Clyde's house…

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Clyde and Alice stared blankly at the TV then simultaneously reached for the bowl of popcorn Yuki placed between them. A news report stated that a large creature identified as a dragon, attacked a small nation. A fucking dragon! One unidentified man apparently subdued it. Clyde wasn't sure why that gave him chills.

"Unfortunately, before he could be declared King, the man vanished with his party during the night," the news reporter said. "The current monarchy is rewarding five hundred million palos to anyone that captures him. To obtain his description, one must travel to the nation, and get the classified details. So far, no one has openly declared any desire to join the bounty hunt."

[Quest: Join the bounty hunt? Accept? Reward: #$#%#$%#$#]

Clyde, taken aback by the loud static sound in his ear, accidentally selected No. He wasn't terribly interested but it'd be something else to stick into his log for later dissecting. Why did the system react like that? He tried asking it but received no response. Oh well.

Ruri was laid across his lap, her happy place established through Clyde's petting and caressing. Even Yuki was on board with the lazy Sunday though she mostly tuned into her book. A familiar novel that the young man could've sworn he hid. Maki continued her daily cleaning routines, but not without stopping to give Clyde a suggestive smile. It quickly shrank away when Yuki glared at her. The demoness decided to check on purple-haired girl every ten minutes as punishment, doubling any work for every spot found.

Matsume left with Natalia to shop, Tear went to the Hades' Estates to speak with the servants, but not without reminding Alice that starting Tuesday, she'd be handling everything as the head. Her father taught her everything she needed to know some time ago. The half-demoness made a pouty face but said nothing.

A commercial about marriage popped onto the TV. Ruri's ears perked up and her tail wagged as she eagerly watched. The vibe around Alice and Yuki seemed to change as well. The demoness watched intently, almost as if taking mental notes. Alice caressed Clyde's arm repeatedly, excitedly.

He wondered if the time he set aside to think on it mattered. Well, he was now on his second month in this world.


Main story.

Defeat Dark in a Real game (Stone-Token quest.)

Call or visit Chika in the late hours. (MS.)

Either call or visit Kitome in the late hours.

Talk to Melody….again.

Investigate Niyoto (multi-step quest. Required to defeat demon lord.

Craft 1 complicated item. (MS)

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Get to know Sazuki over time.

Take all female party members on one date.

Investigate the Dragon threat.

World Objectives:

Slay the demon lords: 2/15. Reward: *World star fragment*.

Receive special training. Reward: Stone magic line access.

World side objective: learn more about this world. Current knowledge of Satovia: 1.8%

System opinion: you suck! Get on it, godling.


It was time to stop delaying the Niyoto quest. Even though it wasn't mandatory, slaying the demon lords happened to be a requirement to acquire some world star fragment. Maybe he'd take Sazuki, Toru for good measures, and Harumi with him. Well, there was the demon lord, so maybe bringing the entire party was for the best. Maybe Airi, Ms. the Legend twenty-seven would show some of her wisdom and amazing powers and insta-kill the demon lord. If Tear wasn't available to Jump them to the city, they'd have to take the train.

He could call Chika and Melody that night, maybe surprise-visit Kitome. As if things were that simple. Not if the silver-haired girl had a say in it.

Minotaurs in a multi-step quest. Were there not any other gifted around that city to take care of the problem? He wanted to be sure if Team Stone was even needed there anymore.

"Alice," he said. She flinched, as if he snapped her out of a daydream. All eyes were on him. There was no way he could ask her something as mundane as passing him the laptop now.

He recalled from an article he glimpse which stated that Niyoto was a city of beauty and even in the fall, its exotic roses made visiting worth it. "How does a trip to Niyoto sound?"

"You're only asking her?" Ruri said.

"Well duh," Alice said. "He's my Clyde. Life mate. Who else would he ask?"

She used the force to hurl the hellhound to the side then sat in Clyde's lap.

"That's not fair," Ruri said. "You can't hog him to yourself." She snuggled next to Clyde. "You can't interrupt a canine's moment of petting."

Alice violently rubbed Ruri's head, while smiling smugly.

"How is that doing for you, hound?"

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"Cut it out," she whined then quickly fixed her hair. "So rude to my hair."

"Speaking of hair, Yuki, I'm running low on conditioner. Mind joining Ruri and I for some quick-shopping?" Alice said. She looked up at Clyde. "I would drag you along but someone's toughing out the strain. And it seems worse than ever. I'd be a bad wif—life mate if I allowed you to move around in that condition."

