"No," Yusuke said, "I've only known her for a few days. What does that have to do with anything?"

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Clyde held up a hand, veins full of frustration. He was nearly raped into a game over. Yusuke wasn't getting out of this so easily.

[Quest: take Ruri for yourself. The special abilities at your disposal will put you at a new tier of power. Reward: unknown.]

The option to accept or decline didn't appear. What the fuck, System? It didn't appear to be mandatory, which relieved Clyde. Now he had to open the eyes of…

"You dense motherfucker," Clyde snapped, air-chopping both hands in Yusuke's direction. This goddamn trope. "Are you being serious man?"

"Clyde I already told you—"

"Harumi," he said, cutting off Ruri. "Is it just me?"

"Of course not," Harumi said. "I thought so too."

"Me too," Natalia said.

Undine laughed, then clapped her hands once.

"I get it now. My husband, your new friend liked you."

Clyde felt the breath go out of him as he widened his eyes. Everyone grew silent, attempting to comprehend. Kitome trembled. He stole a glance from Ruri. She held a neutral expression. Undine continued. "I took him for husband a couple of days ago and he's been such a sweetheart. He wants to be all tough, but I funnel that aggression inside of me every night." She giggled. "I kicked the detective out—she could see me you know. I'm afraid I'm not the sharing type, but for you, Ruri, I can make an exception. Second wife. We'll need a bigger bed though."

Kitome finally exploded.

"My brother's not married to anyone," she snapped. "For fuck's sake, he just turned eighteen. He's got an entire life ahead of him and I'll be damned if I let some stupid monsters make claim over his life."

"Age, such a human number, but eighteen is perfectly acceptable," Undine said. "He's a man, an adult. You're only a year older than him and not his mother. Though I plan to get her approval when Yusuke and I find a place to live."

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Yusuke was sitting, facepalming. Undine continued to make things worse. "Ruri's welcomed of course to join us. And you, sister-in-law," she hugged Kitome. "I want to get to know you."

"Let me go," Kitome said, but couldn't get out of her embrace.

"I see," Clyde said. "None of this is human custom, its monster girl jizz. And you took Yusuke for husband." He looked at Yusuke. "I'm pretty sure you can handle two—"

He felt the hand grab and drag him outside.

"You will listen to me," Ruri said with venom in her voice. "I know what you're trying to do, but I already told you whom I'm compatible with. And do you honestly believe I'll put up with that…thing? Canines and spirits cannot live together, you moron! Dense… It's the pot calling the kettle black."

"That's not a spirit," Clyde said. "Not exactly. More like someone who guides them, right? I can't recall much of the mythologies."

Ruri shook her head.

"Trying to change the subject. Why are you being such a pain in the ass?" Ruri said.

"I could ask you the same," Clyde said. "Why are you going back on Yusuke?"

Abruptly, Yusuke stepped out of the house, Undine holding his arm. The red slap mark across his face only began to explain the situation. Harumi had her arms folded, face darkened with fury. A pissed off Harumi…

"You apologize to Ruri right now," Harumi said coldly. She pulled a struggling Undine away.

"Ruri…I apologize!" Yusuke bowed his head. "Having just met, I saw you as one of the most epic friends one could ever have. I've never been one to rush into anything—we're human. Feelings develop and are interchangeable. I didn't—"

"It took this freaking idiot a month to get over that Emiko girl's rejection," Kitome said. "Not sure what he saw in her—her attitude was so bipolar."

Toru beat Clyde to the blank stare.

"You!" she chased after Toru.

Clyde forced himself to remain composed, focusing back on the matchmaking. Undine suddenly slipped past Harumi's hold and fucking ruin everything. The reaperess grabbed onto Yusuke's arm, made him blush. Ruri probably smelled the craving, sexual desire, and what would happen later, in the air. The young man wanted to let out a frustrated yell.

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"So close," Natalia whispered in Clyde's ear. How the hell did she get on his back? The loli nibbled his ear.

"Little girl I'm going to throw you off a bridge," Clyde said. "Don't think I won't turn you into Tetra."

Natalia dangled her arms his neck.

"Pervy nii, you've got to learn to accept love when it's given to you."

