Pants knocked to the side, Clyde reviewed the choices he had in the matter. One, his least favorite choice, be a complete dickbag to Yusuke and just take Ruri. Two, try again to get some sense into the monster girl. Now wasn't the time to lose control. Three, make a run for it. This option was another one he disliked. While running to see how she react could possibly be fun, if he slipped, the monster girl would rap e him into the next dimension. Could he outrun the hellhound? Why bother? No, he needed to be sure about her relationship with Yusuke. The young man wasn't some mind reader. He didn't know what was going on. And the last thing he wanted to do was get into a fight with the guy, lose a party member, and piss Alice off over something like this.

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"Ruri, listen," he said. "No, don't grab that. Listen. I need to be sure. Let's go to Yusuke's place, alright? If I'm convinced you two aren't dating, we can finish this later. Control your urges."

Ruri shook her head, wiping away drool. She strained against Clyde's strength in an attempt to push him down. Her higher level gave her an advantage and the young man began to lose. To be honest, he…found a little entertainment in the struggle. He just couldn't take this situation seriously. What kind of man wouldn't bang Ruri? If it wasn't for Yusuke, he'd have her screaming his name…The poison of this world? Or the honest truth of a man? He was no longer sure. Still, he couldn't risk getting caught by Alice. She would kill the hellhound without a second thought. That'd be a fuckery to explain to Yusuke.

"Alright, enough of this," Clyde said. He slipped out of reach and tried to use a skill, but she pounced him. "Seriously Ruri, chill out."

He held the giggling girl at full arm's length, but she had the strength of many men. Unfair, but not uncommon with monster girl types. He rolled, hopped up, but staggered as she took hold of him.

"You will be my husband," she said. "Stop fighting—mate with me. You can even impregnate me. You will impregnate me."

"Fucking A, Ruri, alright fun's done—I'm going to have—oh!"

She grabbed his horn and vigorously massaged. He tried and failed to shake her off his leg. And she went back to humping. The young woman felt wet enough to match the earth's water content. Then as she decided the leg wasn't good enough, Ruri lunged for Clyde again.

The moment she let go of his leg, he flash stepped behind her.

[You activated Binder's hand.]

[Ruri activated Swift bound.]

To his shock, magic surrounded the hellhound. She rushed through his blue tendrils of energy and tackled him to the ground. Once again, he struggled not to get raped. He wasn't going to be the new Toru.

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"No, no, son-of-a, I'm not going to be made into your bitch," he snapped as they rolled around. Ruri laughed in delight.

"No use struggling, I will have you," she said. "You're hard as a rock. Just let it happen."

"If Alice walks here, you're dead," he said.

"I don't care—stop resisting. You're only making me want to violate you more."

Clyde managed to get a hand on her chest. Which stat could help in this situation? His luck sure wasn't doing much. Neither was charisma.

[Your endurance and will stats are allowing you to just hold on, but soon you will begin to tire. You will be raped into oblivion when she gains the upper hand. Your charisma is much too low to talk a level 90+ being out of something she wants badly.]

[Stamina left: 45%]

"Ruri fuck off," he said, attempting to wrench himself out of her hold. "Don't make me hurt you."

"As if a power level of seventy could touch me," she said. "Except sexually. Why do you resist? You're a man and I'm giving myself to you."

"No, you're trying to make me your bitch," Clyde said. She laughed and licked his face.

"If I cannot control myself, you shouldn't either," Ruri said. "Just let go. Don't deny me." She took a long whiff. "Compatibility is intoxicating."

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[Stamina left: 30% Your endurance stat is 154.]

She attempted to pull his shirt off, giving the young man the opening, he needed. Or so he thought. He realized the trap and just barely turned to get an arm full of humping.

If it weren't for…not wanting to be a total dick and possibly a cuck-invoker to Yusuke, Clyde would be plowing Ruri. The shit a team leader had to go through to be loyal. The ninja owed him a big deal after this.

[Stamina left:5%]

After what felt like half an hour, though it couldn't have been more than six or seven minutes, the struggle started to wear on him. Even if he did Yusuke's woman, would she keep it a secret? No…he WILL NOT betray the man. He needed to confirm things. What skill could help him? He arsenal seemed deadly and the binder's hand cooldown kept Clyde from trying again. DAMMIT COOLDOWN! Oh well.

Abruptly, his phone rang, which seemed to make Ruri pause for some reason.

"Let me take that," Clyde said, but she didn't release him.

"Love me," Ruri said.

"Stop trying to ra pe me," Clyde said, his strength beginning to falter.

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[Stamina left: 1.5%]

He delayed the inventible long enough, but suddenly, Ruri laid back to…rest?

[Your will has outlasted Ruri's. Her stamina drained faster. BUT you've got less than 15 seconds to act before you're raped!]

Clyde leapt to his feet, flash stepped to his pants and shoved them on. As the hellhound barked, gathering herself to charge, the young man Jumped. No…he tried to, but.

[Ruri activated quick-negate! By sacrificing half of MP, she has prevented your very next skill, forcing it to the cooldown state. There will be no easy escape, meat.]

BROKEN! OP! Clyde shook his head.

[Quest: have super wild sex with Ruri. Accept? Reward: Title: She was the Man.]

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Clyde's eyes widened as he declined the shit out of the quest.

[Time left until Jump is ready: 15 minutes…]

[MP remaining: 125%]

He put up his guard. Accessing the power was still not possible, so he'd have to get past her the hard way.

"Oh silly, I'm not going to fight you. I want you inside me, not shredded to bits on the outside."

She was far gone. And with her weaknesses, he may accidentally kill her. Then again, she was twenty levels higher. Could he even hit her with his attacks without the power?

Ugh…reliance of the power. He fought big fish with his party all the time. Soloing the hellhound would end with him being raped and he knew it. She was a boss enemy.

Fuck it.

Clyde turned and ran.

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