Shopping Center…

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Ruri frowned at Matsume.

"Why are you here?"

The hellhound bowed.

"You're our princess," Matsume said then lowered her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "Whether or not we like the same man is irrelevant. Our pack was banished from town by Lady Alice, but they asked for Sanctuary from Tear. And you know who Tear really is. She granted us the right to live in the palace, but they must hunt for men miles away. She's a succubus, so she understands our needs. I just wish your childhood friend did so…then, maybe... Anyway, we can't leave you unguarded—so naturally, I asserted myself to be your personal bodyguard."

"Are you implying that I'm a human weakling that needs a bodyguard?" Ruri said, voice threatening.

"Your Highness, please. Honestly, I just miss you," Matsume said.

Ruri sighed.

"Don't get sappy on me, we're hellhounds." She licked Matsume's cheek. "You can guard me, but don't go near my Clyde. He's still a free spirit, but I want him to pet me all day."

"With all due respect, you're acting like a tamed dog," Matsume said. "You're a princess. Shouldn't you focus on your duties?"

Ruri solicited her with a blank stare.

"And they are?" She patted the taller woman on the shoulder. "Unless you insist I foolishly challenge Mother, I'm free to do whatever the hell I please. You're just mad because you didn't get to experience his amazing hands. Hell, even the fox got a rub."

"Fox? So…our noses weren't playing with us, but who's—"

"Pink hair," Ruri said. "Her name's Harumi. She's a soul-sister. I like her."

"So she's really a kitsune," Matsume said. "What an honor, to witness a live one. I want to get to know her too."

"Are you two done arguing?" Alice said. "We've got sweets to buy."

"We're not buying just sweets, Lady Alice," Yuki said, a trace of annoyance in her voice.

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"Sorry," Ruri said, smiling. "Come, Matsume. You're a bodyguard but also my friend."

Matsume smiled. The two of them joined the rest of the women.

"Nyaa, more canines," Neko said. "Not comfortable."

"Oh quit whining, cat," Alice said. Neko stuck her tongue at her.

Ruri basked in the many smells and colors of the giant shopping center. Her mouth watered a few times, especially for taiyaki. Many people gawked at them. Especially the men. The hellhound princess sometimes stole a few glances at Matsume to make sure she didn't attack any. She seemed to be taken by the many scents and electronics as well. Ruri listened in on the conversation between Harumi and Yuki. A real soul-sister, walking. They were already secretive and extremely difficult to find. When rumor stated that their natural enemies had found and wiped the kitsune all out, all canine races took a day to pay respects and mourn the great lost. Ruri wished she could tell her mother, but respected Harumi's wishes to keep her true form a secret. No one wanted to attract any snobby dragon-sluts, anyway. Nor any perverted jabberwock.

"I think if you add just a bit of spice to it, maybe even some chillipepper," Yuki said, "you'll get a nice a kick along with a burst of untapped flavor."

"But you can't just modify such an original," Harumi said.

"A master chief must always be creative," Yuki retorted, wagging a finger. "That is the difference between you and me."

"There isn't a gap," Harumi said, raising her voice a little. "And I get being creative, but that particular dish isn't really meant to be spicy."

"Oh what's that, you don't like spicy food?" Yuki said, grinning.

"Ooh you irrational woman," Harumi said. "I should—"

"Nyaaa and they named annoying girl-fights after us," Neko said. Silence. Alice's eyes widened before she burst into laughter.

"I get it, catfight!" she said. Ruri facepalmed at her friend's odd sense of humor. Yuki and Harumi looked each other, then smiled. Alice's laughter could brighten anyone's heart.

The hellhound wondered why the new Hades head wasn't forced to keep a bodyguard. Surely the rest of her family was due to meet up to discuss the matter. What did the silence mean? Could she be ignoring her responsibilities? She knew her for a long time—and Alice never ditched her duties. So what happened?

The women eventually finished gathering the groceries for the house and prepared to go grab some food for Chika, when Harumi froze.

"We have to go now," she said, voice filled with urgency. "Yusuke was attacked."

Ruri's eyes became icy.

"Let's move."

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Kitome and Yusuke's house…

[Your Current Party: Natalia, Chika, Ming, Tear, Melody, Toru, Seth, Kitome.]

