Abyss to the Blackness

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Level: 464

Type: unknown.

Work under: N/A.

Special: Unknown.

[Talent Main character stuff. Hidden Skill. Tier 1 skill: Foresight.]

His sight grayed. Millions of tentacles of death and taint shot from every direction stabbing through his friends, ignoring their barriers. The women were pulled off into the nothingness, one by one, some screaming his name, begging for his help. Alice's frightened voice perhaps shook him the most—the power-negating tentacles preventing the half-demoness from unleashing any miracles. Toru's head snatched off, Seth ran through, Yusuke hung up to watch while a ghostly figure of Shaku laughed in his face, pinning the blame on him. Clyde himself fought tentacles to the very end, but instead of death, he was smashed so hard, the force of the blow blasted him into the city. Upon returning, nothing of his friends remained except their literal screams.

It whispered, "such fun for an eternity…" then laughed, increasing the volume of Alice's scream until his ears bled. As if things couldn't get any worse, the tentacles warped to earth and slayed his family one by one in the most gruesome ways possible.

[Warning: this is but a possible future, among many futures.]

The vision which felt so real vanished and the young man found himself on his knees, trembling. His friends surrounded him, concerned.

"Why must I see these things," he whispered.

"Dude," Seth said. "Maybe we should go."

"Clyde, what happened? Are you okay?" Alice said.

Clyde pulsed and gave all of himself to the power. As he stood, time and space warped around him. His friends knowing his abilities backed away as the golden aura emerged. Wings burst from his back, the halo of gold, black, and silver appeared over his head. One eye was silver, the other gold. His casual clothing shimmered.

His aura touched the universe, and everyone knew of his existence. The sky turned pale-gold, the winds stopped and so did storms across the planet, and all grew silent.

[Seal destroyed…]

[Full Deity Stone Mode +50% invoked.]

[You are no longer bonded by levels while in this state.]


[Warning: you can only hold this full transformation for one minute.]


Hundreds of tentacles threw themselves at Clyde. He aimed a hand at them.

>>>Clyde activated God Hand Holy Wave<<<

The unleashed golden light turned all the tentacles into bloody mist. Clyde spread open his wings then launched himself into the air.

Eyes on the giant sphere of taint in the sky, which no one else could see, he fired more power.

>>>Clyde activated God Hand Purity Wave<<<

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The fired power shone brighter than the sun, its presence shaking the universe. The skyborne mass exploded upon contact with it. Someone or something fell.

[You have drastically weakened the Abyss to the Darkness.]

[The Abyss has been inflicted with purity blight.]

[Warning: Purity is a highly unstable element. Even those on the side of the light fear it, just as those on the side of the dark fear taint.]

[Alert, you will begin to shift back to normal.]

Clyde landed, eyes on a being made of pure black taint, with two glowing eyes peering at his party. Purple and black aura surrounded it.

[It is not advised to activate Delete. The use of this ability right now will kill you and may choose the wrong target. It is an unstable form of purity.]

Clyde walked toward the Abyss, pace unhurried.

"You did this to me," it snarled in a deep voice, a voice that could no longer protect itself in all places. "You…"

The Abyss aimed a hand at Clyde.

[The Abyss activated First swarm.]

With a single hand, Clyde grabbed the tainted tentacles and pulled. The unsuspecting Abyss roared as it was smashed against a tree several times.

[The Abyss's HP has dropped to 450% of 95M%]

>>>Clyde activated—

His power flickered out and on a knee, he went, pain throbbing within every muscle and bone of his body. Despite dealing millions of points of damage faster than any being ever, it wasn't enough. The Abyss was still alive, if barely, and capable of killing.

As if knowing Clyde's predicament, a flaming tentacle lurched from his direction, toward the young man, intent to kill.

A hand snatched it.

[Alice has invoked Legendary Arch-Angelic blood.]

