Shaku unsheathed a longsword and took a stance. Yusuke knew nothing of using a sword, yet, his ninja soul pulled information from the dead enemies around him. He thrusted his right hand to the side.

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[Yusuke activated Ninja Art: Extraction Blade.]

A sword of light and blood materialized into his grasp. He took a stance utilizing knowledge that didn't belong to him. His resonator's power.

"Come," Shaku said.

When the two blades collided, metal on solid energy, the building shook.

[Shaku activated Mind Purification.]

[Yusuke is unaffected.]

"I see," Shaku said as he pulled back his blocked sword. "I cannot heal stupidity."

Yusuke thrust his energy sword forward. It extended at the speed of sound, but the samurai still parried.

The burning inside Yusuke seemed to increase—he felt himself sweating. His muscles, even his bones, felt like a little achy. He needed to finish this fast.

Yusuke leapt an impressive twenty yards backward, landing on the top of a pew. He tossed his sword to the side and aimed both hands forward.

[Yusuke activated Ninja Art: Soul-Thirsting Wave.]

The magic that ejected from his hands smashed into Shaku with force of a speeding bus, but the samurai continued to hold his stance without budging.

[Shaku has taken no damage.]

Yusuke's eyes widened.

"So much potential for an untrained boy," Shaku said. "Your lack of knowledge and discipline, your refusal of the shadows is what makes you a disgrace to the ninja clans. I have fought many—and all of them, even the most tricky, showed more honor than you. But it is not your fault no one has trained you. Let me give you a taste of who you're disrespecting, boy."

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[Shaku has activated Samurai soul skill- Sen Shon Strike.]

Instantly, he was in front of Yusuke, coated in sky-blue aura. He expertly struck, intending to shatter the young man's personal barrier. Yusuke just barely twisted, allowing the blade to slash over his shoulder. Blood poured, but he muted the pain with sheer willpower.

The burning feeling increased as he drew upon the power of his ninja soul, forming a second energy blade in his left hand.

Shaku dodged it then kicked the young man to the ground.

[Yusuke's HP is down to 90%]

[Yusuke has been inflicted with Consequential God Burn. Unknown negative effects. Yusuke's HP will continue to slowly drop until he disables the ninja soul.]

[Yusuke's HP has dropped to 80%]

[Yusuke has been inflicted with double vision.]

Yusuke's breath deepened as he saw what appeared to be two Shaku's running for him. Relying on his ninja senses, he parried the blade of the solid, correct samurai, but his slow follow-up swing was laughable.

[Yusuke has been inflicted with slowness.]

[Yusuke's HP has dropped to 70%]

Breathing hard, he gathered himself and rushed Shaku with two energy blades in hand. The samurai parried them, aimed at hand at Yusuke's chest, and unleashed a plethora of red blasting magic. His head hit the side of a pew as he fell backward, five yards from his enemy. At this moment, Yusuke wished he brought his glasses.

[Shaku used Enhanced hell shot.]

[Yusuke's HP has dropped to 40%]

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"You are in no condition to challenge me, boy," Shaku said. "Yet, assaulting me, assaulting my army with power you do not understand, has earned you death."

[Shaku activated Special Tier Skill: Mass Abyss Respawn.]

[All enemies in the dungeon have respawned.]

Yusuke's eyes widened as he witnessed the army he slew popped back into existence.

[Yusuke's HP has dropped to 30%]

He…got into something way over his head. If his own abilities didn't kill him, they would. As if hearing his thoughts, the army turned toward him, swords drawn.

"Well, fuck," Yusuke said.


[Warning: you are about to enter a dungeon. Dungeon type: Giant Area of Dark Worship. Difficulty: Hard, varies.]

[Your party has entered combat!]

"Melody, I thought you said it was safe to enter," Clyde said as he lopped off the head of a fourth samurai. He checked his stats.

[HP: 170%]

[MP: 180%]

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Alice and Ruri fought side by side ruthlessly mowing through enemy after enemy. His life mate used Hellbreaker, her father's sword and Ruri slashed with sharp claws, pounded with brute strength, and magic.

"The samurai were respawned somehow," Melody said to Clyde.

