The monster girl wore overconfidence and certainly like a cloak on a freezing winter night. So when she found herself bound by Clyde's blue tendrils of magic, trapped in Yuki's cage made of dark magic, staring at Ruri in hellhound form growling with white flames flowing from the sides of her eyes, punched in the nose by Chika, and Alice's glowing Hellbreaker in her face, she fell into a bow so deep, her face hit the floor, crying.

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Arms stretched out wide, she said, "Please don't kill me! I'll do anything. How can I serve my new master?"

Clyde continued to glare down at her, eyes glowing. The intimidating group could make even wild lions subservient. He folded his arms, observing her silently.

Holding with the natural anime girl beauty, she was a pointy-eared woman with silver hair and red eyes, a large chest to go along with a curvy figure. Her elaborate clothing brought more questions than answers. He could only describe it as a nun going gothic. Her strange black dress revealed a bit much. A nun-like purple hat gave off a soft, but dark aura. The young man wasn't sure how he knew that, so he analyzed her.

Dark Priest- Saki.

Level: 103 (sealed)

Type: Monster

Work under: willing to change sides in desperation. (Last master: The Fallen God.)

Special: Lustful Lecture. [She will spread the "good" word about her master, ensnare the man in a charm. A draining of spirit energy occurs afterwards.]

Weakness: all light elements. Purity.

Resistances: dark.

Secret: she was once a human many many years ago, before the Supreme Demon Lord took over. The corruption from the monsters and the Supreme Demon Lord changed her into a special type of succubus.

[Talent, main character stuff: Second Insight.]

[The monster girls today are a result of the Supreme Demon Lord's global corruption and demonic energy. Due to this, all female monsters have succubae traits, appearances, and intense lust for men and sex. Many of them cannot control it. This event was covered up by a lecherous dark god. Not even the heavens know this anymore. The Wise One know…but you may end up being vigorously raped by her before she tells you how to anything. She's somewhere out there, living a hermit's life. It entirely optional to seek her out.]

Clyde took a moment to allow that to process then pushed it aside.

"If you want to live, release that woman's soul or whatever you did to her."

"She's actually hiding behind the door…waiting for you to leave, master," Saki, the dark priest said. "I faked her death and teleported her there."

Clyde materialized a paper fan and almost smacked her but let it go. At least he tried to but Alice grabbed it and smacked away.

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He blinked.

"Wait, you can grab that?"

[Your life mate can utilize any weapon or object created by your skill. Anyone else must be married to you.]

What a harsh restriction, the young man thought. It wasn't as if he could jump right into marriage after only being in the world a month, right?

You know those are human thoughts, a part of him whispered.

"What should we do about her?" Clyde said. "Clearly dangerous. And you can come from behind that door now."

"I'm sorry!" the cultist cried, tears trailing. She snatched a Kleenex from a nearby table and blew her nose into it.

"Put her under the contract," Yuki said.

"I really don't think we should have a monster girl roaming anywhere near us," Chika said. "She's too dangerous and I know you're thinking it, Clyde."

"No, fuck it," Clyde said. "I'm doing it. No time for indecision. Besides, I don't want her used against me."

"You mean you won't kill me?" Saki said.

Clyde placed his hand on her forehead, but nothing happened.

[Warning, her level is too high for you to enslave her. Get to grinding, scrub.]

Scrub? Clyde wanted to grind his teeth. His low level was finally starting to bite him in the ass.

"I change my mind," Clyde said. Saki began to wail, tears seeming to fly everywhere.

"Please I don't want to die. This ordeal isn't my fault."

[Ironically being trapped inside that ward had significantly weakened her.]

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If only he had another collar. No, I can't be thinking like that, Clyde thought. His ancestors would probably frown, maybe roll their eyes at him. What could he do about this monster girl?

"Alice, call Tear," he said. "As for you, Saki, destroy the contract inside the safe."

"Yes master," Saki said then actually obeyed without questioning him. His confirmation was a text from Ming half a minute later. The son of Titania confused and wondering what was going on.

[Warning! Saki wants to declare you husband. Pay attention before you're raped.]

Clyde turned to her, eyes glowing. She collapsed back into a low bow.

"Stop doing that," he said. "Do I look like some rich arrogant aristocrat to you?"

"I…need spirit energy," she said softly. "I've been a ward guard so long before you—"

"I suggest you keep quiet," Yuki said. "Unlike our lenient Clyde, I will kill you without hesitation."

The cage reformed around the monster girl briefly. She trembled.

"Tear will meet us outside," Alice said. Clyde nodded.

"Let's go," he said to Saki. He materialized handcuffs and slapped them across her wrists. "There's only one place you're going and don't worry Chika, it's not with us."

Chika's eyes were on the cuffs.

"You're able to create objects now?"

"Yeah but it has its downsides," he said. "They don't last very long at this level and is a huge drain on my magic."

Chika looked thoughtful.

The teary cultist led the group down the halls, toward the exit. As they passed one of the rooms, Clyde felt that strange presence again. He internally debated if it was worth checking out or not, but in the end, they came to the place for one objective.

Still, the group needed to deal with the minotaur situation somehow. Maybe blow up the cult headquarters to fucking smithereens? No, they couldn't be labeled as terrorists. That left killing the demon lord and utilizing Chika's connections to fix the city government. He hoped the Prime Minister wasn't a demon lord. What a randomly morbid thought.

Tear took one look at Saki and narrowed her eyes.

