[First Quarter.] [Lass Street.]

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Clyde inspected his equipment, realizing that it was maybe time for an upgrade. He didn't think too much on it, fearing that the system would award him with yet another goddamn quest. That log was going down!


* Legendary Sword: Ludacris (Ashfall family loom)- +33 to attack. Fallen Angel element. Can fire raw magic from the weapon. Does magic damage. Lv. 2.

-School uniform or casual clothes.

-School shoes or casual shoes.

*Necklace of Her Devotion* Item class: *One of a kind* This necklace was made with love. Unknown benefits. Has a 1% chance of triggering Enlightenment mode 1 during battle. All stats will increase by 100% during the mode.

-Ring of Emergency Magic. (Very rare) +20% MP.

- Dust stone armor set. (Rare). +15 to defense.

- silver dagger- +ice and earth damage. (rare.)

What if it was Kitome's necklace that gave him the senses to detect and catch that arrow barehanded? He noticed Natalia mimicking what he did.

"Onii-chan that was so cool! If Harumi doesn't marry you after that, I will. Well, I will anyway."

"Onii-chan?" Airi said, raising an eyebrow, a hand on her hip.

"She has an anime addiction," Clyde said flatly, " and she won't stop calling me that." Airi patted Clyde on his shoulder.

"For a second there, I thought it was something more," she said. "What's the old saying? Age is just a number." She laughed at Clyde's glare then pinched his cheek. "You were carrying her on your shoulders."

"It's hard to believe she's an adult, isn't it," Clyde deadpanned. He walked over to Harumi, uneasy with her silence. "Are you good? No, that was a stupid question. The hoody guy caught you off guard. All of us really. But…" he whispered in her ear. "Are you sure that you want to keep your true power from Airi?"

Harumi blushed.

"Am I… that obvious, Clyde?"

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Clyde flashed her a blank stare.

"I'm pretty sure you would've wiped the floor with that guy." He almost put his arm around her, but remembered this wasn't a leisurely walk. As if to confirm his thoughts, enemies rushed toward them.

One looked like a brown squirrel the size of a motorbike, the other six were level sixty-two miasblins. How long was it since things felt…like patrols and dungeons again?


Level: 64

Type: Monster

Work under: demon lord spawn.

Special: full charge.

Weakness: Fire, metal, wind.

Resistances: earth

Secret: wishes the minotaurs would rap e him instead of the humans.

[Your party has entered combat!]

[Alice activated Raid ender!]

Clyde's eager-to-fight smile faded as his life mate's death sphere instantly killed the enemies.

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[Battle completed. Victory! Reward: 13,000 EXP! $4900.]

Mouth agape, along with the others, Clyde shook his head. At this rate, he'll never get to fight. Alice winked and gave everyone the peace sign.

"Anyone else think we're a little overpowered for this?" Clyde said.

"You're just jealous that you didn't beat everyone to the punch," Airi said. She grabbed Alice's hand. "That was Raid ender. Can you…teach me that?"

"Humans can't learn it," the half-demoness said, swatting away Airi's hand.

During the next encounter, Harumi instantly one-shot everything with a Field-spanning lightning storm. The young man had never seen so much lightning in one spot.

"I won't be outdone," Toru said during the fourth encounter. Sadly, he ignored Clyde's orders to hold. The minotaur easily stunned and stripped him. She managed to get three bounces before Alice blasted her backward with a Raid-crushing beam.

[Yulie's HP dropped to 130%]

She stood.

"You! Go find your own man. He's mine!"

Toru's dressing speed probably couldn't be matched. Clyde gave him a look of disapproval.

"A novice move there," Airi said. "Never run ahead without actually looking at who you're going to face. Monster girls don't go down so easily."

"I know," Toru snapped. "I've fought plenty. I just wanted the kill—anyway, enough talk. Kill her!"

[Toru used Brawl shout! 20% boost to attack and fighting spirit.]

Minotaur mini-boss. Sure, no collar this time, but Clyde and the others could wear down that level one hundred thirty bulk.

The minotaur dodged all but one of Alice's sword swings. A sudden thrust forward and her blade plunged through the monster's chest. Unfortunately for the twin-tailed girl, it missed the heart.

