Undine trembled furiously. Abruptly, all her restraints melted away like goo. Clyde expected her to fall, but instead, she floated in a cloud of purple aura.

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"So, the one I spared that night holds me back." A deep laugh filled the room. "I have no need to personally appear in your realm. My new slave vessel will do the work for me." Undine screamed then her eyes shot open, glowing like lightbulbs. It reminded Clyde of Zeus's eyes from most comics and movies.

It was then, he noticed every samurai on their knees, bowing to Undine. The black samurai stood at her side, fist on his chest. Yusuke was finally to safety, partaking in healing and stabilization. Also, Kitome's ass-chewing.

Another thing that pulled the attention of the young man was the enormous energy a certain loli charged while on his back.

"Bye-bye," Natalia said. The party was well out of the way, knowing the plan, and Clyde braced himself. The samurai only had a millisecond to maybe flinch before the loli unleashed what could only be described as planetary devastation.

Clyde watched the magic cover the entire room with a cool eye. Enemy yells died out quickly as they were vaporized. Then his anime trope senses rang. Of course, the bosses would somehow survive in a magic bubble of protection.

"That is bullshit," Clyde deadpanned to the pair. He analyzed the black-armored samurai.

Shaku, samurai priest of the Abyss to the Blackness.

Level: 108 (compressed.)

Type: dark samurai.

Work under: Abyss to the Blackness

Special: Special Tier Skill: Mass Abyss Respawn

Weakness: light, holy, purity, angel, deity, taint.

Resistances: dark, demon, devil, dark deity.

Secret: Eons ago, his father arranged him to marry the daughter of a rival family. A reaper god interrupted the girl's escort, awakening her sleeping powers, also telling her about her supposed true nature. The girl confessed all of it to Shaku. Shaku, smitten at the time, didn't care and pushed for the marriage, even against the young woman's wishes. Hopes of his safety. She escaped. Shaku blamed the reapers and witches for the predicament and set off to chase her, utilizing a mysterious being who could track her. Encounters occurred, and he failed to convince her—they fought many times. Both eventually drew in the taint. One day all traces of his former crush disappeared, rumor stating that a powerful hero sent by the gods sealed her. Soon after, the tracker died of a mysterious illness, ending any chance of continuing the chase.


Analyzing Undine got him nowhere.

Undine (Possessed)

Level: ???

Type: vessel.

Work under: N/A

Special: unknown.

Weakness: unknown.

Resistances: unknown.

Secret: your magic cannot penetrate her.



The young man turned to his prophet. "I think I can banish that overwhelming sense of taint," Ming continued. "At least for a few days."

Everyone looked at her, surprise in their expressions.

"You can do that?" Clyde said.

[It is highly recommended to consider marrying her too. And Ruri.]

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Clyde mentally glared at the System. Still, he needed to see this. The realization hit him like…. like… Truck-kun. How did he end up surrounded by frighteningly powerful women? Questions for later.

"Melody, continue to hold him off as long as you can—disable his access to Undine," Clyde said. "If she enters the fight, we may as well just quit." He placed two hands on Ming's shoulders and smiled. "Let's see what our new prophet can do."

"Your prophet," Ming said, voice barely above a whisper. "And don't try to push me off."

"Do your thing," Clyde said to her, then addressed the rest of his team. "Kitome, Neko, Yuki, watch over Yusuke. We still need to get this Omen's sphere."

"Nya, babysitting!" said the catgirl. Yusuke groaned.

"As my Clyde would say," Alice said, mostly at Natalia, "let's fuck him up."

"I said no such thing, but you're onto something, my Heart," Clyde said. Chika smacked Clyde's ass out of nowhere then stealthed before his glare reached her. The rest of the party started toward Shaku.

[Your party has entered a Boss fight!]

"New challengers, I see," Shaku said. "Great Abyss, please allow me to deal with them."

No response. "Great Abyss? Lord?"

"He's out," Ming said. Undine fell to the ground.

