Clyde and Toru maintained blank stares as Harumi talked with the cult. Men are meat, pigs, should bow down to the power of women, blah blah—this was like a background song coming from the group leader's lackies. They made claims of just wanting to talk to the two young men, ask a series of questions, get them to look and possibly sign some crazy form.

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The banter between went on for ten minutes, maybe longer. Anger aura had actually formed around Kitome, though the young man wasn't sure if it was for Toru or the cult, though likely both. Sazuki could put Sub-Zero to shame, the young man thought.

"Why are we here?" Toru said.

"Hmm?" Clyde said.

"He means why are we just taking this shit?" Kitome said.

"You haven't figured it out?" Clyde said, then waggled a finger. "You could call it scoping them out, seeing what we're up against. So far, I have yet to spot anything that could indicate ties to the demon lord."

"Oh," Kitome said, then frowned. "Then why didn't you just say… never mind. This is Toru's fault."

Toru sighed.

"When in doubt, Kitome blames me."

"I do not—"

"You know what's bugging me," Clyde interrupted.

"You mean the lack of police," Sazuki said.

"Exactly," Clyde said. "Why are the police so lousy?"

Sazuki sighed, unknowing. She hadn't experienced the patrols yet.

"I hate demon lords," Kitome said softly.

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"Let's go Harumi," Clyde called. "Fuck them."

The pink-haired young woman wasted no time to rejoin them. The group leader held up a finger to protest then promptly dropped it.

"They're actually backing off," Sazuki said to Harumi. "What'd you say to them?"

"For this group, it's exactly as you said," Harumi said. "Apologies, tears, and so on. I made a bunch of threats, pretended I knew people in high places, but mostly referenced Chika's family and some of Toru's. I also didn't give their leader a chance to fire them up."

"Let's go find somewhere with the least amount of eyes to Jump," Clyde said. "Harumi, you were right. My anti-magic idea isn't working."

"You sure you don't want to walk ten miles back to the hotel," Kitome said playfully. She gave Clyde a wicked grin. Somehow he had an arm around her. When did the sneaky magical girl…

"Oh don't you start," Clyde said, poking her cheek. She giggled. He smiled, invoking a blush.

"Clyde, you're a masochist," Toru said then whispered. "How do I start a harem?"

Clyde glared at him.

That evening at six, Clyde was in his room with a laptop, taking Chika's example and studying a bit. Well, not really. The E-textbooks were minimized, while he switched from utilizing the search engine to learn about Niyoto, minotaur happenings, and then returning the texts of his life mate, Chika, and Tear. On Earth, he'd switch from studying to either watching anime or reading manga on his free time—not counting anything like basketball practice, hanging out with non-drinking friends, or enduring family banter.

On Satovia, watching anime or reading manga was pointless for him. Why the hell would he do that when he lived it? He wondered, for just a split-second, if the edge lord managed to get over himself and established a party. The horrors of a party formed by that one. Well, there was a chance they'd change him. Where were the other interlopers? Were they for or against the Viper?

Clyde dropped the thought when a knock on the door caught his attention.

"It's unlocked. Just come in," he said. He'd reenable the keycard lock later.

Kitome stepped in with a tray containing a lot of fancy food. Anime hotels for the rich. Clyde approved.

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"I just happened to have some extra," Kitome said. Clyde gave her a look. She blushed, indignance flooding into her eyes. "Well, it's true."

"If you say so," Clyde said then gestured at her to join him. She sat the tray of food on the table, then suddenly pounced the young man. He was caught off guard as the strawberry kisses clouded his mind with the magical girl. A second knock on the door, made them pause. "What?" the young man said, irritating.

"Clyde, we've got a problem," Ming said. Kitome quickly stood, placing an innocent look on her face as the other woman walked in. "That professor lady went out digging for information, earlier. She just got back a few minutes ago looking haggard. She said there are rumors about some minotaur kidnapping a jogger a few blocks from here." Alarm flashed into Clyde's eyes. "Toru's still here, don't worry."

