Lot City Park…

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Clyde wanted to choke slam Natalia. No, toss her into a lava river of man-eating sharks. No, no, no—blast her to the fucking sun, then detonate it for good measures.

He never in his life felt so fucking embarrassed. He wanted to die. He'd welcome a game over if it meant people forgot he existed.

At the aquarium, she acted like a child and "innocently" told everyone around they were on a date and Clyde was going to take her virginity that night. It took him nearly fifteen minutes to convince the listeners to so much as listen to his plea and not call the cops. He made Natalia apologize. They eventually accepted it, but the young man felt raw insincerity within it. Mischievousness.

He was seconds from walking off when the loli embarrassed him again by crying loudly, promising to be good. Angry eyes fell on the young man. That wasn't enough. However, the System decided to cement things for the worse.

[This date is mandatory and cannot be abandoned. Severe penalties if you do.]

At that moment, Clyde almost vowed to hunt and kill every deity behind his suffering. That still wouldn't get him out of the hellish date. As if shit couldn't get any worse, at the park he asked,

"Why are you doing this? What the hell's gotten into you?"

Natalia downed the rest of her ice cream cone.

"What ever could you be talking about? Is this how you father kids."

"I don't father anything. And you're not a kid," Clyde said.

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"Oh, so you now you acknowledge me? Will you make me feel like a woman tonight?"

"Not if you're—"

"I can be whatever form I choose—it's still me," Natalia said.

Clyde's eyes widened then he calmly shook his head.

"Hell no," he said. "Do I look Catholic to you? Don't answer that."


"Are you accusing me of being a lolicon?" Clyde interrupted. "Because I know the perfect edge lord, I can call if that's what you're looking for. Of course, I'll have the FBI follow him around."

"That's irrelevant pervy nii-chan," Natalia said. "FYI, I cannot always maintain my original form—so you must accept me for me. You will—just let go of your—"

"You've been watching too much anime," Clyde said. He stood. One more place left and the hell day was over. He would definitely drink that night. Non-drinker Clyde, relieving his stress with his own weakness. Why the hell not? "Let's go. One more place."

[Warning. Your chances of being raped by Natalia has increased to 96%]

Ah shit, he forgot about that prompt. Well, Clyde was in a shitty mood. He dared the little brat to try. As if nothing happened, she hopped on his shoulders then kissed his cheek.

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"I suppose I owe you an apology for torturing you today." Time seemed to freeze as Clyde missed a step, caught off guard. "I'm really sorry, nii-chan. It's unfair of me to be unreasonable. And I understand if you never want to talk to me again. You…can do whatever you want to me for revenge. Even hur—"

"Alright, chill," Clyde interrupting, knowing exactly what anime trope rang. Well, would've rung if he fully believed the little rascal. It sounded sincere and may have worked if the system hadn't warned him about the rap e. "Just promise not to do any of that and we're good—make the promise where I can see you. I know you're about to cross your fingers."

"Tssk." Natalia hopped off his back and said, "I promise."

Clyde gave her a skeptical glare.

"I said I promise!" she snapped. "I won't pull anymore public pranks today."

"Was that so hard?" Clyde said, arms folded. She stuck her tongue at him.

"Onii-chan you meanie."

"Will you ever just call me Clyde?" he said.

"Never," the loli hissed. "Well, there is one circumstance but I'm not telling you."

"Oh, come on," Clyde said. "How will I ever know?"

"Not telling!"

The walk took them in a clearing without people. Wait…how did they get here? There were a shit ton of people in the park, from food vendors to civilians. Ah fuck. "Natalia, I've got a request for you."

"What is it, pervy onii-chan?" she said, her voice brimming with mischief.

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He could just feel her grin. She was rubbing his chest in awkward circles.

[Your chances of being raped by Natalia has increased to 98.5%]

[Warning! You have one shot to stop this with words; else you will have to get physical.]

He thought hard—things that she normally fell for: Alice stashes, Alice appearances... The loli probably expected all of that, maybe even hoped he would try. Or was she gullible enough to fall for any of those again?

"You can't rap e me," he said. "As my right hand, your job is to protect me, not be the threat. If you truly want to remain my right, then take your job seriously or Alice is back."

Natalia continued the caress, silent. A half-minute later, she spoke.

"I'm afraid I'll have to decline, pervy nii," she said.

"I have some summons left that don't need magic," Clyde said. "Don't make me bring Alice into this."

"Pfft, like I'm going to fall for that," Natalia said then laughed. "Any dimwitted mage could clearly tell your bracelets have no charges left except for…"

"Tear would shred you to bits," Clyde said. "Now takes us back." He quickly inspected the grassland. "I don't know how you're pulling off these amazing techniques, but wow. You are one hell of a mage, brat. Maybe even the best."

Natalia said nothing. Did nothing.

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[Your chances of being raped by Natalia has—]

Pfft, get out of here, System, Clyde thought. As if…His thoughts cut off as he heard a soft giggle. He quickly pulled Natalia off his back, only to see tears falling. He realized that wasn't a giggle, but a sob.

"I'm stuck like this," Natalia said, tears falling. "My covenant didn't seem to mind, neither did I at first, but seeing how you treat the others, look at them, pursue them…and I get left behind. I'll never find love."

Clyde knelt to her level, pulled her into a hug, and let the girl cry out her frustrations. He didn't offer any words of comfort. Lies. He had no intention of doing anything with her while she was in loli mode. He had a stored spell awaiting just in case she attempted to disable his magic.

A minute later, she wiped her eyes, sniffing.

"Do you know of any way to fix your condition? Any hint?" Clyde said.

"It can't be fixed," Natalia said. "That's why many of us born with Princess Dire's curse join the Lost Path."

"I don't know what to say," Clyde said. "I could give you some cheesy speech about loving yourself or pushing through your problems, but honestly, I don't know what to tell you. Natalia." He held her watery gaze. "Live strong, for yourself, your friends and loved ones. Live strong. Because it could be worse. An asshole deity could drag you from your life and toss you in the middle of nowhere with no direction except to get lucky. Can you do that for me? Think of it as the duty of my Right hand, if it can make you feel any better. Live some virtuous life or whatever—yeah it sounds lame, but pouting about it will do nothing. If we can at least try to find a cure—or a way to extend time in your normal state until something is found."

"Pervy nii, I really do appreciate your words," Natalia said, "but the Princess Dire curse is incurable. The Lost Path is one of the most powerful covenants in the world, with the best researchers who give their lives to discovery. I'm…fine with finding a way to extend my adult state. As of now, depending on the day, I can hold it for a few minutes, a handful, and the most being a half-hour."

"Don't give up on finding a cure," Clyde said. His phone buzzed. The text made him clench his teeth. "Let's bounce Natalia. Yusuke was fucking attacked."

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