To think the crusaders just kidnapped a detective right in front of him. Where could they be heading? Clyde's anime trope senses rang. Asshole "holy" warriors doing shady things which could end up leading to a disaster. Or their humiliation. They were probably plotting for power within their ranks too. Something had to be done about them, eventually.

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The detective was pretty much as good as gone, maybe miles away. No quest bothered to show up, which meant this simply wasn't Clyde's problem. What could he do? Blindly search for the van? He didn't have time to go on a quest to rescue some detective. He still texted his team the news.

"Surely the man destined to save the world isn't going to turn his back on an innocent," someone said, from behind, undetected by Clyde's mystic senses. No airflow, no mood, nothing. He spun and saw Ashard standing there with his arms folded, silent green aura oozing around him. Fairy Queen Titania's son.

"So you know," Clyde said to the young man.

"That doesn't answer my question," Ashard continued. "Will you run to save that woman?"

Clyde said nothing at first then he chose his words carefully.

"Let me ask you this," he said. "What would I accomplish blindly chasing after a woman as troublesome as that? No scratch that—I could bullshit my way through the crusaders. The big question is where will I look?"

"So you will save that woman from her ill fate," Ashard said. "We'll see. I'll take you there. And then you will be more than just talk. Or get slaughtered by crusaders."

"I don't think so," Clyde said.

"Your answer was given," Ashard said softly. "I will accept no takebacks."

His eyes flashed. A feeling of lightness struck Clyde and he and the fairy-man, rose hundreds of feet into the air so fast—the young man nearly lost his breath.

"Holy shit man…what the fuck's going on," Clyde said. "You better not drop me."

Ashard smirked.

"Try not to piss yourself, oh great Stone," he said sarcastically. They both lurched in a seemingly random direction.

"I really shouldn't be storming in there alone," Clyde shouted over the rush of wind. Ashard ignored his protests. Eventually they stopped over a forest, hovering in midair.

"We're about a mile or two from the crusader camp," Ashard said. "For my own safety, I'll be dropping you off here."

"No you don't," Clyde said. "Just—"

"I'm not taking any chances with them," Ashard said. "And no matter how much you protest, I will indeed drop you here. Meet me back at the hotel. That is, if you survive. If you're truly the Stone."

Before Clyde could argue, Ashard magically set him on the forest floor.

"Just keep going north," he said then just like that, flew off, leaving the young man standing there with an agape mouth. His day off was gone. Yeah right. He'd just Jump back to the hotel to beat some sense into the douche-nugget.

[Warning: your Jump has been disabled by the forest barrier.]

[Quest: Rescue Tetra. Reward: relationship link to Tetra and Ashard. Accept? If you don't accept, your relationship with Ashard will fall to hatred.]

Clyde gritted his teeth and mentally selected yes. What utter horseshit. Rushing in on crusaders—clearly feared by everyone around—and for what? An incompetent detective?

[Your summoning ability has been disabled by the forest barrier.]

[Area unlocked: Watery-Drippings Forest.]


Level: 76

Type: Main character/ Stone. Mystic.

HP: 100% (+110%)

MP: 100% (+80%)

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So much for summoning Tear to help him out. He pulled out his phone and as predicted, saw no signal. He was in this alone. Oh well, no use wasting time. The sun wouldn't hang for him forever. He'd treat this like a real-life level or something. The gamer talk kept the young man calm. Dropped off in the middle of fucking nowhere to possible get his ass handed to him and gutted and no witnesses to see.

Why didn't anyone mention crusaders to him until now? They weren't present in Lot City, but still—why hide this?

[Mentioning crusaders could magically draw the attention to any within a mile radius.]

"That's some serious shit," Clyde said as he moved forward. "And ridiculous."

Traveling through the poorly lit forest was actually peaceful. He came across a beautiful stream of clear water and watched an animal that resembled a goat drink from it. He leapt over the water. A few golden-leafed roses sprouted around the area. He picked a few for a lucky girl. He made sure to remove the thorns of course.

As he passed a strange green and white plant, the system flashed a prompt.

[Uni-plant. This plant can be used in medicines and potions. An alchemist could make use of it.]

Clyde stored it in his inventory, but decided not to pick any more until he found someone who could actually utilize them. He passed a few more streams and rivers of beautiful water, some with multicolored small fish swimming carefree in them. Obvious indicators to where the forest got its name.

