Last time on The Anime Trope System, Clyde had to teach Yusuke a valuable lesson about working as a team and not running off on his own. Solo idiots received defeat more than efficient teams.

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Now his goal is to really tackle and clean up his quest log! A trip to Niyoto sounded like a pretty good idea. Slay the demon lord and stop the minotaurs. All should be well, right? Right?

Welcome to….

The Anime Trope System Volume 6:

The Stone of the Public!

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Sunday. Week 1. Month 2. Year 1. Season: Autumn. First day of the month.

Later that morning….

Clyde decided to get some crafting done, maybe level up his skill a bit, before Harumi returned with her friend. He was on his way out the door to do buy a crafting table, for outside use, when Chika entered. She looked to the left and right, realizing that the young man was alone. A grin emerged on her face. The silver-haired girl closed the door behind her and locked it.

"Harumi's having lunch with Airi," Chika said. "I told her I had other matters to attend to and wanted to speak with you." She gave Clyde a once over, casually undressing. "I think wherever you're going can wait a few more hours. Oh, and don't forget about the team meeting. Harumi kind of hates Yusuke."

"I wouldn't say she hates him," Clyde said as Chika yanked his shirt off with a technique so impossibly good, he considered sitting her down for step by step instructions. "But you can safely add ass-chewing number four to the list." Chika tackled Clyde to the couch, giving him a taste of strawberry-flavored lips. The young man blinked to see that he was completely naked. "Woman, that's impressive." Chika's juices were already dripping, her eyes emitting a familiar yandere lust. "I can buy that crafting table tomorrow."

"Of course you can," Chika said then smiled. "Darling."

"Oh not that darling nonsense," he said with a laugh. "Melody already tried it."

Chika sighed as she mounted him.

"I'm losing my touch, being outdone by that strawberry head."

The feeling of Chika's insides always made him want to immediately burst. The young man supposed it was always liked that for someone you loved. Twisting, turn, and panting, the duo fucked like half-crazed rabbits.

It wasn't until after he released onto Chika's stomach that someone from the hall spoke.

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"Nya, give it to her."

Chika's face turned three shades of purple.

"Nya, you were like, oh! And like uh! I've never seen you so vulnerable."

Clyde said nothing as he put his clothes back on. He knew the dangers of provoking a yandere. Even a non-murderous one like Chika. Non-murderous for now.

"Neko, I'll give you a five-minute head start," Chika said as she slid her skirt back on.

"Nya, you were the ones who woke me up," Neko said. "I would say let me join in but the others are approaching. You may want to clean up and make yourselves look decent. Nyan, you've got less than fifteen minutes."

"Well fuck," Clyde said.

"Literally," Chika said, joining him to clean up the aftermath of their wild sex.


Candy Shop in Lot City…

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"Enjoy yourself, young lady," the clerk said, waving at Natalia. The loli waved back, a potent smile on her face. Some surrounding people gave her awes.

Matsume growled as they walked away.

"Why am I here again?" she said, irritation in her voice. Natalia waved at another group of people who adored her.

"Oh my god, she's so cute. She's apart of Team Stone. Please take a picture with us."

Natalia took the attention of even the men, which made Matsume want to die. Her pride felt small as she somehow started mentally comparing herself to everyone, loli included.

The brat caught her in a good mood. Harumi had cured her, which meant she could finally get pregnant. A miracle. She'd get to have her own litter. A real family.

She wanted to pounce Clyde and take him hellhound style, but Ruri insisted on mimicking the humans. As her servant, she'd respect that. Strive to be like her. Still, a real family! Maybe if she asked him…Yeah right. There was probably a secret race to bare his first child. Matsume would only be able to win that by nabbing him hellhound-style. That would, of course, get her kicked out and scorned by Ruri.

She glared at the kid. Even she had more physical contact with Clyde, always on his back, kissing his cheek, hugging his neck. So insulting for a hellhound of her grade to watch everyone around gain his affection.

But if she wanted to serve her princess, small sacrifices were a necessity. The queen certainly wouldn't be happy to find out that something happened to her lovely daughter.

After what felt like centuries, Natalia finally rejoined to the hellhound. She returned the basket of candy and chocolates to the loli.

"Why did you buy this again?" Matsume said.

"It's a gift for Lady Alice," Natalia said. "I made her angry this morning…so."

Matsume blinked. This brat…She nodded.

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"Very honorable." She almost said sweet, like the humans, but she wouldn't forget herself. Her origins, her pack, her princess, her queen. Her future.



Dark had done it. He defeated the ogre girl by giving her so much pleasure that she passed out from an intense orgasm.

A part of him didn't want to leave. Contrary to popular belief, she lived in a nice house updated with the latest technology. A modern life. Many people stereotyped ogres as cave-dwelling morons. They lived out in the countryside, but not like cavemen. And of course were an all-female race due to the Supreme demon lord's influence.

He looked at the green-skinned beautiful monster girl once more. Large breasts accompanying an athletic body, long white-purple hair, and small horns on the top of her head, Ilu raped him for hours before he remembered a piece of lore from a small village. Take control and make them orgasm. Rough as possible—and finally, boom! Their bodies will produce one so intense it knocked them out cold.

He had to admit…he needed the sex. Instead of halving his HP and MP, it gave him a temporary buff to all stats as well as an endurance boost. He wasted no time dressing. He looked back at the lonely woman once more, chuckled, then got the hell out of there.

He managed to find a town three miles later, rented an Inn room and washed. After he got some proper sleep for a couple of hours, Selkie actually returned. The news she gave was about the head of the watchers…And it worried him.

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