Unknown village…

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Aunder's eyes widened at the event that unfolded before him. For the first time, he felt something other than a need to fight, bed, and drink. There was one major rule that every person of honor followed on his homeworld. Never involve children. They could watch from afar—there were no stopping esper-brats from doing so—but participation in fights was off limits. The only violence they were exposed to was training. Destroying the next generation meant the end of a race.

So when Aunder saw the villagers tie a girl that looked the age of ten tied to the stake for public execution, he hopped out of his chair.

"Witch! Witch! Burn! Witch!" the mayor cheered. His hundred supporters repeated him, raising fists into the air. The little girl had a dead stare as if she'd given up hope.

Aunder strode onto the stone stage, soliciting confused stares and glares from the audience.

"So this is how the world treats its young accused," he said, slicing through the ropes with a single chakra-induced touch. The kid blinked at him. "Unless you want to die, I suggest pointing your spears elsewhere."

"Guards, kill this man and secure the witch," the mayor ordered.

With the girl on his back, Aunder simply ignored them as he walked away. The sound of boots grew louder. He chuckled then handed the child off to Olivia.

"Are you sure you don't want us to deal with them?" Momo asked.

"This will take only a few seconds," Su Yang said.

"No, I don't want them dead," Aunder said then chuckled. "I need them to live in fear. And there are other children around here. I'm not claiming responsibility for that blood."

Julius's eyes widened, but he was wise enough to stay quiet. The purple-eyed glowing gaze on him could mean death.

Aunder aimed a finger at the approaching village guard, though this attack was meant for the entire angry mob. There were a few pretty ladies amongst them, which disappointed him.

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((Aunder triggered Mass sleep!))

((Aunder triggered Worst nightmare.))

The mayor, his foolish guards, and his even more foolish angry mob dropped like flies. Some even began to scream in their sleep.

"Ooh, I perhaps overdid that one," he said then chuckled. He turned back to the others. "You have a point. Maybe I should sit back and give you a shot at proving your worth. But you must be honorable. If your opponent is pathetic, then it is your call to let him die pathetically or live in shame. He may even return a better fight."

He walked over to the kid.

"Young one, you may choose to follow me or return to your family."

The girl leapt out of Momo's grasp and dove into Aunder. He blinked. "Alright enough of that, I'm only touchy-feely with pretty ladies. You are young enough to be my kid sister or something." He tried to pull the girl away, but she had a… surprisingly super-strong grip. "Hey let go ya runt."

The girl surprised Aunder again, agilely hopping onto his back.

"I will follow you," she said softly.

Aunder sighed.

"Don't get used to that spot."

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"Spot!" she cheered then pulled off Aunder's hood. She ruffled his dark hair. "Thank you for saving me…uhm…."

"You little runt," he said then sighed. "Call me Aunder, child."

"Aunder-child!" the little girl cheered.

"Aunder!" he snapped, causing all of his companions to roar with laughter. They've never seen the Viper blush or look so comedic.

"She's so adorable," Momo said.

"I second that," Su Yang said.

"Same here," Olivia said.

Julius, who kept a slight distance from them, felt surprised that he was able to laugh. The tension melted, but he remained on edge. He stared at Momo again. The white-haired woman lacked in the breast department but made it up with a well-toned body. She wore the most provocative clothing of the three. She rarely spoke to Aunder but chatted with Julius a lot. Flirted. The man considered making a move but decided not to risk it. What if she belonged to the Viper?

Aunder shook his head.

"What's your name, child?"

"Princess Dire," she said smugly. "Bow to me, subject." She giggled. "Those mean people took me from my aunt last year. The castle probably forgot me."

Aunder froze. This little runt was THE Princess Dire. Wow. He still didn't want to be stuck babysitting her.

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"Well, you're in luck, kid. We're going to take you home," Aunder said.

"I don't wanna go home," Dire whined.

Aunder shrugged. So much for not babysitting.

"Are you sure, runt? I'm not going to waste my time on a trip there unless you're absolutely sure."

"I'm not liked," she said. "Destruction this, dangerous that. Everyone's so mean."

"And so, you chose," Aunder said then addressed his party. "Let us get going. We've got a lot of work to be done tomorrow. Momo, your duty will be to protect the runt with your life."

Momo bowed.

"As you wish," she said in a voice that hid buried anger.


Lot City, Satovia…

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After the movie, which was a romance that normally would've made Clyde cringe for days, he took his date to a high-end restaurant. He was fucking rich. The young man still secretly marveled at his own house.

After the meal, he and Harumi held hands while taking a walk. People were out and about, conversing and telling jokes, jogging, pushing strollers. There were even some Sato Academy students headed home after staying late. Clyde listened to a conversation or two during the short period of silence that slipped between the duo.

"Can you believe he pulled it off?" a girl said. "The insane triple spin flip, on bike. That air."

"I know right? This is why I follow all of Ridout's shows," the young man that walked beside her said. "Jacob's been number one for like twelve years now. Nobody can match the guy!"

"Hell, no they can't. Which is why I've got all of my bikes signed by him," the girl said smugly. "I'm the best fan."

"Pssh, he signed my shirts," the young man said. "And my shoes. My phone too. Of course, when he left, his stupid bodyguard kicked me off the premises. That girl's strong as shit."

The two shared a laugh. "Nice guy though. I heard damn near every sports producer in the nation's trying to get him to sign with them."

Clyde chuckled, turning back to Harumi. They stopped center bridge as the sun set. He pulled the pink-haired young woman close and kissed her. She seemed to melt. Then words poured from her mouth.

"I love you," she said. "I don't care what Alice, or the others think—I love you. There's…also something I've kept from you. From everyone, really. The only one who knows is Alice's mother."

Clyde nodded.

"I'm not a nosy guy, most of the time," he said then gave her an easy smile. "You have reasons, right?"

"No, I should tell you—must tell you. You've risked it with us, despite this Mortem, I'll tell you."

A click grabbed the attention of the duo. A smiling man pointed a gun at them.

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