[Quest: completed: Either call or visit Kitome in the late hours. Reward: pending…until date finished.]

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Outskirts of Niyoto…

The night was pleasant as Clyde and Kitome strolled in the moonlight after enjoying an ice cream—the non-luxurious kind of course. Sometimes a little normalcy didn't hurt. The young man came from the middle class. The same applied to Kitome and her brother, though they worked their asses off to get into the most difficult school on the planet. Yet…to think he just selfishly pulled them to Niyoto. Sure, he gave everyone a choice, but the sun didn't revolve around him. Then again, there were times where he'd have to put a foot in someone's ass to get them going. Thankfully Kitome wasn't like her brother.

A young woman sporting natural anime girl beauty with long blue hair—though she sometimes changed the style, glistening green eyes, slender and fit and often showing off attractive legs, Clyde figured the only thing that kept her single all this time was that temper. He lost track of how many times she called him a dipshit, idiot, moron—and ooh boy, if they spoke Japanese, it'd be baka. Her sweet side made the young man a little selfish—meaning he'd keep Kitome all to himself.

She caressed Clyde's necklace, clearly pleased to see him wearing it then surprised him with an awkward kiss. Blushing, she covered her face, turning around.

"I have no idea what I'm doing."

That cuteness was the last straw—the nosebleed almost made Clyde fall backward.

"You're doing it again," Clyde said. Kitome turned to him, placing hands on hips, a challenge in her eyes.


"You're being cute," the words came off the young man's tongue before he could stop them. The struggles of a main character, attempting to sound smooth, only to come off cheesy. Kitome looked as if she'd faint again from her blush, but Clyde didn't give her time. He pulled her in to continue what they started.

Something seemed to snap within her because she began a wild assault of kisses, half of which took Clyde's breath away. They stopped…as the feeling of being watch simultaneously struck them both. The duo looked to the left. A dozen yards away, a minotaur watched, eyes excited, lusty smile on her face, fingers…shoved inside herself.

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"Dammit, they stopped," she said then bolted off into woods that could've led to anywhere.

The duo looked at each other.

"Let's take this back to my room," Clyde said.

"No," Kitome quickly said. "I…don't want the others to interrupt us. Let's go there."

Of course, she'd point at a Love Hotel that happened to be nearby. Where else, Clyde thought. As if he was complaining—Kitome's cuteness drove him nuts. Where did it come from? Oh wait, tsundere…maybe. The young man could almost put a trope to each of his friends, but there lied depth. The blue-haired girl wasn't actually mean-spirited. Just a short fuse.

After paying for the room, Kitome led the way. He took in her casual wear. A designer shirt, with a black skirt that seemed a little shorter than usual.

The moment he took two steps into the expensive room, his shirt was pulled off, pants down. And he rocked her. Her breasts, average sized, bobbed almost in sync with her song. Her flushed face made his erection feel as if it would never stop growing. Sometimes when he charged faster, her pitch rose an entire octave. She squeezed, tight, and ordered Clyde to ride harder. He obliged gleefully.

When the climax struck, Kitome held onto him tightly, her song pouring from her tongue. They had sex at least two more times before calling it a night.

Kitome's face remained flushed, even in the cab. She laid her head on Clyde's shoulders.

[Kitome's heart is now wavering. Give her some time to admit to herself how she feels about you. Congratulations on being the first see her for her and not the attitude. ]

[Quest completed! Reward: 1 million EXP and 100 free points!]

[Congratulations, you've reached level 76. Stats increased.]

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On Earth…

"I'm truly sorry," Clyde's mother said, eyes filled with tears, hugging a young woman. "You came all this way to see him. Ten years since you last have... I'm so sorry. I miss him so much."

Arisa hugged the woman back. It wasn't until minutes after she left the house when the gravity of the situation struck her like a train. Her old friend, who she knew since childhood, vanished without a trace. The hurt…so much pain, not just for herself, but his poor family. Months had passed, and she had to go and stir the hornet's nest.

