Niyoto, Satovia…

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Alice took the last spoonful of her strawberry cheesecake, then turned to Chika and Ruri. The hellhound was already finished with her triple-beef sandwich. Her silver-haired friend on the other hand, still took stabs at her vegetable and… some kind of healthy meat mini-platter. The half-demoness just could not understand why she put herself through such an annoying diet, but indulged in junk food on the weekends. Chika will probably continue to nag at everyone to join her. Alice would rather starve.

The hotel's cafeteria was lightly populated. Most of the party either settled in their rooms to unpack or dropped belongings off to head off into the city. Clean and very stylish with gold and silver enlaced in its overall design, this place definitely catered to the wealthy.

"We have a problem," Alice said.

"Add it to the list of ninety-nine," Chika said.

"If it's about the shirt, I told you, it was Natalia that—"

"No, it's not about the shirt, you tit, it's about the overload of other girls," Alice snapped. "Look, we've got demon blood in us. Well, Ruri and I do. We're a bit more lax as long as we don't hate the others. But it's getting a little crowded."

Chika nodded.

"We'll have to draw a line. We're okay with you, Ruri, only because you're cute. But no Matsume."

"She's just my servant," Ruri said. "There's no way she'll try anything."

"Is there anything to be done about Ming?" Chika asked Alice.

"I don't know…she clearly has a crush on my Clyde, which blows," Alice said. "Natalia tried to pair her off with Seth, but the boneheaded…" Alice let out a sigh. "Look at us, sounding like TV villains."

Chika laughed.

"I know right? Look, to be honest, Clyde has a place in my heart and I in his. I will always be able to pull him to me and you too, Alice."

"Of course," Alice said. "He's my life mate. I'm first and foremost. Maybe his first wife."

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"I don't know about that," Chika said. "I wish I could be his soul mate too." Her eyes briefly flashed to what Alice believed to be the yandere state Clyde told her about.

"Me too," Ruri said then sighed. "The heart knows what it wants. And sadly for us, the man we want is highly sought after."

Alice shrugged.

"Whatever, I can take him whenever I want, whenever I please. No offense, Chika, but jealously is more of a human thing."

Chika laughed.

"Keep telling yourself that, Alice."

The blonde harrumphed anime girl style.

"Let's go check out the city," Chika said. "We're all princesses."

Ruri smiled.

"Let's get a limo."

"I've got plenty of influence out here," Chika said. "Give me a minute."


While in the cab with Toru, Harumi, Sazuki and Kitome, Clyde pulled up the quest log. He did this to quash his fury. He just wanted a quick bite with Kitome, but Toru barged in and dragged Harumi and Sazuki into the bout. His "innocent" smile seemed to say,

"If I'm not getting any, you're not either."

Maybe that was a little overdramatic, but Toru's awful timing ruined everything. To top that off, Kitome shifted back into her default pissed-off state. Tsundere angry mode?

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Well, it didn't matter. They were on their way to some rich hangout location that Toru's family controlled, for information about the missing men. The young man hoped to put that off to later that day, explore the city a bit, but somehow Toru's insistence as the battle trainer and strategist—the position he forced the young man into during week one—bowled over Clyde. What could he say in front of his team? Fuck doing what we came here to do, let's goof off. There was no need to stir up the 'poor leadership' seed.

[Quest log:

Main story.

Defeat Dark in a Real game (Stone-Token quest.)

Call or visit Chika in the late hours. (MS.)

Either call or visit Kitome in the late hours. (MS.)

Talk to Melody….again.

Investigate Niyoto (multi-step quest. Required to defeat demon lord)

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Craft 1 complicated item. (MS)

Get to know Sazuki over time.

Take all female party members on one date

Investigate the Dragon threat.

World Objectives:

Slay the demon lords: 2/15. Reward: *World star fragment*.

Receive special training. Reward: Stone magic line access.

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World side objective: learn more about this world. Current knowledge of Satovia: 1.8%

System opinion: you suck! Get on it, godling.]

Kitome and Melody. He'd clear their quests on separate days. It was a perfect chance to learn even more about them—and vice versa.

Clyde glared at Toru again. He completely and ruthlessly crushed all of the young man's plans. And with Harumi, and Sazuki present, there was not a damned thing he could do about it. Behind his blank stare, laughter echoed. Revenge for the slime-jives? Possibly.

When the cab finally stopped, after fifteen minutes of driving and turning and possibly blowing past red lights, Toru paid the fare. They stepped out to see a group of maybe twenty or so women, dressed in very short white dresses performing an odd and suggestive dance in front of a building called Spectators. The building they had to enter. On the heads of the women, were helmets with odd horns.

"Praise the great minotaurs, the heroes of justice, the defender of women," they shouted. The leader, in a seemingly tight red dress and golden helmet stepped forward and raised both hands. So much cleavage, Clyde thought.

"Praise the great heroes of justice, the defender of women, ravisher of men! They who show us that we can have the upper hand, the power, and control. OH GREAT MINOTAUR HEROES HAVE MERCY ON YOUR SUPPORTERS. WE PRAISE. WE PRAISE. VIOLATE THE MEN!"

Clyde turned to Toru, his glare preventing the blank stare. He clapped sarcastically.

"Wait-a-go man. This is what we'll have to go through. Let's just go back to the cab."

The cab driver stepped out of his vehicle and with a loud voice, yelled,


The driver dove into his vehicle, laughing, and floored it, speeding off, almost running someone over. Clyde's mouth dropped as the minotaur cult fifty yards ahead looked at them. The young man tried to find anyone to divert the call to, but there wasn't a single man in sight now, besides he and Toru. The civilian men fled with speed his brain could not register. He turned back to Toru, but couldn't get the words out. The brown-haired noble smiled sadly. Harumi and Sazuki shook their heads. Kitome looked as if she was going to erupt lava. Or choke Toru.

"Well, fuck," Clyde said.

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