"No…that's impossible," Shaku said. "Literally impossible. You…"

"That was fucking quick," Clyde said. "Why didn't you do this earlier?"

"I was studying the ambient magic of this place," Ming said. "Once I located the hole the voice wormed itself through, I stuck a plug into it."

Shaku roared.


"Here he comes," Clyde said. "Battle formation four. Protect Ming."

"I don't need protection," she said. "Or did you forget that I'm gifted too."

[Ming activated Tier 2 skill: Shattered Confidence Soul Strike.]

Thrusting her hands forward, the young woman unleashed two purple-white strands of magic. Shaku tried to block with his sword, but they curled and twisted, zigzagged, then struck him in the back.

[Shaku's HP has dropped to 280% of 350%]

[Your prophet has created a link to you. Accept? It is not advised to accept if your will isn't the average area of at least 32.]

Clyde checked his will. One hundred forty-four. Hell yes! He was way above the average Joe in that regard.

[You have accepted the offered link.]

[Ming activated a *Link skill*- Omen's Rebellion.]

Shaku kicked away Toru and Seth, then attempted to engage Alice, but the half-demoness leapt out of the way, sensing the warning through the bond. Ming's dual-colored eyes glowed as she unleashed strand upon strand of red and black magic.

The black samurai attempted to dodge but once again, Ming's magic turned and zigzagged back at him.

[Shaku activate--]

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[Shaku has been inflicted with mute.]

[Kitome used tier 3 skill: Plain of Silence!]

"You see, Yusuke," Harumi said. "This is called teamwork. If you're going to be a part of this team, you must learn not run off on your own and get clobbered."

"Just wait until this fight is over, I've got more words for him," Kitome said.

Shaku yelled as Ming's energy bashed him backward. Following that up was Chika emerging from stealth.

[Shaku's HP has dropped to 200%]

[Chika activated Soul slash and Deep Slash.]

The silver-haired girl laid into him what appeared to be thousands of slashes at once—her hand moved in a blur so strong, Clyde felt sick looking at it.

[Tear activated Tier 1 skill: All Ending on the Plains of Existence.]

"Move it, Chika," Clyde said. "You don't want to be caught in that."

She did. Tear's magic slammed from above and crushed Shaku in an onslaught of white magic. The black-armored samurai wheezed.

[Shaku's HP has dropped to 100%]

"This can't be…these people," he said. "Who—"

Alice finished her chant.


[Alice activated Special tier skill: Explosion!]

[Shaku's HP has dropped to 1%]

He fell to a knee.

"You know, I thought you'd be a lot stronger than this," Clyde said. "But really… I didn't get to do anything."

"Do generals fight?" Tear said, eyebrow raised.

"I'm not a general," Clyde said.

"Watch out!" Yusuke yelled.

[Shaku has uncompressed his power.]

[Shaku's HP has been restored to 150%]

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Shaku let out a guttural yell as vile taint surrounded him. It was a black aura one moment, purple the next. It flickered and swirled, and gave off a vibe so disturbing, it made Clyde's skin crawl.

[Shaku has dedicated his soul to the Abyss to the Blackness. The blocks Melody and Ming set are being dissolved.]

[Time left before the Abyss returns: 15 minutes.]

"Shit," Clyde said. "He's dissolving your block, Ming, Melody."

Both of the young women pour their hearts out into their craft, hands aimed at the ceiling, releasing enough magic to seriously damage an entire nation.

Clyde stepped forward.

"General my ass. Natalia, you know what to do."

"Sure do!" she cheered, raising up the staff. Clyde chuckled. She was so powerful that nothing seemed to shake her. Not counting him refusing her advances.

She'd release her charged magic at the right time…

Clyde unsheathed Ludacris.

[Toru invoked Zen Mode.]

[Toru activated Raining Blast Senkia.]

[Seth activated Tier 3 skill: Fire Tornado Showdown!]

[Yuki activated Flaring Ash!]

