A man with a gun… A month ago, this situation would've served as the young man's sole nightmare. Anyone's really—who the hell would wake up one day expecting to get shot? Clyde traveled through bad Earth neighborhoods before, with a cousin or two. Some with nasty rival gang members, others with family feuds, shady figures, and suspicious people. Rare areas, but incredibly dangerous. He did not feel that here. This was just laughable. A bullet would do jack shit to him. Maybe a tickle or two, he thought.

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Clyde sighed.

"Are you really doing this?" he said, voice bored.

The man waggled his gun, still holding his Gin-like smile.

"I saw you exit that restaurant," he said in a gruff voice. "Now, we can do this the easy way, or I can blow your fucking brains out."

Harumi giggled, surprising them. At this point, there were onlookers, some with worried and frightened expressions. The glare of the man somehow prevented anyone from calling the police. He doubted that the authorities would make it on time, anyway.

"Clyde, here's a basic science question for you. His weapon seems to be made of solid steel all around. How will he react when conductor meets something sparky?"

"Well Harumi, he'll probably go zztt and shudder," Clyde said. "What if I applied heat to his gun? What if he actually did shoot us?"

The man's smile was gone, replaced by confusion. His face slowly contorted into a sneer. He aimed at Clyde, fingers twitching.

"Enough games. Give me the fucking money or I'll blow your fucking head off."

[Your party has entered combat!]

Clyde didn't bother with the analysis. In fact, he simply stood because Harumi waved a finger. The man yelped as he dropped the gun. The pink-haired girl wasn't finished. She smoothly kicked it off the bridge. A tiny splash confirmed its destination. The man's jaw dropped.

"Do you know who we are?" Clyde said.

"Boys shoot!" the man yelled.

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Clyde put up a spirit shield with one hand as two men rushed them, guns blazing. Handguns with fifteen rounds. The bullets bounced harmlessly off the barrier wall. In truth, this was to protect the civilians from any strays. Otherwise, bullets would simply bounce off them. One must love the armor and defense perks, serving as an invisible shield to keep them from getting sliced or burned up.

"Yeah fuck this I'm out!"

The man didn't get far. Harumi forced them to their knees with a chain of electricity. Clyde restricted them with his Binder's hand.

"The lady over there has called the cops," Harumi said.

"Good," Clyde told her. The civilians around cheered.

When the police arrived, they gave only a brief thanks without so much as asking for a statement, which Clyde appreciated. Sure, they could've been declared heroes, but fuck it.

The duo wasted no time, speeding off. They weren't interested in the attention anyway, not that that stopped the chanting.

"Team Stone! Team Stone!"

The night sky made its presence known as the duo stopped in an empty park, sure they escaped any eyes several blocks back.

"Shall we make the jump?" Clyde said. His phone buzzed, but he ignored it. He'd check on the results of the Ashfall mansion selling later.

"No, not yet," Harumi said. "It's a peaceful night. And I still have something—"

The pink-haired girl tripped and almost fell on her back, but Clyde caught her in time. Gazing in those eyes, he kissed her.

[You have earned the titled: Godling's Path. It is still highly recommended to marry the women and unlock your god tier skills. All of them.]

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He pulled off her shirt, she pulled off his. The kisses grew wilder until they were both naked and hungry. Clyde lowered his kisses then ran a tongue across a sea. Harumi let out almost a startled moan. He entered her gently but soon found himself jackhammering. The pink-haired girl's large bobbing breasts enticed him, an impossible-to-refuse invitation. Her husky gasps increased his erection.

[Talent, main character stuff: Head pat.]

Harumi's tongue seemed to hang out of her mouth for just a second. Then her face became bliss. Suddenly, she rolled them both over and mounted the young man. And she rode like a machine. Clyde grunted. The young woman laid forward. The breasts on his chest triggered the internal alarm that the climax approached. She rode even harder.

"I love you," she said.

[Talent, main character stuff: Head pat.]

Harumi's insides suddenly felt even more amazing—she kissed wildly, shoved her tongue inside his mouth, owned him.

