Clyde felt as if Neko had twenty hands as he struggled to deter her from stripping him in front of everyone. Her breathing became husky, eyes lusty. The others seemed stunned, borderline fascinated, as they watched a normally composed catgirl, give in to her monster girl instincts.

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He supposed it's been a while since he last had sex with Neko. He debated on what to do.

"It must be fascinating to stand there and watch your team leader—oh damn, that tail," Clyde said.

"I was kind of hoping this was a part of the game," Tear said then raised Neko into the air using the force. The catgirl flinched, lucidity returning to her eyes.

"Nya, how embarrassing," she said. Juices trickled down her leg. Chika snapped out of her shock.

"It's like she hit us with some kind of stun," the silver-haired girl said, surprisingly without anger in her voice.

Clyde quickly covered his super-boner with a blanket. Natalia was in the room.

"Alright, showtime's over. Out. Except Neko. We need to have a chat."

His firm tone prevented any objections. When the young man was sure they left, he turned to the cat girl. Her ears drooped.

"Nyaaa…that never happens."

Clyde locked the door then sat on the bed.

"You may lose control this once," Clyde said, knowing damn well that he looked forward to the embrace.

[Your relationship with Neko has increased to Friend-closer level 8.]

Neko pounced him again, wildly kissing. She licked the young man's face while pulling away his clothes.

"You sure?" she whispered. Clyde pulled off her shorts and panties. Purring, she wasted no time mounting and starting the wild ride. Monster girls often seemed starved of sex.

"You should visit more often," he said. Neko licked his cheek.

"Nya, the more reason why I can't abandon my duties," the catgirl said. "I want to do whatever I can to make sure you succeed."

The dance rolled on for more than fifteen minutes, ending with them laying next to each other, chatting.

One shower later, Clyde opened the door. A plethora of anime girls fell on top of him.

"Scatter!" Natalia shouted. "No, kill the cat!"

Clyde let out a soft sigh.

"So much for going to bed. Chika, doublecheck on Sazuki and her sister. Make sure they're ready in the morning. I'll send a text to Clare. Natalia, text Nina. We're not going to let Toru forget his gothic loli assistant."

Chika narrowed her eyes for just a second at the catgirl sitting innocently on his bed. The faint blush on Neko's face wasn't missed.

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[Ki established from Neko! Unpredictable: 1 Spark: 1 Rain: 1]


Monday. Week 1. Month 2. Year 1. Season: Autumn.

[Current quest: Investigate Niyoto (multi-step quest. Required to defeat demon lord).]

[This is a major quest with a Raid at the end of it.]

"A raid, huh?" Clyde said softly. A flash of light through his eyelids, followed by a crash of thunder made him open his eyes. Chika held his arm rather hard. Alice walked from the window, annoyed look her on face.

"I missed the Yusuke torture session," she said.

"The what—Oh the training," Clyde said. "I hope Harumi doesn't kill him."

Alice crawled back into the bed. A flash of lightning made her duck beneath the covers, pulling Clyde with her. The thunder clap shook the house.

"When I was a little girl, I used to hide from the storms with my stuffed dragon," Alice said. The young man smiled.

"My grandmother sort of believed in what we called on earth, superstitions. Although with what I know now, she was probably right. When we were kids, she'd tell us to sit still and let God do his work. My uncle Lenny always joked about Thor smashing his hammer on something to make the lightning appear."

"She sounds nice. My grandmother's…scary," Alice said.

"Mine too," Chika said suddenly. The duo chuckled.

After morning activities and dressing, the trio joined everyone at the dining table. The entire party was present with roller bags and extra things Clyde did not want to get into. His firm guidelines were ignored by the women.

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One glimpse at Yusuke's tired eyes made Clyde whistle. He noticed a few bruises too—nothing new with Toru's training, but definitely more. The young man couldn't imagine what kind of hell Harumi put him through.

Kitome smiled at Clyde, maybe noticing the necklace, maybe not. The young man sat by her. Abruptly his phone rang. Hinako? He gulped. His absolute favorite professor, ever. The source of his most secret daydreams.

He squeezed Kitome's hand, causing her to blush.

"I'd better take this," he said. "It's from the academy."

Seeing that the storm passed, he walked outside and answered his call. "Hello—"

"You'd better not have left yet," Hinako said. "The assistant dean may buy into your work, but I've got to see it for myself. I've packed somethings already. And don't try to talk me out of it—I made up my mind. The assistant dean will only allow you to take this time off if I'm there to verify as a chaperone."

"Hinako, are you sure about this?" Clyde said. "You're a professor at the most powerful academy in the world. We're headed into danger. It'd—"

"Don't try to talk me out of going," Hinako said. "Remember the note." She paused. "I mean it. I'd really like to spend time with you."

"Alright," Clyde said. "But you can't go anywhere near the hotspots. We're used to fighting…the hostile supernatural and we're equipped to do so."

"Pssh, I'm a ten-year black-belt," Hinako said.


"Fine," she said. "No supernatural. But you can teach me some of the basic magic if possible, maybe so I can defend myself."

"We'll see," Clyde said. "Can you meet us at the address I'm texting you? Try to be here within ten minutes or so."