"She's a succubus. Leave her to me."

"Adding her to your network?" Clyde said.

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"If it were me, I'd send her to the futas," Chika said, poking the young man on the nose.

"That was my previous idea but if Tear has some use for her, then have at it," Clyde said. His memory of Tear's massive stats revealed itself briefly. Overpowered. "Also." He eyed Alice, Tear, then Yuki. "I think it's time we start discussing the Supreme Demon lord."

The women actually averted their gazes. Clyde gave them skeptical glares. "What haven't you told me?"

"Well, don't let me hold your time," Tear said quickly, smiling sadly, "I'll be taking this one off to the hotel."

"Tear," Clyde said, giving her a firm look. She looked down.

"Can we talk about it later?" Tear said.

"To be honest Clyde, the Supreme lord is a touchy subject for all demonesses and monster girls," Yuki said. "Especially since she's responsible for the uncivilized…"

"I don't care," Alice suddenly said. "I'll tell you whatever I know."

Just then, Saki collapsed, gagging. She lurched into the air, as if pulled by invisible strings.

"This was a nice catch," a man's voice said. They turned to see a middle-aged man with a short beard walking toward them at an easy pace. "I think she did me in at least twice before I sealed her. To think she almost escaped."

The brown-haired man was well-dressed in a suit and tie, sunglasses on top of his head. He smiled.

"Who are you?" Clyde said.

"Don't worry about who I am, kids," he said. "Just be glad you didn't fall for any of her desperate tactics. Now if you don't mind, I'll be taking her off to be resealed, hopefully for an eternity."

Clyde and the man briefly locked eyes.

"Are you the one in charge of the minotaurs?" Clyde said.

"No, but I'm the one who failed to keep the demon lord out of power," he said. "I've been trying to clean up this mess for years."

Saki began to cry loudly. She fell from the air. Somehow her head didn't smack the concrete.

"Please, master, don't let him come near me. He's bad news!" She cried harder. "He'll lock me away again, in that dark place. Please."

The man shook his head.

"I'm not the one who turned to the darkness," he said. "I'm okay with natural born demons, but when a human goes corrupted, we have a problem."

"I did nothing wrong!" Saki screamed.

"Except rap e and probably killed a bunch." The man continued toward her. Tear blocked his path.

"I'll be taking this one into custody," she said.

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The man smiled.

"I don't know your name, miss, but I know your reputation and I bet you know mine. Do you really want to stand in my way or get involved with the crusaders?" He smirked then moved past the succubus. "I thought so."

Saki tried to move, but couldn't. She howled and cried and begged for Clyde's mercy. The young man saw no reason to care. However, when Melody tried to kill him, he still helped her and while it seemed quite idiotic to be filled with morals during the time, he earned a powerful ally. However… Tear not standing up to these so-called crusaders was a huge deal.

"Crusaders," Yuki said softly. Her fists clenched then unclenched.

The man shook his head at Saki then chuckled.

"Let's see. A dark priest. And…" he turned to Ruri. "A hellhound. The rest of you are free to go." He looked at Clyde and then his eyes widened. Maybe the surrounding aura, maybe the glowing eyes accompanied with a dark expression did it. "Ooh boy, I goofed. Great stars…that vast holy energy from you is enormous. You're a Great One." He bowed. "Are you here to convert these lowly souls?"

"All of them," Clyde said. "Including the one on the ground. She's got to learn from this, Aldric." He learned his name through a quick analysis to seem more mysterious. "Do you question my work?" He allowed the aura of the power to show more—a bit much because the pressure made everyone in the entire area freeze, including the cars that were driving.

The man gulped.

"No—as a man who lowly serves the heavens, I swear it on the entirety of the crusaders." He dropped to a knee. "Please continue your good work. With the minotaurs…I didn't expect my prayer to be answered personally." He stood up, saluted fist to chest. "By your leave Great One, I am but a lone man passing through. I will leave the minotaur mess in your capable hands." As he practically ran away, they heard him say, "I need a drink."

When he was out of sight, Tear and Yuki dove into his arms.

"I've felt so humiliated," Tear said.

Clyde nodded.

"Level two hundred fifty compressed," he said softly. "That was the least of our problems. Crusaders? Real crusaders?"

"Holy dickhead warriors," Tear said. "They're normally not in cities."

Saki was in a low bow, crying softly, trembling. Clyde sighed.

"Stop crying," he said in a slightly-mocking voice, "the big bad man is gone." He'd reflect on being a dick later. Especially after her next words.

"He killed my friends and locked me away in darkness," she said softly. "The cult managed to alter his seal, magically forcing me to guard some stupid safe. And now….if there are crusaders in this city—"

"Tear, do you mind Jumping us all back?" Clyde interrupted. They didn't need to be outside in the open discussing crusaders. "We're taking the rest of the day and tomorrow off. Relax and we'll deal with all of this shit at full strength."

He also needed to check on Kitome. Her cute expressions clouded a portion of his mind.

As Tear prepared the Jump, Clyde remembered looking into the mirror the other week and wasn't angry when the earth-version of himself didn't appear. He always figured it was imagination or his brain adjusting to his new home.


The red cloaked being gasped, tilting his head to the side.

"Yeah, I'm not following this guy here anymore. Shit, I don't get paid enough to deal with fucking crusaders. Hell, I barely get paid at all. And if their champion…whatever her name is, is here, they're all dead, anyway. A pity."

He Jumped.

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