Sunday. Week 1. Month 2. Year 1. Season: Autumn. First day of the month.

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Clyde vaguely remembered the rest of the previous day. Tear made the Jump, Yusuke ended up apologizing, Kitome, Harumi, and Ruri gave him an ass-chewing and lectures about the importance of being a part of the team. They also suspiciously used that chance to cancel the men's trip.

Later, he bathed with Alice, Chika and someone else, although they showered first as usual—Japanese customs—before entering the tub. Not many words were spoken, just relaxation, which Clyde's strained bones appreciated.

Maki tried to get permission from Yuki to be his personal servant or something, but unsurprisingly, that proposal was shut down fast and strongly. She'd be trained as a spy while serving out atonement, nothing more. The demoness suggested some labor and volunteer events across the city, which the young man approved. He wasn't in a mood to take pity on Maki, the criminal.

Without opening his eyes from sleep, he addressed the delayed prompts. The screens appeared one by one in his mind's eye.

[The Omen's sphere has increased the levels of random passive skills by 1. You will need 9 Omen's spheres to gain the next bonus.]

[Unknown benefits gained from the Omen's sphere.]

[You have earned the titles, *Legendary Beast Slayer* and Team Miracle.]

[Someone of higher power has noted your impressive feat!]

[System Advice: it is recommended to focus on cleaning up as much of your quest log as possible. Remember, you cannot ignore the main story quests. ]

[Current Omen's spheres: 6. Current Super Omen's spheres: 2 of 5. Well done!]

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Well if you would stop handing me quests, System, I'd be fine, Clyde angrily thought. The image of a pink-haired girl sticking her tongue out at him, briefly flashed in his mind's eye.

He knew he had to do it—sit up and feel the pain of the strain. Overstrain nonetheless. Ugh…sitting up.

[It is highly recommended to limit your access to the power for a week to recover from the overstrain. Your body does not appreciate the abuse.]

Abruptly, he became aware of the wide-open door. Harumi had come in the prior night to chat and let him know about Airi's arrival in the morning. She forgot to close the door behind her. The young man did not forget what she had to say about Yusuke. There would be a team meeting about him. And holy damn, the ninja was deep on Harumi's shit list—HARUMI'S shit list. Pissing off the healer—no, someone as nice as her, said a lot. What to do, what to do...

He sighed, listening to a muted conversation from the living room. Apparently everyone was just too lazy to get up and shut the door. Who could be on top of him this time? Maybe Ruri? No, the mass was even lighter. Oh no. Clyde kept his eyes closed.

"Perrvvvvyyy, niiii-chan," a voice said, sing-song. Beneath the covers, Clyde shook Alice furiously, but the half-demoness wouldn't wake. He tried for Chika, but remembered she wasn't there. The silver-haired girl told him last night that she'd join Harumi on the early-morning trip to the airport. "Niiiii-chan, wakey, wakey," she sung quietly. He needed to time his movement perfectly.

Suddenly, Natalia joined them in the covers and snuggled against the young man. Within minutes, she was out. He blinked.

"I just can't read her," he said softly then looked at Alice, whom snored softly. He couldn't read her either. He slowly sat up.

"Good morning, nii-chan," Natalia said.

"Good morning, Natalia," Clyde said.

"The FBI can't have my location," Alice mumbled in her sleep. Clyde gave her a narrow-eyed glare, but the half-demoness didn't stir.

Natalia nestled into him.

"Are you still hurt?"

"Not really," Clyde said, "not counting the usual aching of the strain. It's a little worse this time, but with my skillset, I shouldn't have to rely on the power."

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He stroked the dark hair of the loli, ignoring Alice's FBI banter. What kind of a dream was she having?

"You're a good kid, Natalia…not kid—I don't know what you are," he laughed, "but you're a good right hand."

Natalia gave him a pouty face.

"I told you, I am a woman," she said. "And since everyone's away." She lazily waved a hand, causing the door to shut.

"Why do you keep insisting on a majestic FBI," Alice mumbled. "It's unsettling."

Clyde and Natalia looked at each other then burst into laughter.

"You play too much, Natalia," he laughed, rising out of bed.

"I mean it, pervy nii-chan, you can't ignore my needs."

"Pssh, kids say the darndest things," Clyde said as he made his way to the bathroom. Natalia began a repeated pounce on Alice. The young man considered Jumping to the nearest nuclear bomb shelter. The moment he rinsed the toothpaste from his mouth, he finally heard the half-demoness's yell.


"Waah—Onii-chan! Alice is bullying me."

Laughing nearly uncontrollably, Clyde made a bolt, not wanting to get caught in that. Natalia chased him, followed by a furious Alice.

"You can't leave me," Natalia cried.

"It will be years before you can get me caught up in the hell you're about to experience, kid," Clyde said as he flashed stepped around the corner. When Natalia appeared, he pulled her, covering her mouth. Alice stopped.

"Where'd she go?" she said to someone.

"Who?" Melody said.