Clyde's eyes widened as he saw Ruri's sudden resolve. No… Natalia what have you done! He thought.

"It's okay," Ruri said, eyes taking on determination. "I'm not good with human culture just yet. We hellhounds sometimes take genuine friendship for more than what it is. With that being said, this is goodbye. I will decline your offer Undine."

"Wait, Ru—"

Ruri turned and Jumped. Kitome sighed.

"Poor girl, she deserves better anyway. Yusuke, you idiot!" she shoved past him into the house.

"Come, husband, I shall comfort you," Undine said. "It is not your fault. Besides, you saw her more as a…sister, right?" She pulled Yusuke toward the house. "Tell me more about these video games."

Clyde couldn't believe it. Sure, one couldn't possibly expect things to go his way all the time—life was as unpredictable as…the lottery.

"Ugh, Emiko," Toru said. "Rejected me too some time ago, which I'm glad. She's never honest with her feelings. Pretty mean on the outside, but I've seen the girl be as sweet as chocolate."

Clyde blinked. A tsundere? His anime trope senses rang, confirming the truth. He kind of assumed Kitome was exactly that. She probably still was so.

He walked over to Yusuke who was getting comforted by his wife.

"What the hell just happened?" Yusuke said.

"Just you being dense, my friend," Clyde said. "After all of the shi…Never mind. I expect you not to ignore my calls for the meetings anymore. The city could've been in danger and you wouldn't have known. Are we clear? If you're a part of this team, act like it."

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Clyde held out a hand, surprising the blue-haired young man. Yusuke accepted the handshake. "Yusuke, are you sure about letting Ruri slip between your fingers like that?"

"There was never anything between us," Yusuke snapped. "A girl and guy can't be friends without getting shipped by everyone around them."

"You two looked—"

"I don't care," Yusuke interrupted.

Clyde avoided looking at Undine, determined not to set the blue-haired young man off. He somehow understood.

Undine looked as if she simply didn't belong in this world. Beauty and radiance of that magnitude. All wasted on Yusuke. He pushed away the thoughts. The same could be said about Alice.

"Your loss man," Clyde said. "Anyway, I'm headed home to get in some last-minute studying for tomorrow's exams. Saturday, all men our team will hang out." He lowered his voice to a whisper so that Undine couldn't hear. "That way if you need to talk shit about the others without getting kicked in the balls, you're free to do so."

"What are you talking about?" Natalia said, trying to listen, nearly falling forward.

Harumi stepped out of the house, presumably saying her goodbyes to the magical girl.

"Nothing," Clyde said. Toru chuckled.

"I could locate a place, but Father is demanding too much time. Let Seth pick, he'll find somewhere fun. I'll set it aside on the calendar," the rich boy said.

"Fine with me," Yusuke said.

"I wanna go!" Natalia said.

"No kids or women allowed on this trip," Toru said, soliciting an indignant glare from Harumi.

"What trip?" she said. "And why can't we go?"

"It's a secret," Yusuke said.

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"Yep," Clyde said. "That being said, everyone's tasks for the rest of the day is not to fail the exam."

He sent a text to Tear, asking her to check on the hellhound progress. The faster they left, the faster things would calm down in Lot City.

Tear's return text was odd.

Tear: the pack is leaving, but Ruri asked Alice for sanctuary. Something about failing a mission and could be slain by her clan. Sounds fishy, almost made-up. Then Matsume suddenly asked the same thing too for some other reason I didn't catch. My cousin tried to wave it off as paranoia, but they were very insistent. She couldn't refuse.

Clyde: oh, what the fuck. Tear do something about them, please.

Tear: I don't know…Sanctuary accepted among demons is a sacred thing. For Alice, heir of House Hades, she must always have rooms available for her troubled dear friends, in her palace.

Clyde: a sacred demon thing. Well, I don't really want to know what that's about. The two can live in the palace but as long as they don't cause trouble in the city. We've got enough shit to deal with as is. Just focus on getting her pack to leave.

And Tear, thank you.

Tear: anything for you, love.

Clyde gaped at his phone, nearly dropping it. He cleared his throat at the expectant looks.

"Let's get going."

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