Clyde was glad that Tear and Melody gave Sazuki and her sister the day off. His overall party had hit impressive numbers, but for his peace of mind, he preferred tracking no more than eight—and often, just four if the mission wasn't too critical. Yusuke was unconscious on his bed, his sister checking for additional injuries. He tried not to remember how upset—borderline hysterical she sounded over the phone, finding her brother unconscious.

Tear healed him, but the young man still didn't awake. She now had a hand over his forehead, examining Yusuke's dreams. She described everything that happened to him in seemingly perfect detail.

"So you mean to tell me samurais did this to Yusuke?" Clyde said.

"Sure did then kidnapped the reaper girl," Tear said. "They were dressed in some kind of red old-world armor. Pretty strong actually."

The succubus removed her hand. "Melody, this fight will ride on you."

The redhead fell backward into Clyde's lap. She flushed.

"I'm sorry!" Melody said, but didn't make an effort to move. Ming shot her a micro-glare.

"It's okay—Tear, what are you going on about?" Clyde said.

"She's half trickster demon, half dark goddess," the succubus said. "Amazing powers to be found in that one. I don't know how she's avoiding all the fights."

Seth shook his head.

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"Freaking samurais dude, this is nuts."

"Nuts and absurd," Toru said. "So much for our night out."

"I'm not avoiding the fights," Melody defended, folding her arms. "The juicy stuff happens when I'm not around." She leaned back into Clyde, almost unconsciously. If left to her own devices, the girl would probably start daydreaming.

While a little flattered, the last one he witnessed was probably as embarrassing for her as it was for him. He'd never let her know that he saw. Tear continued.

"Melody, you will have to cut off their access to the Abyss. That will buy us some time to do what we must and get the hell out of there."

"I can only hold it for twenty minutes at best," Melody said. "That will definitely piss it off. It may crash down upon us with everything it's got, determined to wipe out everything. If any of the icky tentacles touch you, your powers will be disabled."

Clyde frowned. Seth looked as if he'd rather call in sick.

Knocks on the front door stole everyone's attention.

"I'll get it," Kitome said, scurrying off.

Abruptly, Yusuke sat up, eyes glowing red, vicious orange aura surrounding him.

[Yusuke's Ninja soul has activated.]

[You have been forcibly resonated with Yusuke.]

A burning like never before struck Clyde, and he yelled. Melody leapt up, crying muffled words. Then as quickly as the internal flash-fry came, it vanished, replaced by a numbness. The young man found himself on his knees, sweat dripping from his face.

He looked up to see Yusuke in ninja form, staring at Ruri. The others piled in. He turned to Clyde.

"I owe some arrogant samurai payback."

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"So, you're just going to go out there and get yourself killed?" Ruri said, anger contained. Clyde assumed Kitome gave the others the short version. "Or will you operate with the team? I know there're brains in there, Yusuke." She tapped his forehead.

The ninja with the scary glowing eyes didn't even blink.

"You may follow," Yusuke said with a voice that sounded much older than normal. "I must move and face my ancient enemy. And I will get her back."

Ruri blocked his path.

"Not without a plan."

Yusuke shoved past her without a word.

"So much for waiting on Harumi's friend," Clyde said. "That son-of-bitch did something to me. What the hell's resonating?"

Alice's eyes widened.

"He what!? That's dangerous. Impossible. And with you—he may burn himself out," she snapped.

"Can you explain please," Clyde said. "Sometimes you guys forget I'm from Earth and have no idea what the fuck's going on."

"He's borrowing your power," Alice said. "Merged it with his own. Ninja's normally work together—most resonate. This is how they took down some of the most deadly foes."

"Well fuck," Clyde said. "Is that why I'm feeling like something's draining me." He shook his head. "Neko—no, Ruri, lead us to him by scent. Please."

"Of course," she said. "He's…still my friend. I don't want to see him killed."

"Nya, I don't know why he needs to resonate when he's got a reserve like that inside of him," Neko said. "Maybe he blocked it. Refusing your gift for so long could do that."

Everyone stared at the catgirl with blank eyes.

"You're a piece of work," Clyde said. She looked around with false innocence.

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