Hot springs inn…

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Arguments….Bickering….Threats….Weapon drawing….

"ALL OF YOU CALM DOWN!" Clyde's deitic voice boomed with so much intensity that every window in the inn shattered. The building trembled. His control slipped.

He walked over to Ruri and stared down at her with glowing eyes that could shatter solar systems, make kings bow, make other deities follow or kneel. He spoke again in…a different voice. "I did not come all the way here for this shit, so quit wasting my time, Ruri, or I'll take your soul. Do you understand?"

The pup glared back in defiance, but said nothing. Her aura vanished, signaling progress.

Clyde took a breath and let go of the power in an exhale. Until he was one hundred percent sure the taint was gone, reached the proper level, and received the training, the young man would not touch it. Even if it called for him, whispered his name with honey and apples. Ruri needed something that strong to get through to her.

And despite that defiance, tears were falling from her face. If the girl wasn't so proud, she probably would've pissed herself.

"Harumi," Clyde said with his normal voice again. "Heal them all. Ruri, come with me. We're going to have a talk. Alice, do you mind giving Harumi a hand? Your All Calm skill should repair the bones."

Alice nodded and joined Harumi in the heal fest.

"Please don't take my soul," Ruri whispered, nearly whining.

"I won't take your soul," Clyde said. "The part of me that spoke is a result of…Oh never mind, let's go. Don't make my life harder than it needs to be. Seth, Toru, assist and watch those four. I'm sure they have no intention of trying anything while their pack is being healed."

"Of course not," one of them said. "We're not savages."

"I wonder," Clyde said, giving her a look. The hellhound didn't dare argue. He exited, followed by the silent hellhound princess.

They walked in silence down a clear forest path. The sun peeked through a few clouds, but simply wasn't good enough to suppress the chilly autumn air. The young man was glad that he wore a long-sleeved shirt with jeans. It wasn't terribly cold, but a breeze every now and then could make a man flinch a little.

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"Before I ask you about that banter between you and Yusuke," Clyde said, "let me properly introduce myself. You're Alice's childhood friend, right? I'd like to get to know you, not fight you. I have enough to deal with already." He stopped in a grassy clearing several meters from the Inn. It was quite beautiful with multicolored leaves painting the air and ground with brilliance. A deer stopped, munched on some grass, then continued its journey, carefree. "I'm Clyde, leader of Team Stone." He held out a hand. "I'm kind of a non-native of this world."

Ruri took his hand.

"I'm Ruri, princess of the eastern hellhound clan, alpha of the Ruri-pack," she said.

"You named your pack after yourself?" Clyde said. He examined her. Snow white hair that draped past her neck, sky-blue eyes, petite body, same height as Alice.

"Of course," she said, placing hands on hips, looking at the young man with smug pride. "Sometimes I have to remind them who's running things."

[Your relationship with Ruri has increased to friend level 2.]

It was a start, but… Another system prompt made him miss a step.

[Quest: Give Ruri a head pat. This quest is mandatory and cannot be refused. Reward: something interesting, desu.]


He internally begged the system not to make him do this ridiculous quest, but it ignored him.

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[Main character stuff: Head pat.]

He caressed Ruri's head…The princess of a hellhound pack with the capabilities of ripping people to shreds…He reduced her to a pet. Ruri's eyes widened for a split second.

Searching for a distraction, Clyde continued the conversation while still petting. Or at least he tried to, but before he could get a word out, she licked his cheek. As if realizing what she did, Ruri covered her mouth, blushing furiously.

[Quest completed. Reward: hahahahahahaha.]

[Your relationship with Ruri has increased to friend-closer level 1, intensely sexually interested.]

Clyde remembered seeing that same phrasing on Kiko's—another lick pulled him out of the thoughts. It was only then he realized, she tackled him to the ground, unleashing a series of aggressive kisses while pulling off his clothes.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," the young man said, catching his breath, trying and failing to hold her back. "You can't rap e me." He laughed. "What are you...Oh shit, you're not joking. I'll give you points for having the guts to dare…."

