[You have entered a chase!]

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[Objective: if you are caught, you will be raped into unconsciousness. You will also receive a severe penalty, with a chance of a game over. You cannot lead Ruri back to the inn or a lot of people will die. Either last until your cooldown is over or discover a plan to trap her.]

[Your magic has been disabled!]

[Jump cooldown remaining time: 9 minutes.]

"You've got to be shitting me," Clyde said, only a second from flash stepping the hell out of there. He planned to just knab Yusuke and get him to make up with his girl. Now he found himself sprinting in a forest from a rapey hellhound with his magic disabled by the system. The system could do this? What the fuck?

Clyde heard entire trees snap and bend as Ruri barked, yipped, giggled, and taunted. Oh, he was going to make Yusuke pay dearly for this. Trying to save his party member's relationship. At this point, his work could be all for nothing. And if it was, both of them will be getting his wrath. Pains!

Despite the stakes, because the system wanted to be a fucking dick muncher, the chase was actually…fun. He had to retain some kind of sense of humor to be from being frustrated by the situation.

When Ruri was in seeing-distance of him, he stuck his tongue out and made Triple H's "suck it" gesture from WCW. The hellhound barked and sped up—Clyde's only advantage being the nice head start.

[Jump cooldown: 6 minutes…]

His endurance and will had to be going in overdrive.

[Your Athlete passive is playing a large role in this.]

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"Fuck yeah, about time something from my world helped." He knew the gap only shortened, but the young man had a plan. A rather nasty one, but it was either that or get the game over.

Abruptly, Ruri teleported to the side, back, and then in front of him. Three consecutive teleports, with no sign of a cooldown to balance that. He shrugged.

"Hey Ruri, check this out," he said, holding a large stick. He wiggled it and whistled. "You like it, girl?" She eyed it excitedly, tail wagging, tongue lolling out of her mouth. She…panted like a dog. "Go it girl!" He chucked that son of a bitch at least fifty feet away. THE HELLHOUND WENT AFTER IT! Clyde almost fell to the ground laughing, though he kept it quiet. No point of regaining her attention.

He gathered every wad of strength into his body and sprinted. Everything blurred around the young man. He'd make it out of this, get Yusuke his woman back, then finish his Thursday strong. Maybe get Seth and Toru to take him somewhere fun to hang out and clear the mind.

[Jump cooldown: 2 minutes…]

[Ruri activated Aura engulf!]

And just like that, her aura swallowed the entire forest.

[You have been inflicted with Slow. Your speed is decreased by 30%]

He felt sluggish—and if fact, he probably looked like someone in a slow-motion scene from an action movie. He heard a large howl then barking.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." He scrambled, begging the system to undo the status effect. In the corner of his mind's eye, he saw an icon of a boot with a blinking red X on it. Two minutes until it wore off. This was the worst thing that could possibly happen to him.

Hide… No, he couldn't, the monster girl would sniff the young man out like yesterday's lunch. He saw her frantically approaching without the stick. Shit. There was no telling how humiliated she felt. Well, yes. She snarled.

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"System, you can't do this! Give me back my magic."

Ruri barked, gaining ground.

"System for the love of—"

[Jump cooldown has finished.]

[Ruri activated quick-negate!]

[Jump cooldown: 15 minutes!]

Clyde's eyes widened. This was it. With that pissed look on her face, this was going to be rather interesting. Except. Well…

"Fuck you too System."

He accessed his inventory for a certain crafted item—one he didn't expect to ever have a use for.

[You have found: Howler's Binding collar. Item class: Dark Rare.]

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Ruri tackled him to the ground and they wrestled. Clyde used the last of his strength to gain just a little upper hand on the hellhound—rolled over to her back, though not without taking a few swipes across his chest.

[Your HP has dropped to 190%]

He almost had the collar around her, but the hellhound bucked and bashed Clyde off to the side. He watched it tumble to the ground, along with all of his hopes.

"Well, I guess I shouldn't have expected things to be easy," he said, panting. Blocked from the power, his magic, and tired as hell. The young man put up an admirable fight, but just stood no chance against someone twenty levels higher than him.

Ruri grabbed his pants to rip, but something strange happened. She yawned loudly and fell backward. Clyde couldn't believe it…the hellhound was asleep.

[Natalia used Striking Sleep Bolt. 35% extra chance of status effect working due to staff.]

[Ruri is inflicted with Sleep.]

Clyde sat up, looking baffled. The loli walked over and climbed onto his shoulders, humming.

"She's not going to carry herself back, pervy nii-chan. She needs Harumi or Lady Alice."

"Yeah, after I put her clothes back on."

Natalia shrugged.

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"Be gentle. Even with this awesome staff, inflicting the same status effect on an enemy is very difficult."

Clyde quickly dressed the sleeping girl. With the loli still on his back, he started the trek back to the inn, but not without retrieving the collar. He'd find some other use for it or maybe not at all. How he accidentally crafted such a thing was still a mystery to him.

Upon returning to the inn, Clyde sat the 'bundle of sunshine' and misery in front of Alice and Harumi then strolled up to the front desk.

"Ms. Innkeeper, I need a robe and a towel. Oh, and some of that sake please."

Without missing a beat, he started for the back, but stopped. "Don't kill her. Heal the urging or whatever she called it. I'm going to relax for about an hour. No one bother me unless its an emergency. Natalia, you can tell them what happened."

He felt Harumi's magic heal his wounds as he continued without missing a beat. What would he do with his adorable healer?


Ming allowed herself a breath of relief, though she still felt like a failure of a prophet. She was happy that Natalia made it in time. Out of control hellhounds could do more than just icky monster girl violate a man. They're strong with claws of razors. That crazy mutt…to think she'd even considered harming him.

A foretelling occurred very, very, rarely—but this one predicted a possible game over in Clyde's future. She assumed game over meant death and chose someone who'd efficiently save his life without bloodshed. Someone very powerful, best equipped.

Ming gazed at her dual-colored eyes in the bathroom's mirror. She splashed some water on her face. A prophet without the trust of her master was no prophet. She…was useless. But she wouldn't give up. She made it this far. In due time, she'd be more than just his prophet. At least she hoped. She imaged him coming home from a day's work and scooping her up and taking her on the couch.

Ming slapped those thoughts from her head. She could be writing, playing Stone-Tokken, or what…lounging around, hoping that a prince charming show up to take her away.

"Even if I have to work in the background…" she said. "I'll be useful."

She hated sounding so defeated, but…

A voice spoke from behind. She felt something rub against her shoulder.

"What are you doing at an inn for our kind, human?"

She looked into the mirror to see a cruelly smiling hornet. By her neck was the tip of a shining spear.

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