"Respawned?" Seth said, swinging his flaming bat side to side, breaking and burning skulls. "So does that mean Yusuke actually killed them all?"

"Well fuck," Toru said, countering a deadly slash with brilliant martial arts.

"Yeah, fuck this," Clyde said. "Battle formation eight! Push through! Keep moving. Conserve magic."

Clyde observed the surroundings as they moved. It reminded him of a giant Italian-style church, just without any known religious figures. The place was a wreck—smashed paintings, glass, wood, everywhere. Smashed shelves paraded, blood painted most of the floors and wall.

Something caught his attention. He scooped up an ornate sword and almost added it to his inventory when a prompt flipped into view.

[You have found, Kitsume's Curse Sword. Item class: Death. You may want to put this down.]

Clyde tossed it to the side. Instead of tumbling, the blade landed in an upright position. Suddenly, it launched toward him. He blocked, analyzing while he had the chance.

[Your party has entered combat.]

Cursed Sword- Kitsume.

Level: 69

Type: Monster

Work under: N/A

Special: Maso-rape.

Weakness: purity (non-mixed).

Resistances: dark, evil, demon.

Secret: Kitsume used to be a lonely human girl before finding the cursed sword. She joined a militia and single-handedly slew all of their enemies while laughing. A frightened ally shot her in the head with a musket. The sword absorbed into Kitsome's body and soul into itself. The militia, careful not to touch the blade, declared it an ornament.

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A woman with long black hair and glowing orange eyes appeared from nothingness, wielding the sword. Dressed in very revealing black…armor? One could hardly call it armor—with a bust that matched Harumi. Chills snuggled through Clyde when the woman gave him a creepy smile. An anime sadistic smile.

"We've got a monster girl," he warned his party. She continued to smile at the young man, approaching step by step, guard maxed. He wondered if mentioning Toru would make her target him. Now wasn't the time to be a dick. Also, maso-rape?

"Move," Alice said coolly. "We don't have time for this."

Clyde shrugged.

"Take it away, Lifey."

The monster girl snarled.

"You are not my foe. Out of my way, you worthless—"

Alice came down on her with fast and furious attacks. Kitsume's level sixty-nine stats couldn't keep up with his life mate. The fight ended with the breaking of the cursed sword in less than twenty seconds. Without taking damage. The woman, however, ran off. Nobody deemed it worth changing a spirit.

"Sheesh," Clyde said. "I felt like the only thing I learned there was her tragic history. New switch. Alice back as my right—"

Natalia threw herself into Clyde.

"Alright, alright," he said before she could throw the tantrum. Alice glared at Natalia. The loli wiped away the tears that managed to just barely emerge at the corners of her eyes.

[Battle completed. Victory! Reward: 250,000 EXP. $2000]

As the group approached, what appeared to be the main area according to his mental navigation system's arrow, they entered chaos. A battered Yusuke struggled to hold off MANY laughing enemies. The reaperess woman looked as if she were about to be crucified. Something strange appeared to be going on with her. Convulsion, black slime oozing from her mouth, and a surrounding purple aura.

A black-armored samurai watched, eyes glowing red through his helmet.

"Alice, use All-calm—get that status effect off Yusuke before he dies," Clyde said. "Harumi heal him. Natalia, go ahead and blow shit up. I can't shut him off from my power until he's safe."

She hopped onto Clyde's shoulders.

"Right hand, away!" Natalia cheered. She raised her golden staff and enough magic to level a city, surrounded it in a golden aura. "As my Clyde would say, it's ass-kicking time."

"Not a quote of mine, but do go on," Clyde said. "Melody, do your job."

"Your Clyde?" Alice said then laughed. "Someone's getting a spanking after this."

"Harumi, Alice is bullying me," Natalia said. Harumi sighed, gathering her magic too. His party set off to attack the samurai, but what captivated Clyde was the reaperess. Whatever was happening over there needed to be stopped as quickly as possible. As if noticing his stare, a voice that didn't belong to Undine oozed from her mouth. It was everywhere and nowhere, deep and dark. Frightening and powerful. And Clyde remembered it.

"*To think you would foolishly attack what is dedicated to me*."

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