Arisa kicked herself inside. Just happened to him? Tears fell from her eyes. She came all this way only to find out her favorite old friend was dead. Gone. They'd never catch up…

She'd never confirm something within herself.

After taking a cab to her hotel room—she couldn't accept the room offer from Clyde's family—she showered and dropped right into bed.

Maybe she should launch her own investigation. Asking a few people around his neighborhood about common things such as his hangout spots, friends he spent time with, and troublesome issues back then. She had a couple of weeks before her college's break was over. Whoever took her friend away from her would pay.

She turned on the TV. An anime played…

"Another stupid harem," she said softly. There wasn't a single man alive that could handle so many girls. And what female would want to share, anyway. It just wasn't human nature to share. Then again, she couldn't compare humans to demons, witches, and so-called monster girls.

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She closed her eyes, determination flowing through her blood like a high-speed water jet. Ugh. She flew all the way to the states, from abroad, for nothing. Her poor friend…He didn't deserve his fate.

A bright light that she thought was from the TV caused her eyes to snap back open. A whisper…

"You came here because you were running from your terrible old life. Very well, girl, you shall be given a new life, a new name, and a true purpose. Now, you shall be called…"


Unknown town in Messalay, Satovia…

Tessa let down her unnaturally forest-green hair and sighed. She couldn't believe she had that dream again the prior night. Seeing earth and its physics, and shapes and colors, felt so strange. Yet, she ran away from that old life to here. And like every deal with the devil, the entire ordeal crashed down on her. Her immense power over the wind, her strengths and gifts granted paled in comparison to that man. The Viper.

Why couldn't the stone-viper games rage on far away? And who's the Stone? Why was the goddess she spoke with so obsessed with him? Or at least it seemed that way.

A beautiful dark elf—typical of anime women—peeked into Tessa's room, a warm smile on her face.

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"Are you well, Tessa? Do you need anything?"

Tessa could hardly believe that these nice women treated men like sex slaves. So…they weren't nice, she supposed. Just sexists to the extreme. Why did her new goddess send her to this place? She'd been here for days—and while it was cozy, something about the nation felt off. Sure, Tessa had pointy ears in this state, resembling an elf, but she wasn't one. She actually had no idea about her new self—the stupid silent goddess wouldn't answer her. She sighed.

"No, that's okay Emma," she said, "but thank you."

"It's a pleasure, new sister," Emma said, then bowed. "If you need anything, please do not hesitate to ask." She bowed again. "May the Supreme's warmth lead your way to happiness."

When the dark elf or Alethian left, Tessa let out a breath. She only recently found out that this Supreme person was actually something known as a Supreme Demon Lord. She wanted to know more, but had to live here. That goddess saved her life.

Goddesses were real and one watched over her. Venus. The real goddess of love…in Satovia. This amazing world had everything, including the bizarre. She really hoped someone would stop the Viper before he ruined everything. Was he from Earth too? If so, why did he attack instead of offering assistance?

She figured like the TV shows, the 'players' would be all for themselves. How stupid. The literal fate of two worlds, maybe even more on the line and everyone wanted to be assholes.

Suddenly, she felt herself being engulfed in the most magnificent presence ever…

"My new daughter, it is time for you to be the Wind again," Venus said, her incredibly beautiful goddess voice filling the room. Tessa bathed in it. "Your primary home will remain here in Messalay and HE will eventually find his way to this place. For now, you will go on a journey to take possession of a world fragment. That should lure him here nicely." She giggled. "Since there are no vehicles in Messalay, so you shall go by Spirit Beast. I trust you still know how to summon yours?"

"Of course, my goddess," Tessa said.

"Fantastic. Good luck, new daughter. I expect great things from you."

The presence vanished and Tessa sagged to the floor. A new journey, outside of the protection of her dark elf protectors. Well, Emma was sort of a friend, even if her values matched the monster girl philosophy. Sort of…

Tessa nodded to herself as she started packing. A heroine again.

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