"The brat! Oh, never mind," Alice said, yawning. "If you see her, tell her she's going to pay."

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"You may want to get her a basket of sweets," Clyde said.

"I don't wanna," Natalia said. "Who knows what she'll do to me."

"Think on it, runt," Clyde said. The smell of breakfast pulled him toward the kitchen.



Aunder took a swig of his sixteenth beer then pulled out a flask to top off the burn. He sighed, wishing Mortem was around so that he could give the bat boy the goofy grin that annoyed him to no avail. Then squash him.

"How did this happen?" he said.

He glared at the crown resting in a pedestal a dozen feet away. For killing a dragon, the imbeciles of the nation arranged him to be wedded to the princess. In the morning, they'd consider him a married man and the ruler of the small nation. Examining Aunder for some time, the Polodians managed to figure out his love for the drink. The finest beer and whiskey as well as a comfortable seat on the throne itself rooted the man. He glimpsed his betrothed once being carried off for measurements, but not before formally introducing herself. Before he could get a word out, the princess was pulled away by a group of maids.

Truthfully, Aunder simply wanted a good fight, and that dragon gave him one. Fearsome beasty, it was a shame he had to kill it. Maybe he could find one of those necromancers—the most powerful around—and rise the creature from her grave.

He chuckled. Dragons in this world turned into pretty ladies. In fact, almost every creature had some kind of…He let the thought drop. The one thing of this word that puzzled him was these so-called monster girls.

He ran into a pretty thing the other night. She tried to pounce him for some loving, which Aunder wouldn't have minded but Su Yang jumped the gun and killed her, coldly, without honor. She gave no answer to why, so he ordered her from his presence for the rest of the day.

Julius gave him a rundown on monster girls but Aunder still believed that to be nonsense. He'd welcome the loving of any pretty lady. With Su Yang around, threatening to kill those who simply wanted companionship, he'd never get laid again.

He finally had enough when she gave severe glares to even human women he approached, chatted up, and almost had in his bed. Aunder told her if she interfered once more, he'd relieve her of position and she'd become a simple scout. The woman actually had the audacity to yell back at him, declaring that she'd never give up, that he wasn't allowed to flirt with other women when he could have her. The man reminded her of the Stockholm syndrome. She proceeded to splashing his beer in his face and stomping out of the restaurant. He lost his touch at some point. Still, there was no reason for them to be fighting but the marriage declaration by the bloody king made things worse. Which is why he had to leave that night. The princess was a VERY pretty lady. He couldn't risk staying and finding her dead from Su Yang's irritating jealously.

Olivia walked into the throne room and sighed.

"Lord Aunder, are you really going to marry her? Are you abandoning the journey?"

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"Can't a man enjoy a free drink of the finest quality without getting scrutinized?" Aunder said. "And you'd better talk with your sister. My patience is beginning to wear thin."

"With all due respect, you know she's in love with you," Olivia said.

"I do not care," Aunder said. "You three are servants, not bedmates, not sex slaves. Remember what I said about the fancy language of the scholars. Stockholm syndrome."

"It's not that," Olivia said. "I…think my sister may slightly be a bit Yandere."

"A yanda-what?" Aunder said then held up a hand to forestall Olivia. "I don't care about your world's fancy-smancy made-up words. Give me the report and let us be on our way."

"Fine," Olivia said then pulled out a map. "There are clues putting the Wind here, the Leaf here, and the Falcon here. I've watched a few foreign broadcasts and could only pick out the rumor of some Team Stone, but I doubt it's the Stone you're looking for."

"The Stone I'm looking for is not of this world," Aunder said. "He'll probably be alone just like the others, maybe following the rules of this game, maybe sulking, maybe wishing to live his new life and fantasies. Like how you found the others, look for those signs. They've all been the same so far. I doubt he'd be any different."

"But didn't you say he was powerful?" Olivia said. "You glimpsed his aura in a dream."

"A dream and reality are two different things," Aunder said. "You have no control there. All he did was just stand there, staring at me. The dream wouldn't release control of him, which was a shame. At that time, I would've made a deal with the guy. Kill the Watchers with me and end this game. Too bad it's not so simple. There is one in particular that Mortem let slip once. If true, even I'm outclassed."

"Nonsense," Olivia said. "There isn't a single being capable of taking you down."

"I hope you're wrong," Aunder said. "If I don't get a good fight after all of this bullshit, then I may consider doing something drastic in retaliation. A gift to the gods." He folded his arms. "The kid…how is she?"

"Momo's taking good care of her," Olivia said. "Su Yang too. She wants to adopt her with you."

Aunder sighed.

"You know that's not happening. Remember what I said in the beginning. Nothing has changed." He stood. "The kid's making me soft. Perhaps it is time I start acting like an Esper. Be ruthless again. Spill blood, but in honor of battle."

Aunder held up a hand, forestalling Olivia. "Let's get the hell out of here before they try to force me in some wedding getup. I will lose honor if I kill out of frustration."

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