Wednesday. Week 1. Month 2. Year 1. Season: Autumn.

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City: Niyoto, Satovia

[Current quest: Investigate Niyoto. Step 4!]

Day three!

[Card bearers in the immediate area: 2. Ming, Unknown.]

[Cook-off opponents in the immediate area: 5. Harumi, Advanced chef Yuki, Alice, Kitome, unknown. ]

Yeah…his quest log took priority. He'd try not to get involved in any extra shit. Also…Kitome?

Clyde could hear an argument between two sworn nemesis. One that he hoped was over and done with. Chika and Melody. No…that wasn't quite an argument. They seemed to be just a few doors from his room.

"I told you, it was my fault, and that's final," Melody said. "I'll buy your lunch."

"No, no, no, I—"

Clyde tuned them out when he heard someone groan next to him. Will this be a game of who he'd wake up with in the morning? He expected to see Alice, a known sleep-in, but found Kitome there instead. And Natalia. Well, so much for a morning of teasing the magical girl in order to gain a cute reaction. He considered snapping of a photo of her sleeping, but tossed away the idea. Pissing her off would take away this side of her.

The loli, thankfully fully dressed for the day, hummed to herself while playing Nina's handheld game. It resembled a PlayStation Vita. Wait…a fucking minute. The previous day, he remembered Kitome yelling at her. She couldn't be…

"Pervy nii-chan, what's she doing in your bed?"

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Clyde rolled his eyes.

"Kids say the darndest things," he said. "Now don't go pestering her. And how'd you get in here?"

Natalia grinned.

"Onii-chan, whatever could you be talking around?" She casually unwrapped a chocolate bar. A familiar brand. "By the way, these are so many things—"

The door burst open and Alice stormed in, pink aura blazing around her. He frowned, but for some reason, Kitome didn't wake.

He was surprised to see the look of absolute terror in Natalia eyes. Tears poured. OH, the candy. Clyde stifled a laugh.

"Please," she said, voice barely above a whisper. Alice dashed toward her. The loli dove toward Clyde.

"Alice is bullying me, onii-chan!"

She didn't make it to the young man, stopped in midair by Alice's use of the force.

"I hope you enjoy hanging on the ceiling for most of our day off," Alice said. She kissed Clyde before leaving. He wondered if she noticed that Kitome ducked under the covers at the last second. The loli's crying and apologizes could still be heard even when they entered another hall.

"Serves her right," Kitome said. "Do you think Alice saw me?" They made eye contact then laughed.

The duo messed around for half an hour before conducting standard morning activities. Hell, he brushed his teeth and showered while inside of her. She somewhat competed with Chika in that aspect.

Clyde almost called a morning meeting, but remembered he gave the party a day off. A good way to piss off a party is to make them work on their free time, he thought. Kitome was eventually pulled away by Harumi, Chika, and Yuki. Ruri chatted with Alice about old times while ignoring the anime that played on the lobby's TV. Natalia whimpered on the ceiling, held there by the force. Maki and her cousin Ming were at a table in a far corner, talking. Ming shuffled her deck of cards repeatedly which seemed to give her hands something to do. He nodded in approval. They didn't know the others that well, but chatting as cousins could smooth away the loneliness. In two more months, Clyde would place Maki before the team and they would determine if she atoned enough to be cut a little slack. If enough votes run through, factoring in Yuki's mentoring, therapy, and recovery program, along with the all-day work which included labor and volunteer events, lack of privileges, a behavior analysis, he could tell Yuki to proceed to trust training. He'd personally step in to make sure his relationship with her was as high as possible before they converted her to his spy.

He knew a three-month full punishment in place of the five-year original pushed it, even for a first offense, but world-saving took priority. As much as he didn't want to think of people as tools, he knew Maki would make a great one.

It was a nice and mild day with few clouds in the sky. Clyde walked, feeling at peace a little—or at least he pushed his current problems into the procrastination box. Two streets later, he caught sight of Melody exiting a bookstore, smiling. The daughter of he who cannot be named and of she who dawns time, giddy over romance novels.

He was about to walk toward her when someone tapped his leg. He turned to see a boy who looked about ten.

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"Mister, are you really him?" he said. "I saw you on TV and your super friends. Are you going to save the world?"

Clyde smiled.

