Clyde gave Seth a stern warning about protecting his prophet. He organized the party into manageable positions. The loli wouldn't get off his back, so he had no choice but to make adjustments to account for the right hand. Matsume wasn't officially Team Stone, but as her princess's bodyguard, she made the cut. Neko was…well, Neko.

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[Vanguard: Natalia (right hand), Alice, Toru, Chika.]

[Mid-guard: Ruri, Matsume, Neko (observer), Tear.]

[Special: Melody]

[Rear-guard: Seth, Ming, Yusuke (not on board).]

[Snipers/back-guard: Kitome, Yuki, Harumi (main healer).]

Off the party went, following Ruri's nose. Despite being assigned the mid-guard, she'd start at the front to lead the way. The hellhound princess took them through block after block, then eventually outside of the city—nearly a half-hour's run! Clyde thanked his stats or Natalia would've been ditched. No way in hell he'd run that long with a brat on his back.

"He really ran this far," Alice said.

"Your brother is not cute," Chika snapped at Kitome. "You'd better do something about his attitude before I do."

Kitome glared at her.

"When I find a way to stop men from making bone-headed decisions, I'll be sure to let you know."

They both shared a laugh.

"Women," Toru said. "Think they know it all. Am I right or am I right?"

"Damned right dude," Seth said.

"Nya, if I recall, it was a man that decided to charge to his death against a bunch of super-deadly samurais," Neko said.

"He's a knucklehead, but he's doing it to save a girl," Seth said. "That's a man's pride, cat-dudette. You would never understand."

"Nya, how stupid," Neko said. "Humans are strange."

"At least there's one thing we agree on, cat," Alice said.

"Nyaaa," Neko laughed.

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"Heads up, we've got company," Melody said as they approached a forest. "I can sense their approach."

"Already?" Yuki said. "We're at least five miles from the rift."

"Maybe the boss like to keep his guard scattered out," Clyde said.

"They're not samurai," Ming said.

"You sure?" Melody said. "I'm sensing hostiles."

"I think they're stray demons," Ming said. "They were headed in the direction we were, but I guess upon sensing us, decided a snack was more important."

"I'd like a snack," Natalia said, soliciting everyone's blank stares. Even Alice's, though Clyde wouldn't doubt his life mate secretly agreed. The loli shrugged.

"Focus," Tear said. "I'm already in quite the prickly mood. I have work to get done."

"Succubus stuff?" Seth said, gaining her glare.

"Do not make such silly accusations," Tear snapped. "I…can't remember the last time I absorbed spirit energy. My heart only belongs to one."

Alice gaped at her.

"Tear, you really shouldn't—"

"There they are," Harumi interrupted.

A group of nine fucking skeletons approached them, dressed in rusty leather armor, and carrying old blades. The skeletons… Annoying in every video game, they finally showed up. They were a variety of heights from tall to average and at least one short. Clyde took notice of a tenth enemy—someone who was not quite a skeleton. At least not the traditional bones. A monster girl.

She was of average height, wearing half a mask made of bone on the left side of her face. Her eyes were red, but the left eye glowed. Long silver hair draped down her back. Her…arms and legs were just bone. Everything else was as naked pale human flesh as any other living being. Besides the scantily clad bone armor.

Of course, anime would make something like this look…what's that word, "Moe," Clyde thought. He was just glad to not be on Earth to see the equivalent if it existed.

He analyzed one skeleton and the monster girl.

Generic skeleton

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Level: 57

Type: Monster

Work under: the ring leader of the Skulls.

Special: varies on the abilities implanted in them upon creation.

Weakness: earth, ice, taint.

Resistances: dark, evil, necro.

Secret: no memories detected…Just bones.

Skeleton girl- Lola, ring leader of the Skulls.

Level: 100

Type: Monster

Work under: N/A

Special: Lewd bind (If a man is caught in this, he will be unable to move until released. You should already know what will happen next. All HP and MP will be halved. He will be inflicted with exhaustion.)

Weakness: none.

Resistances: dark, evil, necro.

Secret: memories of past life are very fuzzy. Spawned her skeleton servants out of loneliness.

Everyone unsheathed their weapons, if they utilized any, and faced down the approaching enemies.

"Battle formation five," Clyde said. "Everyone, maintain your positions and mow them down. Matsume, get your level one hundred ass on that skeleton girl. Natalia, get off me."

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"No-can-do," she said.

"You know I can't fight like this," he said.

"Nii—ugh," Natalia grunted.

Alice tossed her to the ground, eyes cold. "No messing around in battle. Lives are at stake."

Natalia sighed.

"Fine, fine." She raised her golden staff. "Watch this."

"Let's go before takes all the kills," Matsume said, eyes full of excitement. She howled and hooted in excitement. Ruri blushed, seemingly embarrassed. Facepalming, she looked at Clyde expectedly.

"Attack!" Clyde ordered. He was glad that he activated all of his mediation skills before getting this far. Toru unleashed a brawl shout, buffing the party. Unsurprisingly, the skeleton girl ignored Matsume and charged right for him. Toru's monster girl spirit energy, never failing.

"Dammit Toru, even boney mutants?" Seth said. "Tsk tsk."

[Your party has entered combat!]

Clyde rushed into the fray, secretly glad to be back in the mist of battle. Maybe this feeling was an old human instinct that not even modern-day earthlings could escape? He dropped the thought as he engaged the first skeleton, parrying its sword with Ludacris and hacking off its head. He only briefly glimpsed the others seemingly enjoying themselves. There weren't enough skeletons for him to go back into battle.

"I'm a little disappointed," Clyde said. "One-hit K-O from a level fifty-seven. Oh wait, I'm level seventy-one."

The skeletal remains burst into the purple flame of despawning. Soon, the entire area was lit up like a poisonous bonfire.

He turned and was happy to see Matsume fighting Lola, not Toru getting raped.

"Wrap it up, Matsume," Clyde said. "We've got to go."

[Lola activated a Hidden Skill: Multi-lewd bind.]

Seemingly hundreds of ghostly tendrils of magic shot out in all directions.

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[Melody activated Magic burner.]

With an outstretched delicate hand, the trickster ejected a wave of blue and white flames, which engulfed the skeleton girl. Her magic vanished.

"Nice!" Clyde said.

"Toru, you're still in the clear," Seth said.

"Oh shut it, toad-boy," Toru said.

[Enemy HP has dropped to 35%]

Clyde closed the combat log and watched Matsume dash forward to finish the job. An aura-infused punch and a kick later, the skeleton was dead, its purple flames whisking out of existence.

[Battle completed. Victory! Reward: 21000 EXP and $1000.]

"Come on, we've lost enough time," Kitome barked. Everyone double-timed.

From above, literally midair, He watched, red cloak fluttering in the wind.

"Damn, I'd really like to stay for the samurai fight. Bloody, Stone Maidens. Sometimes I regret taking the oath to serve. They're nothing but a bunch of pouting women."

He gave the Stone a mocking salute, fist to chest, before making the Jump midair.

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