She was in her hellhound form with lusty eyes. For a second, he thought about just letting it happen. Cute and…He decided not to be a dick to Yusuke.

Why couldn't he activate his magic nor reach for the power?

[You have been ensnared by Ruri. You have been stunned due to the ensnarement.]

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"Please make me yours," Ruri said, then yipped. "I can't control the urges anymore. So, I'll take you for husband." She tossed Clyde's pants to the side then gleefully massaged his horn. It nearly smacked her on the face in a haste to rise. As she pulled off her shorts, the stun wore off due to Clyde's stats and heart protection.

"I thought you were dating Yusuke," Clyde said as he hopped from the ground, surprising the girl.

[The head pat still has her heart beating with lust and love. Dog and wolf-type beings absolutely love them.]

"No," she said. "He's a dense stupid-head who likes evil entities."

Ruri was in front of him again. "Pet me again please."

As if amused, the system intervened.

[Quest: head pat Ruri. This type of stress-relief is good for your new close friend. This quest is mandatory and cannot be refused. Reward: Ahahahahaha.]

And of course, Clyde put himself in this situation, thinking he was the one in control. The inn was far off, not even visible. He didn't even consider that Ruri would attempt to rap e him. The right stun effect could…actually affect him. He flinched when he realized Ruri…was humping his leg.

"Don't ignore me," she said. "Pet, pet, I need this stress-relief."

"Fine, but tell me what's going on with Yusuke," Clyde said. "And stop humping my leg. It's weird."

[Talent, main character stuff. Head pat.]

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Ruri let out a moan the moment Clyde stroked the top of her head. He even scratched behind her wolf ears. His erection somehow shot to full blast.

But he couldn't do this to Yusuke. Hell, he already took this too far, petting his love interest. And she kissed him. Shit.

"Yusuke's having sex with a reaperess," Ruri said absently. "Worst thing about it was that I didn't realize it until I entered his room. He acted as if everything's fine and dandy while she sat there, smug, owning him. Oh, did you not know of the reaperess in his house? The nerve of him!"

"Are you just going to take that or—"

"Don't you give me that," Ruri interrupted. "Don't give me that 'are up going to give up' human crap. To be honest…the problem is me." She had Clyde pinned against a tree, melting into his head pat. "Oh! Your hand has a gift for pleasing a canine."

"So…a reaperess," Clyde said after that finally soaked in. He pushed for a subject change. "You mean like a female reaper?" Ruri nodded. "Holy shit, seriously? How is he not dead?"

"Reapers and reaperesses don't kill on touch," Ruri said. "That's just some dumb myth. Anyway, I've decided I want you inside of me."

"You want Yusuke inside of you?" Clyde said, stepping to the side, but she pulled him back to her. There would be no easy escape for him.

"I can't suppress it anymore," Ruri said. "And I won't be taking no for an answer."

"Can you suppress it long enough to at least rap e Yusuke?" Clyde said. "You two look good together. And besides, I'm not trying to be homewrecker man here."

"You just won't take me seriously. I've tried to suppress it—but I'm only compatible with you! Don't push me away!"

Ruri dove into him. Clyde gulped. Shit. He had no proof that Yusuke was having sex with this reaperess. Some women thought one thing, but missed the mark entirely. Well, men too, if more so—but that's beside the point. What if this was some sort of misunderstanding? He'd be ruining the relationship of his own party member. A leader pulling a dick move of this magnitude. He needed to be sure.

"Let's go talk to Yusuke," Clyde said. "Seriously. I'm sure—"

"No," Ruri said, undressing. "I'm not going to run away from it anymore. I tried to hide it because you were Alice's life mate, but Yusuke just gave me a lame excuse. I won't be pushed way. Now, enough beating around the bush. Do me or I'll do you."

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