As the group exited the hotel, the building stopped shaking. The ridiculous songs of ecstasy died. Tear's text confirmed the ending of the madness. She even saved the hotel staff the trouble by instantly cleaning up everything via magic.

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Tear: You've turned me into a softy, beloved. Be careful out there, okay?

Clyde: I'll try. Thanks.

[First Quarter.] [Hotel Street.]

Clyde wasn't surprised when the hotel staff gave them a warning about going outside. Strange happenings, missing people, same shit from Lot City. He took the time to meditate for once—both quick and mystic, before they took off. As eager as Alice was to get going, the party needed to be fully ready, himself included. He made a mental note to prioritize Melody next.

He sighed… how did so many women get his heart? There was so much to learn from them too. The strange part that gave him bubbly guts was what felt like a requirement: marry them or no god tier powers. What if he decided for a solo game? That took unfair to a level he didn't want to talk about.

So even while grasping the power, his unknown tier skills weren't the god tier. How did Natalia learn a goddess tier skill? Who was this twerp that rode his back?

"Pervy nii-chan," she said.

Clyde said nothing, eyes searching the streets from right to left. She smacked both of her hands on his shoulders. "Pervy nii-channn."

"What?" Clyde said in a tired voice. He suddenly did not look forward to any kind of parenthood one day.

"Have you never thought to wonder why I'm friends with Nina," she said. "I'm not a kid, you know."

"Yeah you are," Clyde said.

"No—I'm a woman," she briefly hugged his neck tightly. "And you will acknowledge me."

"Little girl, I'm going to feed you to the scary minotaurs if you don't—"

"Nina's twenty years old," she interrupted.

"The kid? Yeah right," Clyde said.

"She's right," Alice said. "She ages significantly slower due to the vampirism. She'll eventually stop when her body reaches adulthood."

"Maybe Toru will tap—"

He grinned at Toru's glare. A victory over his blank stare.

"It's sad," Natalia said. "She'll have to either wait a long time to have sex or—"

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She cut off at Harumi's frown.

"I've killed a fair number of vampires," Airi said. "There's nothing the old steel can't do. All you can do is gut 'em up and watch the blood drip. Slash and dash, sometimes stake them. Then toss the body parts in the sun or some fire to prevent some necromancer from reviving them."

The other women grimaced at the possible gory images being implanted in their heads.

That's when Clyde noticed that she was indeed equipped with a blade. He assumed Airi rushed back to her room to do just change out of her skirt into the tracksuit.

The street lights suddenly flickered. Five muscled creatures with green skin strode toward them, snickering. Pointed ears, glowing red eyes, and fangs, they meant business. A black…miasma oozed from their left arms.


Level: 66

Type: Monster

Work under: demon lord spawn.

Special: Miasma jab.

Weakness: Fire, light.

Resistances: poison, ice.

"There are goblins in this far out?" Airi said.

"Miasblins," Clyde said. "So... miasma goblins?"

"There's no way you should know that," Airi said.

Clyde waved the curious girl's oncoming question away. "No talk, fight time now."

[Your party has entered combat!]

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"Did you know that male goblins are very respectful to women, but the female counterparts rap e men?" Airi said then charged into the fray.

"What… the fuck?" Alice said.

"Lady Alice, watch your language!" Natalia said, wagging a finger. Alice gave her a pouty face then lurched into the fray. Harumi and Toru did too.

"Get off me," Clyde said in a deadpan voice.

"Nope!" Natalia said.

"Natalia, I'm missing out on the fun," Clyde said, "so unless you want me to tell Alice what Ruri told me the other night, you'd better listen."

"No idea what you're talking about," Natalia said.

"Hey Alice, the reason why your shirt was in the wash—"

Natalia quickly covered Clyde's mouth.

"Okay, okay," she said, voice pleading, then hopped down.

Clyde grinned evilly at her.

"Good girl." He patted her head. "Now, go help blast away the big bad monsters."