Clyde's eyes widened as he watched her attack, unaffected by the tentacle's negating abilities. Bright white wings on her back, coated in pink and white aura, she was a force of nature. She sliced the tentacle with Hellbreaker, causing the Abyss to scream, and threw the sword at it.

As if expecting it to block, which the Abyss did, Alice pointed at the sky then at the creature.

[Alice activated a *Legendary* tier skill: Meteor!]

A giant meteor smashed into the monster at the speed of light. Despite being only fifty meters away, a wave of warm air covered the group.

[The Abyss's HP has dropped to 200%]

[Harumi has invoked Kitsune form.]

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[Melody has invoked Dark goddess blood.]

"If you mess with him, you mess with all of us," Melody said.

"This cannot be, I am…I am..." The Abyss took aim at Clyde, snarling with pointed teeth.

[The Abyss activated Void tier skill: Her Last Eternal Silence.]

As the tainted magic jolted toward the group, Harumi stepped forward.

[Harumi activated Tier 1 skill: Redirecting Shield.]

The Abyss gasped and jumped. His magic bounced from the kitsune's shield. Suddenly it took a super-fast lurch toward the airborne creature. Made of the same taint, the magic didn't do much damage but it pulled the monster back to the ground.

Pink lightning oozed from seemingly everywhere into Melody's grasps.

[Melody activated Tier 1 skill: Rose Lightning de Grande.]

With an outward thrust of both hands, she released her magic.

"Natalia," Clyde said, weakly. He became aware of her arms wrapped around his back. "Do it now."

As the Abyss fired black magic to combat against Melody's lightning, Natalia walked beside her. She held her staff forward with both hands.

[Natalia activated GODDESS TIER SKILL: Goddess Venus's Eternal Love Becomes Heartbreak.]

"No! I cannot fail," the Abyss yelled. "I am all! I AM ALL."

"Stop pretending to be a god," Tear said. "You're a legendary monster, but not a deity."

"I have risen," the Abyss said. "I am he who embodies taint."

"You are filth," Alice said, aiming a hand. "Be cleansed like filth."

[Tear activated Tier 1 skill: All Ending on the Plains of Existence.]

[Alice activated *Legendary* tier skill: Angel's Light.]

The Abyss still roared as the magic collided against it. It moved forward, as if refusing to acknowledge death as a possibility.

The creature held up a hand made of solid taint and dark aura.

"You cannot kill me."

[The Abyss's HP has dropped to 50%]

Magic pulsed rapidly and then expanded so fast the group couldn't possibly react to it. All Clyde felt was burning and aching before his vision cleared.

[Your HP has dropped to 50%]

[Alice's HP has dropped to 48%]

[Melody's HP has dropped to 35%]

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[Seth, Toru, Kitome, Natalia, Yusuke, Ming, Yuki, Chika, Ruri, Matsume's HPs has dropped to 25%]

[Your party has entered a *Super Boss* Fight, phase 2.]

[Let it be known that simply depleting a Super Boss's HP may not be enough. You must figure out what's driving it.]

The Abyss laughed then blurred toward the first in his sights. Yusuke. Kitome stood in front of her brother.

[Kitome activated Deadly heart arrow.]

Only grazed, the Abyss dodged, following up with a backhand that sent the magical girl flying. Fortunately, Yusuke was transformed. He sprinted—almost teleported to catch his sister, completely ignoring the monster of taint. Toru and Seth engaged it to hold its attention.

Clyde stood, gaining the eyes of the teammates standing by him.

"Keep an eye on your target," the young man said. Natalia hopped on his shoulders. Her light body didn't agitate the strained bones much.

What could be driving the monster at this point? Clyde racked his brain. What did he see last before Neko yanked them out of the church-like building?

His eyes widened. That had to be it. But how would he recover the damned thing? The idea smacked him in the face. He had skilled teammates for a reason. Sure, he hated putting them in danger, but they'd be insulted if he treated them like weaklings.

"Chika," he said. "Do you think you can stealth and gut that thing? You've got to make it quick. If his cooldown ends, we're all dead. There will be nothing I can do."