The dark green leaves rustled from a passing mild breeze. Some of the leaves were actually blue, reminding the young man of flower petals. He didn't see any dangerous wild animals, just rabbits or lookalikes—that went the same for deer, and other mammals the young man couldn't recognize.

He eventually found a path, to his relief. An easy journey until the crusaders, he thought. Abruptly he noticed a shape meters ahead coming toward him. He unsheathed his sword, preparing to mow it down. He made out the details when it was in view.

She was a short naked petite young woman wearing a large purple mushroom hat. Long purple-white hair draped to her thighs. In fact, she seemed to be part mushroom—her hands and legs looked like draping purple kimono robes. Of course, he'd run into a monster girl. A quick analysis confirmed that fact.

Myconid- Kuruni

Level: 58

Type: Monster

Work under: N/A.

Special: Entrancing Spore [Only works on men. Breathing in the spore or coming into contact with it will cause Lust. They will embrace and rap e afterwards. They sometimes take husbands during the rapes.]

Weakness: fire, ice, volcanic x4.

Resistances: all of earth and its attributes. Water.

Secret: she's still a virgin.

The monster girl suddenly fell on its face, but bounced off the ground as if its skin was made of elastic. In fact, she never slowed down, falling and bouncing a few more times. For some reason, the young man felt that using steel was a bad idea.

He sheathed his sword and waited. He dodged the first anime-dive, then tripped the myconid.

"Ow!" she cried as she bounced and slammed into a tree. Tears streamed from her eyes. "Why did you do that?"

Clyde gave her a blank stare.

"Look, I know your kind very—"

Kurumi cried.

"A sharp branch is stuck in my leg."

"Yeah, I'm not falling—" he paused, cringing at the wound. "Well, I'll be going now. Have your—"

"You can't leave me here," she whined. "I'll get eaten. It hurts. Please pull me off the tree."

"You're not going to rap e me if I do?" Clyde said, still staring at her blankly. He made it as Toru-styled as possible.

[Kurumi activated Cry for Help.]

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And she cried.

"Fine!" Clyde snapped. "Stop crying." She did. "No raping." The monster girl nodded. She was comically stuck on the tree, leg embedded into a lower branch like a prize on a pike. He awkward got behind her. Because this was a serious situation—at least he believed it to be the reason—no boner rose from being basically pants to soft ass on an anime girl.

Holding his breath, he pulled Kurumi from the tree. Her wound bled for a bit then healed right before his eyes. Regeneration must be nice, Clyde thought.

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you," she said quickly, hugging the young man. "I was afraid you'd leave me to die up there."

Clyde sighed.

"You really should be careful. And you may want to invest in some clothing."

"It's not the way of our kind," she said then stepped back from the young man. She gave him a Japanese-style bow. "Thank you."

"It's no proble—"

"Please be my husband!"

Clyde facepalmed.

"No husband declarations either," he said.

"Awe," she said, pouting.

"Anyway, I've got to go," Clyde said.

The monster girl smiled.

"Take care. Oh and take this for saving me."

She handed the young man a red oval-shaped object, dotted with white.

[You received Root Tree seed. Item class: Epic.]

She bowed again and continued on her way in a jittery run. If some guy actually walked through these woods, Clyde figured he'd be getting "laid." Not really. Her bad luck probably kept her a virgin.

This deep in the forest, Clyde supposed the crusaders wanted to hide whatever atrocities they were committing. He sent the seed to his inventory for later study.

Unfortunately for the young man, Kurumi was the only friendly encounter. Within minutes, two pointy-eared, green-skinned creatures charged at him with wooden clubs. They were three feet tall, wearing rusty-brown shirts and pants. Pathetic-looking, but brave.

Generic goblin

Level: 35

Type: Monster

Work under: N/A

Special: harder whack.

Weakness: fire and all of its attributes. Same for electricity.

Resistances: poison.

Secret: very jealous of the human men.

[Talent, main character stuff: Second insight.]

[The goblin women all took on succubus traits, including intense beauty, from the Supreme Demon lord's influence. They won't go near the goblin men. Yet despite raping human men and impregnating themselves, the Supreme demon lord's influence still allows them to produce pure goblin children. Exclusively female goblin children. There were a few goblin females unaffected by this change, but being afraid to be used for exclusive child-bearing, they fled to the Supreme on their own accord to undergo the change and live under her protection.]