Toru's light-element magic, Yuki's energy, and Seth's fire hit, but Shaku walked through it.

[Shaku's magic shield has dropped to 15%]

[You invoked Mystic wrath!]

Clyde rushed toward the samurai, engaging him. He flaked off the rest of the magic shield within seconds. "We don't have a lot of time guys, the Abyss is returning. Some of you start moving."

"We're not leaving you here," Chika said.

"That's right," Matsume said. "I still have words with you."

"You do know your condition could be magically healed right," Clyde told the hellhound. She missed a step.

Ludacris and Shaku's sword clang and sung as they repeatedly collided.

"You and the others, are different from that arrogant, undisciplined boy," the samurai said.

"Yusuke will learn," Clyde said. "You live and breathe for the team. Running off on your own is one of those cliché anime tropes that quite frankly gets on my nerves."

"Anime?" Shaku said.

"Ah that's right, you're an ancient spirit or something," Clyde said. "I suppose I could tell you why you're not as strong as you should be. But I'm not. And your void master won't be here to supply you with any more juice."

"Get him, love!" Natalia cheered. "And then we can have lots of babies after this."

"That freaking loli," Clyde muttered.

"You're…a predator? A lolicon?" Shaku said, voice flat.

[Time remaining: 6 minutes.]

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"Hell no," Clyde said, casually blocking his strike. "That brat won't leave me alone. Sure, her real form is adult—but when she's—"

"I do not require your explanation of filth, lolicon," Shaku barked then swung furiously.

"Dude, I am not a fucking lolicon," Clyde said.

"Then why do you carry her around? Explain that," Shaku said.

"You try stopping that one from hopping on your back whenever she wants," Clyde said. "See how far you get. I fear the day when she learns how to get through Alice's wards."

Shaku sighed.

"I do not understand this modern era. It is time I end this."

"No, just stop," Clyde said. "I swear the villains are always going on about ending things and never succeed."


"No, shut up," Clyde said then spun-kicked Shaku to the ground. "This is how it's done."

[You activated your special attack. Tier 1 skill: Omen's desolation!]

As his magic fried Shaku, he really began to wonder about the power of his team. Just what could they accomplish with this collective skill range? Then his let the thoughts slip.

[Shaku's soul has been absorbed by the Abyss.]

[Time limit: 0]

The church began to rumble, rapidly. An unsettling vibe coated the room like a feeling of ice after someone opened the door on a freezing day.

"Shit, Undine," Yusuke said, but he knew he wouldn't make it on time. The ground opened beneath her. She would surely fall in.

Ruri caught her then bounded back to the group. She handed her to Harumi, glared at Yusuke, then walked to Clyde's side.

A large glowing orange orb emerged from Undine's spot. It called out to Clyde, magic and love chiming through the air.

"Nya, go for it," Neko said.

Clyde tried to call it, but hundreds of aura-tentacles suddenly rained from the ceiling and covered it.

"You will die now…"

[Neko has activated Forced Team Escape!]

Clyde's vision went blurry for a second. Then the party found themselves outside of the rift. The blue distortion rapidly glowed. Seconds later, it collapsed in on itself.

"Nyyyaaaa, that's a bummer," Neko said. "That took days to find. Ah well. Back to the run!"

Everyone groaned.

"You do know we're Jumping, right," Clyde told his team. The relief they showed made him glare. "Harumi, Tear, Toru, prepare a workout plan later. Everyone will be required to participate. Even Maki."

"Maki? What's she has to do with this?" Ming said.

"She works for me," Yuki said.

"Shouldn't she be in—"

"Yuki, explain everything to her later," Clyde said. "She's Team Stone. She needs to be in the know."

Clyde was a second from beginning the jump when the sky darkened. Tentacles burst from the ground in front of the crew.

"You think you can escape from me? I WILL NOT BE INSULTED BY MORTALS!"

[Your party has entered a *Super Boss* Fight!]

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