"You say that. But." He looked around then placed a finger on his lips. In a conspiratorial low voice, he said, "You must not tell anyone that I'm here. I'm looking for bad guys."

The kid saluted.

"Sir yes sir! You can do it, Mr. Stone." He bowed Japanese style and ran off to join his mother. She gave Clyde an apologetic style.

It was nothing short of a miracle that the Viper hadn't discovered him yet. Then again, he couldn't be too much stronger than Clyde, right? They were both whisked to Satovia at the same time. Possible. He probably had access to the power too, plus Mortem described him as incredibly strong. He wondered if the Viper was more informed on the world.

"You're a sweet guy."

He turned to see Melody standing there, grasping her new book.

"I don't know about that," Clyde said. Melody shot him a blank stare. He waved it off while internally examining his quest log.

[Quest: Talk to Melody…. again.]

For shits and giggles, he asked a silly question. System, does this count? He thought.

[Step 1 of quest completed. Step 2: spend time with Melody. Reward: unknown. This quest is mandatory and cannot be refused.]

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He almost laughed, but wasn't complaining. Who the hell would complain about spending time with a beautiful woman? Clyde let that be a rhetorical question because there were many factors that branched beneath that, starting with: is she a yandere?

Clyde made his decision. He still had to date each female member of his party, which was an unreasonably long quest, but at least it wasn't mandatory.

"Melody, do you mind dropping all the plans you have today just to hang out with me?" Clyde said. "It'd be a date."

"As if I had plans," she said under her breath.

"What?" Clyde said.

"N—nothing," she said, flustered. "I'd love to hang out. Just put this book in your inventory so I don't have to carry it out around."

He almost expected her to protest and demand to get changed, but that would've been pointless since she already wore casual clothing that looked expensive and popular to the masses. Well, not masses, but the rich.

[You received The Goddess and Her Lover from Melody.]

Melody grabbed Clyde's arm. "I've never been on a date before."Clyde gave her a skeptical look. "You'd understand if you were from my realm," she said, a slight blush on her face. "Anyway, I don't want to think about it—let's go."

Her cheerfulness enveloped him. Her luck at "Seducing" the young man didn't exist. The first attempt after the movie was to pull Clyde into an alley way for what he assumed would be a "surprise" moment of passion, just like in the film. Another couple was already there, riding so furiously, the young man disabled his mystic senses just to stop feeling the vibrations, which felt like punches, in the air. The sight proved to be too much for the demigoddess. She hurried off in a fast walk, nearly a run.

It took Clyde just a tidbit of effort to catch and calm her down. When she tried to kiss him, the ground gave way beneath her. He caught her in time before she fell into the sink hole. The third time, a large crowd of people seemingly formed out of nowhere and engulfed the duo as some idol girl passed by, waving outside her car. She even winked and blew Clyde a kiss which broke the spirit of the redhead even farther.

And that's how she ended up locking herself in her room. He lured her out once for her book, but she refused any advances or comforting.

Clyde sighed.

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[Quest failed. Talk to Melody step 2. Penalty: none, due to the circumstances being out of your hands.]

[Your relationship with Melody has increased to Absolute Endearment, friend closer level 2. You do not receive any bonus increases due to failing step 2 of the quest.]

Clyde stopped his eyes from widening and just shook his head. What utter horseshit. Well, he couldn't expect everything to be one hundred percent easy mode all the time.

[Quest: Wait for Melody to come to you. This quest is mandatory and cannot be refused. It also dependent on her, regardless of your actions.]

Another failed attempt with Melody. The girl was the epitome of bad luck. Clyde wondered if he should just focus on the others and just leave the redhead be. Failing a quest invoked penalties. Her awful luck would just complicate things. A challenge.

Thoughts for later. Maybe if the potential of everyone dying to a demon lord wasn't a thing.

He left the hotel to do more exploring and thinking. Clyde didn't expect to catch Detective Tetra arguing with the crusader from afar. To make matters worse, he wasn't alone. One of his friends suddenly slugged the detective to the ground.

"NO SUPREME DEMON LORD WORSHIPPERS ALLOWED HERE!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. "The Great Ones leave it to us to keep scum like you off the street."

The third crusader bounded her in bright white ropes. They stuffed her into a nearby van and off they sped. Tetra's scream still echoed through the wind.

And no one was on this street to witness any of it. Today was just not his day. Seriously, what the fuck just happened, he thought.

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