[You have entered combat!]

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"Die stupid human!" they yelled. "Die die die!"

Clyde flashed stepped to the first green menace and delivered a roundhouse kick that spiraled him into a tree. The second monster held his club at the ready then repeatedly swung at the air.

"Ya-whoo whoo whoo," it hooted, reminding the young man of a Bruce Lee's chants. He burst into laughter.

"Really, little guy?" Clyde said. Before the goblin could charge, the young man planted a good foot onto his neck. The goblin ended up joining his buddy into the same tree. He was about to walk away when the tree…swallowed both monsters. Then glowed brightly.

[Battle complete. Victory! Reward: 1200 EXP. $100.]

"Holy shit!" Clyde exclaimed. "Damn, I'll never trust a tree again."

"Oh, don't worry, you will join your goblin friends soon," a voice said. Large eyes and a woody grin appeared on the giant tree. And it moved, using roots.

"A tree mini-boss," Clyde said softly. "Let's see what he's about."

[Your HP: 210% ]

[Your MP: 150%]


Level: 75

Type: Monster

Work under: N/A.

Special: Solar blast. [Does heavy solar damage. Chance to inflict burn at 1%]

Weakness: fire and all of its attributes and holy.

Resistances: earth and dark.

Secret: tree masterba—

Clyde quickly closed the prompt. It was best for the world to never know what these things did on their free time.

[You've entered combat!]

Clyde sidestepped several giant whip-like branches with the most unconcerned look on his face. The treeman blabbed what felt like an endless list of threats, world domination by the plantae, and how humans would submit or perish. The young man wondered just how a tree developed so many fantasies. He hoped the female equivalent didn't exist.

Thrusting a hand forward, the young man began his assault.

[You activated Holy spirit wave!]


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[Enemy HP has dropped to 45% Enemy has been inflicted with spiritual blight!]

The treeman wheezed, eyes widened.

"You—you will suffer to the pit of doom! Hell, the abyss.. No, not them. I will personally torture you, right over the bodies of your loved ones."

Clyde's blank stare remained.


[Enemy activated Solar blast!]

[Clyde activated Spirit shield.]

The magic snuffed out within seconds. Clyde materialized a large axe and walked over to the frightened monster while whistling Cell's Theme from Dragonball. One chop silenced the creature for good.

[Enemy HP has dropped to 0%]

[Battle completed. Victory! Reward: 200,000 EXP.]

Clyde smiled and threw up a fist when a brown chest spawned. MAN were these things rare—which made him feel even more giddy. Rarity made one appreciate them more. He opened it and peeked inside. Everything his.

[You have found a magic lamp. Item class: *Relic*]

Clyde's mouth went agape. He recalled the various item classes.

[Item classes: common, uncommon, rare, very rare, epic, legendary, relic, symbolic, ancient, Dietic.]

HE FOUND A RELIC ITEM! The young man wanted to dance. And not just any item, but a fucking magic lamp. Did that mean he could have any wish granted? He'd talk with the others. As he warped the item to his inventory, the young man allowed reality to hit. His cautious nature had no intention of letting him enjoy the moment. That was probably no true wish-granting lamp. But maybe…knowing the system, it could take him to a new menu, which could let him to select a special talent or something. A new menu would be nice.

[You have found Hyper Sex Potion. Item class: Very rare.]

"Yeah, no," Clyde said. If Natalia got ahold of it, she'd rap e him and probably hundreds of times. He'd be executed after being sent to prison.

[Item has been added to your inventory by the system. You cannot pour that out here!]

"Okay, Watchers, if this is your doing, I'm going to need you to fucking stop."

No reply. He warped the item out of his inventory, but before he could open the lid to pour, he noticed a group of myconids several meters away, running. He promptly sent the potion back in the dimensional storage rift. The system saved him from what could've been a yearlong raping.

[You have found Steel-set armor. Item class: rare.]

Clyde immediately donned his new invisible barrier. After verifying the chest's emptiness, he moved on. The late noon sun hung in the sky,

Half an hour later, Clyde spotted the smoke of campfires and the smell of barbequed meat. His mouth watered.

Shoving the thought of food away, he mentally prepared. This would probably be do or die. What he saw at the camp was not what he expected. It was definitely not what he expected…

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