Chika nodded. As she stealthed, Clyde noticed a strange prompt.

[Chika's state has shifted to Zero Control.]

What did that mean? It's not like she made much of an effort to control her Yandere lust anyway, Clyde thought. Maybe this was a transformation that slipped by him.

The young man waited. For some reason, Alice, Melody, Harumi, Natalia, and Tear didn't leave his side. He may be weakened from overstrain, but he would not be pampered. The moment he stepped forward, Alice placed a hand in front of him.

"I don't think so. Let go of the pride, Heart," Alice said. "Ego doesn't suit you. We all know that a transformation like that is triggered by some kind of trauma, yet nothing happened. The only thing that makes sense is that you saw something horrible in a vision."

"And you will hold here," Harumi said, back in normal form. Apparently, she didn't like being in her kitsune state for that long. Clyde wondered why. "You've done what was thought to be impossible and weakened that thing. Leave the rest to Chika."

As if on cue, the Abyss screamed. Taint gashed from its back like spraying blood. The light that Clyde was looking for revealed itself. He stretched out a hand and called it, not with words, but with feelings. The Omen's sphere rose into the air, contracted into sparkles and stardust. The debris rushed to the young man as if being vacuumed. He felt incredible, but like the first absorption of a giant Omen's sphere, exhaustion hit.

[The Abyss's HP has dropped to 25%]

[The Abyss has been inflicted with Utter rage.]

[The Abyss charges Void tier skill: Nation Destruction Thrice Strike.]

The land shook, winds picked up, and the skies darkened as the magic and taint concentrated in the hands of the creature.

"I am he who embodies the taint! He who destroys nations and taints even the strongest. I am feared! I will not be insulted!"

Clyde checked his MP.

[MP: 90%]

"Onii-chan what are you doing?" Natalia said.

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Clyde raised a hand into the air.

"Hey guys, check this out."

Selecting one of his newest skills, he unleashed the magic.

[You activated Tier 1 skill: Star storm!]

His teammates who could spare the MP followed his lead.

[Seth activated Tier 3 skill: Volcanic shot.]

[Toru activated Tier 2 skill: Light grenade.]

[Ming activated Tier 2 skill: Prophesied death! The Abyss's defense, will, luck, and evasion has drop by 25%]

[Yuki activated Tier 1 skill: Demonic blazing strike.]

"Hey Abyss, a present from Team Stone," Clyde said. When it looked at him, he gave it the middle finger. Clyde's light-blue giant fireballs of magic rained from the skies first, engulfing the creature. The rest of the team's magic ruthlessly finished the job. Many prompts auto-set themselves to delayed as usual. He allowed himself to collapse to a knee. They had done it. They had actually defeated the Abyss.

[The Abyss's HP has dropped to 0%]

[Battle completed. Victory! Reward: 10 million EXP and 5 million dollars.]

[Congratulations, you have reached levels 71, 72, 73, 74, and 75.]

[You have learned Special Tier Skill: Energy Materialize.]

Clyde felt annoyed with some of the ability mechanics. The problem with tier skills was that they used a lot of MP and had incredibly long cooldowns. Normal skills may not be as powerful, but they were more practical, he thought.

"Cheesy nii-chan," Natalia said then danced into his guard to kiss him… on the cheek. She didn't have the strength to shift back into her adult form to really mess with Alice.

"Anyone else tired as shit?" Clyde said. Everyone raised their hands.

"Let me carry you!" Matsume said to Clyde, lust in her eyes.

"No thanks," Clyde said.

"I insist."

"No stay back—Harumi, Matsume's bullying me."

Everyone laughed.

[Your reputation has increased to level 5: you….I know you!]

[You are now feared by a multitude of gods…]

[You have involuntarily established a relationship link with Venus, Goddess of Love and Sex.]

[Your dangerous relationship with Venus has increased to Absolute Wanting, Unrequited Love.]

[Warning! Alert! You may want to consider talking to Mortem.]

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