He rushed toward a lone Miasblin, engaging it, Ludacris unsheathed.

"Fucking humans," it said, swinging wild punches at the young man. Clyde almost had the pleasure of gutting the level sixty-six monster when it simply disintegrated into powder.

[Airi used Multi Pop shot.]

[Airi killed all monsters in the vicinity.]

Clyde only glimpsed the last baseball-sized ball of gray light vanishing.

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[Battle completed. Victory! Reward: 30,000 EXP and $5000]

"What the hell, Airi?" were the words that didn't come out of Clyde's mouth on time, but Alice's.

"S—sorry," Airi said. "My party and I try to deal with small fry as quickly as possible. I did that out of habit."

Seeing that the purple-haired young woman had an efficient tactic, he dropped his words. He could take her on a level-grinding date, but then again, he figured, Alice would be the better choice. Or Chika. Or maybe any of the other women really, they were virtually overpowered.

The airflow muffled just a bit, enabling Clyde to sense what came at them. He stepped in front of Harumi and with one hand, caught the arrow aimed for her, by the shaft.

A figure in a dark gray hoody vaulted off the rooftop but he didn't get the chance to escape.

[Airi used Tier 1 skill: Forced Faceoff. Enemy cannot escape. Enemy is enraged.]

[Enemy unaffected by your analyze.]

[Your party has entered combat!]

Harumi rushed ahead of everyone, eyes seeming to burn with raw fury. Electricity and lighting pouring from a yellowish aura, she engaged the hooded figure with extravagant martial arts.

The fight seemed even at first.

"That's how I taught you, Harumi," Airi softly said. "Get him! Do it!"

[Enemy has broken Forced Faceoff.]

[Enemy activated Intense Focus.]

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A white aura surrounded the figure. His martial arts quickly overpowered Harumi and with one roundhouse kick, the pink-haired girl was sent flying several yards backward.

He spawned a bow from an airborne-light, aimed at her, but Clyde blew it up with an Energy blast in time. Ashes and sawdust seemed to sprinkle everywhere.

[Your MP has dropped to 160%]

Harumi rushed him again without giving anyone else to take her kill. The dance moved so fast, it reminded Clyde of Dragon Ball fighting. Despite her best efforts, from spell and martial arts wielding, the hooded figure outmatched her. She was sent flying again.

Airi stepped forward, ready to take control, but Hood Man didn't seem eager to stick around any longer.

[Enemy has activated Jump.]

Harumi's blast of lightning just missed. It hit the ground and dissipated harmlessly.

"Ugh!" she snapped, frustrated.

"Who or what the hell was that?" Toru said. Clyde pat him on the shoulder.

"Another thing to add to your internet search list," Clyde said. "If we run into Mr. Hoody again, we'll be ready. And watch out for the bullshit bow attacks."

"He seemed to have a hate-boner for Harumi," Toru said.

"Let me find him," Airi said. "It'd give me something to do during the day. I have his power signature locked. The moment I detect it, I'll end him."

"You do that then," Clyde said. He gestured for the others to follow. "We've got two more streets to patrol and then we're done for the night."

He didn't say the unspoken words: there wasn't a face in the hoody, just blackness.



Ming sat alone in a corner with her cards, practicing combos. Despite trying to be useful someway, somehow, she still had no luck. No one really talked to her nor really acknowledged that she existed. The others fought and bled together multiple times. Ming was only a part of one battle with them. She started to feel as if she may had overshot her intentions when asking to join Team Stone. Even earlier when she hoped to at least establish herself even as a simple messenger in addition to being a useless prophet, Clyde clearly wanted to kick her out of his room. She felt so embarrassed, maybe humiliated that she intentionally blocked whatever the Kitome girl tried. She even kept up the rouse during the meeting though she truly didn't care. She had nothing against the other women. She knew sharing him was the only way to be with him. A non-human living legend.

She needed to accomplish something that could make everyone acknowledge her…

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