"Sure," Hinako said. "I can't wait to—I mean, bye."

She hung up, seemingly cheerful. Clyde sighed. What a persistent woman. He dialed Clare.

"Hello?" she said.

"Hey Clare," Clyde said.

"Clyde, well, way to remember that I exist. How are you?"

"Pretty good," he said. "Remember that text last night."

"Sure do and we're packed," she said.

"You're bringing the magical girls?" Clyde said in a disheartened voice. "Look, eyes are going to be on us, especially with the amount of women—"

"Get over it," Clare said. "Women are more attuned to magic, so it can't be helped that you've met more of us as gifted than men. And you know you're happy about it."

"That goes without sayin—I mean, that's not the point," Clyde said. "Never mind, I'm being immature. We're going to save lives. Just make sure they don't go bugging Kitome or Yusuke."

"That sounds like the man I know," Clare said. "I'll handle the Fireside girls and you handle your party. People won't suspect a thing. We're still hanging out though. I know a nice sake place in Niyoto. And I'm not taking no for an answer."

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Clyde laughed.

"Fine." He wanted to speak with Sahara as well, but that fell on his lowest priority list.

Eventually everyone arrived at Clyde's house. Sahara insisted on joining the quick tour he offered to Hinako and Clare. They were baffled that the young man owned such a large house. Matsume and Neko's bickering over what movie was better: Dog Dominator or Cat Diva ended the tour on an odd note.

"Clyde, we're pretty much bringing a fucking army to Niyoto," Kitome said when he rejoined the group outside.

"I guess we are," he told her. "The demon lord's going to shit himself." Two parties and two noncombatants. Clyde turned to Tear. "Are you ready to start the Jump?"

"You'll have to kiss me first," she said.

Clyde began to wonder if he was just in over his head—he wondered that due to all of the eyes on him. Airi saved him by clearing her throat, though the faint blush didn't go unnoticed.

"Let's stick to decency here," Airi said. "We've got hotel rooms to check into and less time for banter."

"Says the virgin girl," Tear said.

"Y—you….how do.. I mean…" Airi glared at the succubus's breasts. "Evolution is bullshit." She harrumphed anime-girl style. Tear smirked.

"Next time, try not to speak out secrets while drunk," Tear said. "I did enjoy the story about Toru and the goat though." She snickered. Toru glared at Airi. Airi smiled sheepishly.

"So, Maki's also a part of this?" Hinako said, eyeing her. "Any explanation about the girls ripping off their—"

"Later, Hinako," Clyde interrupted. "Let's get this Jump going."

Alice and Chika both let out annoyed sighs.

Tear released an impressive amount of magic, which carried them to a pre-decided destination, out of sight but close to the hotel.

They were in a city of flowing autumn leaves and roses matching the colors. Less traffic than Lot City, but still as impressive. The hotel building ahead looked to be about ten stories or so tall—Tear pulled that straight out of the Ashfall funds. A gentle breeze caressed the group as they walked. They were two parties, Clyde and his, Clare and hers—but the young man intended to arrange his own even further. The city looked full of life, traditions—and not just the Japanese, but Satovia-themes were everywhere. Mostly of the nation.

Clyde was finally in new territory. A demon lord lurked, with minions that spawned at night and this time, the young man stood more than ready for them. Not that he knew much about this world's version of minotaurs. He'd end up raped if not careful.

[Area unlocked for Jump: the city of Niyoto.]

[Quest updated. Step one: investigate Niyoto.]

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Unknown city…

A knock pulled the Viper from the maps he studied.


"Ah, Su Yang, come in," Aunder said. He rolled away his maps and smiled at her. "Have a seat, next to me, my sweet."

While drunk the other night, he was a little angry with her for interfering with his potential bedmates. He still didn't allow it—but Su Yang's jealously just could not be helped. A pretty lady for sure, one beaming of the Stockholm, and very useful. His favorite, even if she pissed him off from time to time. He wasn't sure if the anger counted while drunk.

Su Yang made sure to sit very close to the man, her enticing perfume making him wish that he met the woman on different circumstances. He'd damage her honor by taking advantage of her during the Stockholm reign. "Here for a visit?"

"As if you'd allow it," she said.

"It is a torture to sit with a woman you cannot take for a wife," Aunder said. "Anyway, report."

"I've found the entity."

Aunder grinned.

"And this is why you're my favorite." He stood. "Take the rest of the day off. Use those free-roaming privileges I gave you. Enjoy yourself in the city."

"I'm not going anywhere," Su Yang said then dove into Aunder. "I'm sick of being sexually frustrated. Bed me right now."

"You know I cannot do that," Aunder said, pushing away the woman. "Remember that I do plan to release you at the end of this journey. Hold your wits until then. No need to give into the—"

"It's not Stockholm!"

"Enough," he said with a deadly calm. "I will not delve into that topic again. "Now give me Mortem's location. It's not very practical for the Stone and the Viper to be sharing the same guide, anyway."

Unable to disobey, Su Yang told him.

"I see," Aunder said. "Tell Olivia and Momo to prepare that spell. If Mortem's out in plain view there, then this is probably a trap set up by a watcher. I'm going to spring it."

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