[Yulie's HP dropped to 100%]

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The minotaur bashed the half-demoness to the side with tremendous strength.

[Alice's HP has dropped to 450%]

Harumi moved in to heal while Airi entered the fray. A blur, she dodged the minotaur's attacks then jumped on top of her head.

"Why you bitch!" Yulie barked, but her fist missed. That's when Clyde noticed the axe buckled to her waist for the first time. She pulled it from some kind of scabbard and swung. And missed. There was no way she could hit Airi.

[Airi activated Druidic lightning.]

When the green lightning struck, Yulie howled, dropping her axe, falling to a knee. Clyde flashed stepped, beating Toru to the killing blow. Or what he thought was going to be a killing blow. The sword plunge to the neck didn't do the trick.

[Yulie's HP has dropped to 1%]

A familiar hoody-wearing figure teleported in the middle of the fray, grabbed the minotaur, and Jumped. It happened so fast, Clyde's brain seemed to process it a split-second after the perpetrator left.

[Enemy has activated Stabilized healing.]

[Enemy had fled!]

"That happened," Clyde said then frowned as Natalia climbed back onto his shoulders.

"A right hand that did nothing," Natalia said. "Everything's too weak."

"What is he, a hero of justice for the minotaurs?" Alice said. "I think I've had enough for the night, let's go."

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"Same," Harumi said.

The group started for the hotel with no objections. Tear's words returned to him: does a General fight. Fuck that. Clyde had a range of skills that he wanted to evolve. There was no way he'd get one-upped by his party members.

Sure, they had to level as well. He could…solo a patrol and grind that way. From what he examined, his skills gained less experience unless he repeatedly used them to killed enemies. If a party member made the kill, the amount of experience received, for skills, was reduced.

That dawned like a revolution to Clyde upon discovery.


First Quarter, Hotel Street….

Ming waited for him to appear in the precise spot. After a brief flicker of light, her prey dropped right into her stun circle. It took her five minutes to draw on the pavement, but the embedded magic did its job. He didn't seem to make any noises from the electricity, except a single grunt. The hoody-wearing person fell to a knee, dropping the minotaur.

The impact woke the creature up. It took one look at the person, ripped his pants off, and began a merciless rap e.

Ming's mouth shifted from agape to grimacing. The extended stun her circle dished out would more than likely last another forty-five minutes.

"You single-minded creature, stop," he snapped, but the monster girl continued on. "Why can't I move…How did I get caught into this?"

If Ming had more power, her chances of predicting the movements of a threatening enemy to her Stone would go up. Still, seeing the future briefly had its perks. The booby trap was…. well. She dropped the oncoming pun, shaking her head in disgust. Why were these creatures so…Why did they do this?

Ming knew very little about monster girls, but the potential in them was so high. Some were already secretly integrated into society, yet still couldn't rid themselves of the instinct to violate a man. And to add further insult to injury, declared him husband. Monsters…were just weird, crazy, and strange.

"I've got a job to finish, so you won't be finishing," she said. She was about fifty yards away from the scene. Aiming a hand at the duo, she cast.

[Ming activated Non-battle spell: Cosmic Bind!]

Several tendrils of magic poured from her hands and wrapped around both the minotaur and the hoody-wearing person. The raping still didn't stop. He was still inside of her.

Ming glowered and turned, waiting for the others. She knew they'd be arriving in moments. A climatic moan from the minotaur pierced the air.

"You're my husband now," she told the hoody-man. "And you filled me up nicely."

"Just what the hell is wrong with this world," Ming said softly, though she couldn't help but daydream being the wife of the Stone in addition to being his prophet. In it, she held their child in her hands. Clyde smiled at her. "Stupid romantic mangas. That never happens in real life."

She folded her arms and harrumphed. She felt like she had fallen—a loved champion of Stone-Tokken, with many fans. Famous author and artist of the Loli Saga light novels and mangas.

However, saving the world was more important. And maybe her childish dreams. If he had to be shared, she needed to get her time with him. She was the prophet. They should be talking on a daily basis and a lot. Well…maybe she wasn't there yet. Still useless…

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