darling wi—"

"Shut it," Chika said, distaste in her voice. "Nobody's getting left behind. And the innkeeper is ready to be rid of all of you."

"Get up!" someone shouted as they emerged from the mixed hot spring bath. "Hades, I take one lousy nap and come back to see my troop begging for mercy. You're hellhounds, not girl scouts." The hellhound leader continued toward Chika without missing a beat. "And you. Oh-hoh, you're dead." She made a snapping sound with her fingers. Four more hellhounds emerged from the bath, stark naked if one didn't count the fur.

Clyde and the others took that time to burst through the door. Natalia held up a golden staff of some sort, childish glee in her eyes.

"Ho-ly-shit dude," Seth said then chuckled. "I told you so." He gave Melody, Tear, and Ming a smug smile. "Oh, ye who lacks faith."

"I guess we now know what was taking you so long," Clyde said as he stopped to stand by the young woman. "Holy shit indeed. I guess I owe—"

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Someone else burst into the doors, surrounded by blue aura. She rushed to her injured party members.

"I wanted you to talk to them, not…kill them," Ruri said, voice nearly a whine. "Matsume…Penny. I'm so sorry. We don't have a healer." She stood, aura raging like a deadly river. "You will pay for this." She morphed into her hellhound form. Lupine eyes glared nuclear explosions at the group. She growled.

"Ruri, calm down," Alice said. "You were tailing us for one. We all know that your idiot pack attacked first. Harumi will heal them but on an oath that they will leave the city. They've overstayed their welcome."

"No…you've hurt my pack," she said then looked at some of the crying and whimpering hellhounds. Some with broken bones. Some that looked as if they were beaten up by giant robots. Chika had no regrets. In fact, she winked when Ruri glanced her way.

The princess hellhound growled louder, aura covering the entire area.

"I will kill all of you!"


Yusuke sighed as the reaperess slept next to him with a peaceful expression. She had changed ever since that day. Undine no longer inflicted despair status effects nor pain. Instead, she filled him with peace and love and comfort. He thought it was ridiculous when she started acting as his wife. Yet he let himself get used to it—his clothes ready for him, his bed made, dinner prepared, sweet words caressing his ears. Her kisses started off as stolen and shy, then grew assertive and aggressive, longing. Then they started having sex every time Kitome left. Or in the shower, whether she was there or not. And every night. One of them being all night. If she weren't a spiritual being, he would've gotten her pregnant many times over. Fortunately, she said nothing of the sort. He wasn't sure how long it took for the signs to show or if her kind could magically tell. That would be a disaster for Yusuke if it happened.

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Why did her presence tick off Ruri so much? Undine didn't mind if he brought friends over. She showered everyone with love and warmth. She no longer spoke nonsense about some bonding and contract. She…was….she was like honey and sugar and kindness all in one. Yusuke wasn't sure how he felt, but knew that he'd be sad if she suddenly left.

Then it hit him…He hadn't known Ruri that long, but did she…like Yusuke? Not that fast…Then again, he didn't know the inner workings of how her kind worked. The young man…saw her as a friend with potential, but with the reaperess advances, he let future hope drop. Not on purpose

He looked at Undine's adorable sleeping face. Yusuke thought he might know how Toru felt. Unlike him, the rich guy was certain about his feelings. Maybe this was simply an arrogant thought…he sat up.

He had no idea where Ruri lived. He could ask Alice, but that would mean confronting Clyde's glare. He just wasn't in the mood for that shit.

Fuck it. As much as he didn't admit it, the young man was a ninja. The reaperess awoke the power within, gave him a sight that he didn't ask for. He'd own up, apologize for being a dick and then ask for…well…he could just call her, but he preferred face to face—and would love to see how she'd react when he popped up at her place.

If Ruri really did like him, why did she give Clyde such a predatory gleam? To Yusuke, that felt a bit creepy, as if she planned to rap e the guy or something. Pssh, Alice's friends would do no such thing, right?

He dialed Ruri, but received no answers, even after three attempts. When he opened his door to step outside, a woman surrounded by two police officers greeted him.

"Gooday Yusuke, I'm Detective Tetra," she said. "Do you have a moment for us to talk?"

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