As the half-hour mark struck, Harumi held onto the young man tightly, convulsing and let out a long sung. Clyde almost released on her face when he pulled out at the last millisecond.

After brushing the grass away and dressing, the duo sat on a bench and talked. Harumi leaned on his shoulder.

"Clyde," Harumi began then paused as if waiting for something to happen. When nothing did, she continued. "I've hid something. A part of me that I don't want to hide from you."

The young man nodded. She continued. "Remember when I told you my family was killed by demons? That is only a half-truth. They were murdered by dragons. There are only two of us left—Liru and me."

Dragons. The young man gulped as he imagined the fierce monstrosities from Earth's western books and mythologies, as well as the eastern counterparts. In Satovia, these things existed. Of course, they would. "Kitsune and dragons are longtime enemies. But the fighting ceased and hundreds of years past, bringing with it the modern era. So imagine us being unprepared when they suddenly attacked—we…" she paused, tears falling. Clyde pulled her close, then realization bashed him in the brain. He heard of Kitsune in the myths.

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"You're a Kitsune?" Clyde said softly. "A foxgirl."

Harumi shimmered and sure enough, the fox tail and ears appeared. So that's why she seemed to melt into the head pats, Clyde thought. He would never have guessed, fox girl. All the times she fought with him. Why hide this? And holy damn she was cute. He resisted the urge to touch her fox ears—now wasn't the time. She let the transformation wink out. "Awe."

"I become a little full of myself in that state," Harumi said.

The young man nodded.

"It makes sense now. The dragons broke centuries of peace attacking Kitsune out of nowhere," he said.

"My sister was abroad at the time, but still saw it all in a fox dream. She's afraid to come back to this nation. I was there and so helpless," Harumi said. "Mom whisked me away with magic. After that day, Liru and I promised to never transform. We eventually found out that we were a part of a mass-scale attack to be rid of our kind for good. None of the others appeared to have survived. Some may simply be hiding, but the dragons blindsided all Kitsune clans. Wiped us." She took a deep breath and exhaled. They sat in silence for five minutes before Clyde spoke.

"Thank you for trusting me with such a secret," the young man said then stood, pulling Harumi to her feet.

[Ki increased! Life: 2. Lightning: 2. Heart: 3.]

[Requirement left for Dragon Breath level 1: 1 ambition.]


That night, as he let the shower water fall on him, the realization soaked in even more. Kitsune and dragons were at war. Harumi hid her transformation in order to avoid attracting truly unwanted attention.

[Quest: Investigate the Dragon threat. Accept? Reward: unknown.]

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So much for cleaning up the quest log. The evil System just wouldn't let him. He accepted, but it would wait in line like the others. At least this one wasn't mandatory.

Clyde yawned as he dried himself off then wrapped a towel around his body. He utilized a random bathroom in the back in order to not wake up his sleeping Alice. Chika was also at a desk, completing assignments.

When he stepped out of the bathroom, a grinning loli awaited him.

"You never know when to quit, do you?" he said.

"Drop the towel," she said, widening Clyde's eyes. He held on with dear life as she anime-dove into him.

[Natalia's chances of raping you has now increased to 90%]

"No, no, at least shift into your normal form," Clyde said.

"You will accept me, all of me," Natalia said. "Pervy-nii."

"FBI help! I'm being attacked," Clyde said, attempting to shake off loli. Her grip was like steel. He would not let this happen.

"The more you play hard to get," Natalia said, "the more fun this becomes." She wiped away…drool? Lusty eyes in full blast, she pulled at the towel. Clyde continued his attempt to get her off, holding on as tightly as possible.

There was no doubt in Clyde's mind that the loli-witch gave herself unnatural strength. Boosted it a lot. He and Harumi were gone for hours!

"Ah shit," Clyde said. Natalia grinned.

"I have needs," she said.

"Let go, you goddamn loli rapist," Clyde said, causing her to giggle. "No! Let's make a deal."

"Take it off."

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