A cold realization struck Clyde as he sat with the others. In fact, he'd been pushing away from this thought for some time now. Just thinking about it, made him cringe. Yet, Melody tugged at him with her essence—he wasn't sure if her demi-goddess powers were responsible or what, but she spiritually tugged him. What made the young man shudder inside was the thought of dealing with her parents. Ugh…would he have to meet the parents of all the women? And especially Melody's parents. Holy shit…He'd do his best to avoid the topic, but one day, it may come up.

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[It is inevitable.]

Clyde sagged. Ominous red messages from the System. Great. Yuki suddenly pulled his face into her boobs. He goofily grinned.

"Are you still feeling pent up?" she whispered.

Clyde allowed himself the inhale of intoxicating perfume before realizing the others watched and so did passing civilians. Yet that didn't stop him from pulling away as slowly as possible.

Taking Airi's example, he cleared his throat.

"So, crazy cults, they're a thing now."

Ruri shot him a blank stare. Alice glared at Yuki's chest.

"Cow," Alice said softly.

Yuki's expression remained neutral, but her eyes twinkled with smugness. The civilians ignored them as they walked the streets, drove, jogged, and enjoyed the sunny day. An airplane soared through the sky, its sound just barely muted. A few people strolling on Ridout-brand boards showed off to their friends.

"Alice, Tear said something about you committing to your household duties today," Ruri said.

Alice flinched.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Alice," Ruri said, giving the young woman a firm look. The half-demoness hid behind Clyde, wrapping her arms around him.

"I go wherever my life mate goes," she said then stuck her tongue out at the hellhound.

Ruri smiled, danced over to Alice, and actually hi-fived her. They giggled, ignoring the blank stares from Clyde and Yuki.

"I don't want to go back to my clan," Ruri said. "I don't fit in and duty sucks."

"I've been meaning to ask about that," Clyde said to his life mate. "Are you a demon lord?"

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Alice sniffed.

"No way—I'm just a house head and nothing more." She stepped in front of Clyde, fixing him with a determined look. "Don't spout some nonsense about me having to tend my duties. I'm not getting involved in demon realm politics."

Clyde waved that off.

"I'll let Tear do that," he said then whispered, "but that won't stop me from trying to have you all to myself."

Alice blushed. Ruri narrowed her eyes.

"You have to take me too," she said. "It's only fair—"

Chika released her stealth in front of the young man.

"I'm back," she said, then kissed him. "You're especially not leaving me out of this."

Most men couldn't remain so composed under the gazes of four beautiful women. And anime glistening eyes choked the best of them.

[Your marriage system continues to vibrate with joy. Remember it is still in play. It is strongly recommended to marry all of the female members of your party that harbor feelings toward you. So far, you have done a good job increasing the relationship levels; however, try not to leave any behind.]

"So did you find anything?" Yuki said to the silver-haired young woman.

"I found a safe there, which surely contains it, but the strange thing is, there are wards on it. If triggered, they'll do something strange then summon a monster girl."

Clyde nodded.

"At least you didn't pull a Yusuke and try to take it on yourself," Yuki said.

Chika laughed.

"I know right? What if it turned out to be something with a super high power level? Besides, I'm not dumb enough to trigger a ward. What's if it's triggered to steal the soul of someone or whatever demons do when they eat you."

"Let's go ahead and get this out of the way," Clyde said. "How are the numbers?"

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"There are only six cultists present in there," Chika said. "Two hundred were deployed across the city."

"Two hundred?" Yuki said. "How are so many woman buying into this nonsense?"

"Who knows?" Clyde said. "Let's get this out of the way. I've got other things I want to get done today." He pretended that his hand wasn't firmly on Alice's ass. This world continues to poison me, he thought. Maybe one of the cliché waterfall meditations would expand his capacity.

[Meditation beneath a specialized waterfall has unknown benefits. You must find one through world exploration.]

[Warning: you are about to enter a dungeon. Dungeon type: Headquarters. Difficulty: Normal, varies.]

Normal difficulty? Yes! Varies? No! Maybe this mystery monster girl, the dungeon boss, was just another minotaur. Maybe… He led his party into the building.


Hotel. Alice's room…

Tear found Natalia back-first on the floor, groaning. Beside her was a leather bag, turn to its side, emptied. Candy wrappers were scattered all over the floor.

"My tummy hurts," Natalia said softly.

"You didn't," Tear said, eyes widened, picking up the bag. "Oh hell, she's going to kill you. How did you even find this stash?" She looked at the witch, shaking her head.

"Uhhh," Natalia reached toward Tear. "You have to help me, Onee-chan."

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"If you call me that again, I'll Jump you right to her with the bag," Tear said. The amount the girl ate... "Damn, that was over one hundred, maybe two hundred variants of candy bars. This is what happens when you force the house head on a diet to protect her health."

Natalia groaned again.

"It's not fair. Demonesses can eat whatever they want without consequences."

Tear sighed.

"Says the witch engulfed with demonic energy. You know Alice is going to toss you on a spit and roast you."

"You've got to hide me," Natalia said.

Tear left the room without saying another word, ignoring the girl's protests. What could've possessed her to eat ALL of Alice's candy bars? Stash three? She was just glad that Clyde left Yuki in charge of his finances. Her irresponsible cousin couldn't rely on cuteness to explain a chocolate budget.


Cult Headquarters…

They followed Chika at a jogger's pace and best of all, there wasn't any resistance. At least not at first. One of the women caught sight of them and attempted to order the group out. When they ignored her, she resorted to teary begging. Yuki forced her to tag along to unlock the safe.


Outside of the Cult Headquarters, rooftop….

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Leon saw a woman that matched the description of the rumors enter the cult building. A Viper Maiden and in the city. Just what was this world coming to? He put away his binoculars and motioned for a guard.

"Gather the men, we're leaving," Leon said. "Make sure that maid do her job tonight, serving the great demon lord's dinner properly."

"Oh, the new hot one—"

"Yep, she's an intense chef," Leon interrupted. "Patrol the guards around six or so. The demon lord could use a quiet dinner. And if you want, I can set you up on a date afterward."

The guard straightened.

"Yes sir!"

He saluted then carried out Leon's orders.



A strange presence, one which felt wrong, struck Clyde like a bucket of ice water. He felt revulsion, sick, but also murderous. Why did he feel this? Who or what was this new person he sensed? This couldn't be his imagination, right?

Chika kicked open the door to the destination room and ordered the cult member to disable the wards.

"What's a ward?" the woman said, teary-eyed.

"Don't joke around with me," Chika said, voice deadly. She pointed at the tag on the safe. "Disable it or I'll disable you."

"Please—I really don't know," the woman cried. "I can open the safe—Please don't hurt me."

Before they could say anything, the woman fidgeted around with the safe, triggering the ward. She screamed and cried as it distributed what looked to be an intense electrical shock. Purple smoke emerged, surrounded the screaming woman, and then…devoured her into nothingness.

"I see I've got some fools to deal with and a man to mate and declare husband," a voice said from the smoke. "Thanks for freeing me!"

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