Clyde kissed the top of her forehead, soliciting her blush.

"I'll be fine. Go have some girl time with the others."

"I feel like Ruri has a point here," Yuki said, laughing. "Where's my forehead kiss?"

Alice giggled.

"Has anyone seen Natalia?"

"She's out for a bit," Clyde said. He knew the runt would take his advice. She loved Alice like a sister.

"I guess we'll head out without her," Alice said then scurried off to get dressed. Yuki and Ruri's predatory gazes set on Clyde.

"My turn," they said.


Some fields…

Dark raised a finger at the redcap that approached him. She grinned with shark-like teeth. Long purple-white hair, pointy ears, she'd look so much better with a normal smile and not the monstrous, predatory expression. The silk, a nearly transparent-brown dress and metallic-skull necklace didn't ease things appearance wise. Neither did the six-feet-long, three-foot-wide sword she carried.

Selkie and her stupid reports! She left magic residue with her warps to whatever realm she travelled to, creating a giant beacon for whatever creature within the vicinity. A village warned him about the redcap sightings—but those detections were supposed to be fifty miles away. The goblin girl wasted no time stoking her curiosity. The only good thing Dark could fathom was that she traveled alone, not with a clan.

"Look," he said. "I'm in no mood for this. I am willing to forgive the disrespect if you leave now. No need for me to bother with the power of my right hand."

The redcap licked her lips and continued forward. "Oh, come on, we can talk about this. Besides, I'm kind of in a hurry. Just put down the giant sword."

Dark knew all about the redcap weapon's properties. It didn't injure nor damaged men, rather it directly attacked their spirit energy. Usually one hit is enough to stun the average man for a few hours, which of course they mounted and raped away. And the goblin girl didn't stop until men passed out. Some would take the guy away, forcing him to become husband. Dark had no intention of letting that happen.

Suddenly, the redcap lurched forward, swiftly swinging the sword with unbelievable speed. Dark dodged to the side then aimed his left hand.

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"Great power—Giga slicing dark bolt!"

The redcap easily dodged, giggling.

"Thanks for yelling out your attack. It gave me—ugh!"

Dark grinned as his magic erupted from the ground and struck the cocky goblin girl like lightning. Sometimes yelling out the wrong attack worked just fine.

[Dark used Dark Plains of Vapor.]

He certainly had no intention of wasting his tier skills on such a lowly creature. Well, monster girls were tough—but he still needed to save his magic, avoid unnecessary cooldowns just in case. The next town was just a mile ahead.

[Lassie's HP has dropped to 165%]

He took off, not caring to continue the battle any longer. Facing a mini-boss solo sucked. As if things couldn't get any worse, he heard wing flaps in the distance. Blue and green-winged harpies?

"Great power—analyze." His eyes were on the leader. "More freaking harpies. Do they ever learn?"

Thunderbird- Jetta

Level: 123

Type: monster

Work under: Wild-Shockers Harpy clan

Special: Lusty lightning bolt

Weakness: earth and ice.

Resistances: all electric and its sister elements.

Secret: Whomever she declared husband will immediately be impregnating her.

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"I'll make him husband," Jetta shouted to her sixteen companions.

"No you don't, bird-brain, he's mine," the redcap said. "I saw him first."

"Why am I not happy about having women chasing me," Dark said. Still, he didn't want to kill them. He'd have to use a tier skill after all. One that should cover up his escape. Oh that one! He thought.

[Dark activated Tier 1—]

Something clubbed him in the back of the head. As his eyes closed, his mind's eye just barely glimpsed the ogre that ran carried him away.

This has been volume five of The Anime Trope System. The episodes will remain in order.

The next story arc is underway!

There's nothing like cleaning up the quest log. What exactly is a world star fragment? Will it be a key toward him completing his overall mission?

What is the Viper planning? Who is the red-hooded stalker? All answers connect.

Fate is a mysterious string.

Hello, you amazing anime, light novel, fantasy, and manga fans. I'm Alvin Atwater and I would just like to take the time to thank everyone who read and support the series. Please consider leaving me a review on I could use as much help as possible. My goal is to expand the Anime Trope System into other forms of media such as manga, artwork, and even games.

In the meantime, I will get back to work as this series is very fun to write. Five volumes completed!

I can be found at

And until the next volume, have a good one.

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