Meters from Yusuke and Kitome's house…

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Clyde smiled sheepishly as Kitome continued to glare at him. To think the young man was about to head to her house without the young woman. The magical girl managed to join the Jump at the last second. And of course, gave him an ear full. He'd probably have a decent headache later.

"How do you even know where I live?" she said. "You haven't visited, ever."

"Tear," Clyde said simply.

"That cow succubus," she snapped then let out a frustrated breath. "I'll do the introductions if my parents are home. Yusuke couldn't introduce a sheep and a…"

Her sentence cut off as Detective Tetra and her cop minions walked outside the door. The group was still a little too far to catch up to the woman. Not that Clyde wanted to deal with any more pesky interrogations.

"Who's that?" Kitome said, hands on hips. "And why did she just leave my house?"

"I don't like her," Natalia said. "Stupid bully cow woman." The loli stuck her tongue out at the cop car driving off.

"I think I know of her," Toru said. "If I'm not mistaking, that's Detective Tetra, one of the most persistent forces in the country. What's she doing in Lot City?"

"Maybe to investigate how the people went missing?" Kitome said.

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"Considering the fact that there's a demon lord scattered across a handful of cities, I don't know," Toru said.

"Airi told me she had some run-ins with an irritating detective," Harumi said. "It wouldn't surprise me if that was her."

"It's her alright," Clyde said. "And she's the bitch of the year. Now let's get going. We'll talk about the detective later." He made sure NOT to look at Ruri, though felt her eyes burning his back.

Kitome marched the group to her house and swung open the door, letting everyone in.

"Welcome to my house. I'M HOME YUSUKE."

Yusuke gave a start. The blue-haired young man was on the other side of a tall counter in the kitchen, seemingly weary and pissed. Clyde didn't blame him. Detectives had a nice habit of drawing out anyone's tired rage. He probably kicked her out.

Yusuke downed a glass of…something. Clyde couldn't help but notice his fist that was clenched tightly on the wood. The tall counter made it nearly impossible to tell if he stood or sat, but something seemed a little off. The tightening of his mouth… Within the anger seemed like nervousness. He also kept looking down as if at someone. Glaring.

He spoke too quickly in Clyde's opinion.

"So apparently we're suspects," he said. "Uh—Like, they can build up a case and lock us up for good. So much bullshit—uh—this government is corrupt."

Clyde nodded, figuring that notion explained his current behavior. Maybe. No one wanted to deal with unfair prison time—especially for saving the public. Why couldn't this detective see that?

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Ruri happened to be the very last person to step into the house. She growled, eyes burning with intense fury. Light-blue aura outlined the hellhound. Clyde placed a hand in front of her. The guttural growl confused the young man for a second. They brought her to make up with Yusuke, so why start the dramatics now? What did she sense?

"We'll talk about that another time," Clyde said. Yusuke's eyes widened as he took notice of Ruri.

"I told you not to involve them," he snapped. "He's got other things on his plate. I have everything under control."

"She's right in here," Ruri said. "I smell more than just her…she's…" Her eyes widened. "I knew I shouldn't have come here. I just fucking knew it."

"What's going on?" Toru said. "I don't see anyone. Clyde don't tell me you thunked the girl on the head—"

He gave Ruri a blank stare against her dark glare. The hellhound sighed, figuring just like the rest of them that combating Toru's blank stare wasn't possible.

"You may as well show yourself," Clyde said. "Trust me, you don't want…"

Yusuke made a motion as if pulling up his pants for some reason, but the Clyde couldn't tell for sure due to the counter. Not that he cared to look. Why would he?

"No need to make threats here," Yusuke said.

"Yusuke, what's going on?" Kitome said in a quiet but deadly voice. It felt like a viper preparing to lunge.

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"The reaperess is not only here, but…I'm picking up the scent of saliva, semen, and male genital," Ruri said.

Silence. Then Clyde saw a young woman…an entity…. Someone… rise up from the floor. She wiped her mouth, then smiled…warmly. She was incredibly beautiful, a goddess, with long black hair, sparkling violet eyes, a bosom to die for—and an air of purity around her. A reaperess? No fucking way. I sense nothing evil or dark about her, Clyde thought.

"You don't have to reveal yourself to them," Yusuke said softly.

"No, I think it is time I introduce myself," the woman said.

Kitome and most of the others gave a start. Clyde assumed she made herself visible to them.

"What the fuck?" Kitome hissed. "Who's she? Yusuke, you'd better motherfucking start explaining or I'll—and where did she come from? What the hell's going on?"

"She was here during my visits too," Ruri said. "The scent of sex is everywhere. One very fresh, minutes before he invited me over."

Kitome tapped her foot repeatedly. Yusuke looked paler than snow—as if he'd pass out. Clyde could've stepped to his defense, but watched, curious to see how he'd dig himself from the hole.

"I am Undine," the reaperess said. "I've been sealed in this house for many many years." She bowed her head slightly. "Please take care of me."

Kitome snarled at Yusuke.

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"And you knew about her. Even told Ruri apparently—some of the story, but not me." She shook her head. "Well you'd better get to explaining now, I want the entire truth or I'll make sure Mom and Dad—"

"Alright already!" Yusuke snapped. "Calm the fuck down!"

Kitome looked taken aback, mouth agape.

"Undine is a reaperess," he said. "She revealed herself to me some time ago, a dark entity that often went on about some ridiculous contract. She was the one that triggered the powers within us—aided in awakening them. Although I didn't want anything to do with being gifted, there was just no avoiding it. I mean what kind of a guy who lived mostly a normal life would want to be thrust into a world of monsters that eat people. She and I got to know each other—but the real change happened on that day with the strange weather and all."

"I was converted from a dark alignment to purity, by him," she pointed at Clyde then bowed deeply, respectfully. "It is an honor to be within your presence my lord Stone."

Yusuke gave Clyde a furious warning glare—like an "I fucking dare you to try and take her—I'll kill you," look. Of course, the young man had enough sense not to dare challenge Clyde. At least the young man thought so.

"Were you not dating Ruri?" Clyde said, tired of the pretenses. Ruri gave a start, nearly falling on her face. Yusuke froze. Undine only continued to smile innocently. Harumi snorted.

"Awkward," Natalia sang.

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