[You have entered combat!]

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"A weakness of ice," Clyde said. But thirty-one levels higher than him…holy shit. As a party, this would be no problem. Solo on the other hand…another story. Due to the overstrain from fighting the Abyss, he'd not rely on the power. He owed nights to Melody, Kitome, and Chika.

Not being able to touch his own goddamn reserve was beginning to get annoying. It felt like a shitty restriction, placed by a sadistic anime writer, just so that his main character wouldn't overpower his enemies. Except that Clyde had anyway. The young man mentally decided that his next objective would be to train for the power. Who could help…That objective.

[Talent. Main character stuff: Extra Analyze.]

[Your speed stat is 154. Due to laziness, Kira's speed is 90.]

Clyde nodded. Self-challenging time. "Let's see what I can do while outmatched."

The minotaur charged him. Completely calm, he sidestepped and decided to cheat. Pulling out the Howler's Binding Collar, which worked on beast-like creatures, he tacked the minotaur to the ground.

Not wanting to fail like he did with Ruri, Clyde injected it with magic and buckled all in one swift move.

[Battle…complete? Victory! No EXP. Reward: $10,000.]

[Current personal balance: $ 11,695,400.]

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[You have enslaved Kira. The collar cannot be removed unless you release the binding or die. She will do whatever you say without objections.]

Clyde looked at the minotaur. She scrambled to her knees and bowed.

"How can I serve you, my master?"

[Warning: the memory of being a slave WILL NOT go away. Plan before releasing her and recovering the collar. Dark Rare items are reusable as long as they're not completely destroyed. They however are still evil items. Tsk, tsk. You have earned the title Welcome to the Darkside.]

"Remember, you attacked me first," Clyde said. "And this became the result. So Kira, welcome aboard." He almost wasted one of Tear's summons, but decided to just call her. "Tear, can you get here, quick?"

She appeared in front of Clyde, wearing a silky black dress, that hugged her body too well. His eyes scooped cleavage before he swallowed. The succubus aura was definitely behind this, not that he cared. But if she resorted to doing this, when she damned well didn't need to, the young man wasn't paying enough attention to her. "The short version is, I used the Howler's collar on that mino—"

Tear pinned him to the wall, eyes shimmering into lust-mode.

[Remember, when a succubus is in love with you, she will not gather spirit energy from another man even it her life is on the line. Without dream-jumping to do so, her lust increases and power slips closer to going out of control. You talk to her daily for mostly business, but you must be touchy-feely, show your affections. Remember, it is highly recommended to marry all of them. A succubus is one of the most powerful demonesses around. They're normally in control when taking husband. For you, this is a super-rare case.]

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Well, since they had time. Clyde made the first kiss which set Tear off in a flurry of undressing him and her at nearly light-speed. The duo engaged in wild, sweaty sex right at the minotaur's hoof. Something dripped on his forehead. He looked up.

The minotaur trembled, eyes matching Chika's, quivering half-grimacing on her face. Tear continued her machine-fast bounce, breathing hard and huskily, not paying attention to the beast-woman above the young man's head. The spell rattled, but Tear was far too gone.

"Shit, Tear."

[Warning: the minotaur's natural magic has warded off the collar. If retrieved or refilled with magic, it can still be used.]

As Tear let out a climatic moan, the minotaur knocked her off to the side. Or so she thought. Recharged and in an incredible mood, Tear blocked the hoof with a single finger.

"Worms should know their places."

Clyde's analyze went off and what he saw may his jaw drop.

Name: Tear

Level: 145 (compressed.)

Type: Royal succubus.

Relationship: *Beloved*

HP: 525%

MP: 1200%

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Stats: Her dominating stats are intellect and lust.

Special abilities: Tier 1 skill: All Ending on the Plains of Existence.

Secrets: In addition to belonging to a very powerful house, many of her peers want to nominate her as a Supreme Demon Lord candidate. Eventually, those peers may come to check on her, if they aren't searching already. Anyone considered for nomination is too valuable to just let run around.

The young man didn't know where to begin. So after she finished beating the hell out of the minotaur and re-enslaving her, he almost blurted it out. What stopped him was the fact that Tear kept this a secret for a reason. Two, he'd let her know that he invaded her head without a care in the world. But these peers. He'd better tell Nina to keep a close eye on Toru.

"Do you need a leash for that one?" Tear said after they dressed.

"Ma…master, please…sex…I—"

"Shut it," Tear said. "Servants in your position don't speak unless spoken too."

"I'm sorry!" Kira bowed.

Clyde dreaded the humiliation the proud minotaur will probably feel if released. His succubus just wasn't making things better, yet what could he say to her. She was holding onto his arm, cheerful. And her cheerfulness was infectious. It seemed to make the juices flow from the other monster girl's legs just a little more. Holy shit—how horny was she? Probably very, considering she searched for a man at the hotel.

"Can we really bring her in front of the others like this?" Clyde said.

"I suppose they'll wonder why her leg fur is so…wet," Tear said. The succubus tapped on a random hotel door. It opened. "In you go. Lie on the bed and spread them."

The minotaur eagerly did so. "I really hate using this spell. It takes too much magic and for this lowly disgusting."

"What are you talking about?" Clyde asked.

"Close the door, beloved," Tear said. He did so. She thrusted one hand forward.

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[Tear activated Special Tier Skill: Golem Create.]

A sphere of magic oozed from her hand like a melting moon, slinking onto the floor. It reformed into a humanoid creature made of rock. Tall like Clyde, it's seemingly lifeless eyes were set on the minotaur. And the minotaur looked as if she strained against Clyde's spell again.

"Oh you thought I'd let my beloved give you his love," Tear said. "Yeah right, I barely get enough—there's no way I'd let some uncivilized trash touch him. Now, Golem, get rid of her horniness so we can get to the meeting."

"How long do you think this is going to take?" Clyde said. "We could just come back."

"Good idea," Tear said. "I'll need another golem to watch and make sure she doesn't try anything in the case of the spell breaking again. Minotaur magic's odd like that."

"You…can't…my master, please take me—oh!"

The golem began its work. Clyde and Tear closed the door, though the moans of ecstasy still pierced.

They arrived to grim faces and determination. All were equipped, ready to kick ass. Except, Clyde wasn't sure if a patrol was appropriate on the first night here. They needed a good layout of the city.

Clyde almost fucked up rushing into things again…but no more. He was going to clear this area with his head.

"Sit down," he said. "Let's talk about today. Everyone will report one at a time."

Alice took a seat in Clyde lap. Chika sat on his left. Tear maintained her position on his right, snuggled into him. Airi's eyes were wide.

"Just who are?" she said. "Freaking harem masters."

Clyde waved the nonsense away.

"Let's begin. Yuki, you first."

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