"Well, that's one of my questions answered I suppose," Clyde said. "Text the party for a mandatory meeting in the common room… at eight." He let out a breath. "Thank God I'm on the first floor." The laptop he hastily placed on his lap, just barely concealed his massive erection. Ming didn't leave. Instead, she stood in place, carrying out the young man's orders. There was determination in her eyes. The taste of strawberries, the feeling of Kitome straddling him—this side of her in general made him attempt to kick out the prophet. "Is there anything else, Ming?"

"If I went down that long list, we'd be here all day," she said, pressing the "send" button on her smart phone.

"See you at eight then," Clyde said.

"I'm here to talk," she said, taking a firm seat in a nearby chair, arms folded. The young man did not miss the glare showdown with Kitome.

What could he say to his prophet? Get the fuck out? Well yes.

"Can it wait?" Clyde said. "I'm—"

"Too busy and want to blow off your prophet again," she said.

Clyde inhaled and exhaled, dousing his anger. Would it be reasonable to just ignore the voices of his team for sex? He didn't answer that.

"You know that's not true," Clyde said. Kitome looked as if she wanted to drag Ming to the roof and toss her off. He closed his laptop. "That's not how I run this team. You're welcomed to voice your concerns at any time, well, except bedtime. I excuse emergencies though." He shot her an easy smile that didn't work. Then she went on and on about being a prophet, her duties to Clyde and that he must pay more attention to her. She mentioned ways about increasing her usefulness to him and by the tenth minute, Clyde's held up a hand to stop the chatterbox. "Ming, relax."

"What?" She said.

"Relax," Clyde repeated. "Handle things one step at time."

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"One step at a time," Clyde reaffirmed. At least his boner went away, enabling him to go to the table, pull up a chair and eat. Kitome sat by him without touching her food. Ming still didn't leave. She looked as if she directly challenged the magical girl. How bold of her.

Still, if he was going to somehow embrace a harem—he allowed himself to admit that it was—he'd have to put his foot down.

He didn't do so then because what asshole did when his prophet went through the trouble of coming all the way to his room to report to him. Report…as an excuse. But her timing to increase her aggression interfered with the rarest side of Kitome.

After Clyde finished eating, he grabbed the tray.

"I'm going to put these up then go get something from Toru."


"I'll see you at eight," Clyde interrupted Ming then started off, but not before sending the women out of his room. He pulled Kitome into a hug which for sure caught her off guard. The young woman looked crestfallen after the prophet basically blocked her advances. "Thanks for the food." Ming was about to barge in between the two, but the young man was already on his way. He practically felt Kitome give the other woman a smug look combined with a glare before heading off.

It was time for the meetup and patrol. Minotaur monster girls… Just what the hell were they up to?

"Goddammit Ming," Clyde said. He almost wished that Seth swooped her away. He just wasn't cut out for the harem shit.

Oh, who was he kidding. He strained to hold in laughter while the girls basically battled each other. Ming actually helped him—he almost lost the chance to get credit for the quest due to the magical girl popping in on. Not that he minded.

He wasn't some dopey harem main character or wannabe harem king.

"Goddammit, I'm a harem god," Clyde said in a deadpan voice. "Sorry grandma, your favorite grandson has fallen off the path of decency."

He gave mental points to Hinako for finding non-combatant ways of being useful. He'd make a Team Stone member out of her, yet.

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Abruptly, Clyde stopped as he spotted an unfamiliar busty woman ahead, staring at him with hunger in her eyes. Small horns poking out of long brown hair, a super-revealing shirt….if one could call it a shirt. Brown fur coating legs, with hooves for feet. A long tail…a bull's tail. This could not be happening.

She probably left her axe to sneak in. Clyde analyzed the monster girl.

Minotaur- Kira.

Level: 106

Type: Monster

Work under: N/A.

Special: All-Day-Raped. [She will rap e a man until passing out, while holding him with immense strength. Then she'll wake up, rap e again, eat and bathe, then sleep. Rinse and repeat. Warning: this hold is very difficult to escape, as minotaurs are strong enough to toss cars around like rag dolls.]

Weakness: ice

Resistances: earth, nature, forest.

Secret: she plans to have fifty kids with the man she declares husband.

Clyde gulped.

"If you're looking for Toru, he's on the third floor."

The monster girl adjusted her stance, preparing to dash toward the young man.

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