Dragon-Honor Festival…

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It took nearly a half-hour to get Natalia to everyone she scammed out of a meal, for apologies. Even so, the mob somehow ended up finding her 'adorable and cute' and let her off with a half-assed warning and playful finger wagging. All of them. He thought about waving down Detective Tetra from her sweets-eating bliss, to arrest the men, but decided to let the busty dark elf enjoy herself. The happiness on her face spoke volumes.

In order to cool down his annoyance, Clyde secretly signaled for Alice to ambush them. The demoness made sure the loli got an earful as she took her away using the force. After that mess, the young man ordered the party to mingle with the public again. He noticed Maki in the distance, hanging out with her cousin, looking surprisingly kind and meek. A contrast to her bitter old self.

[Alert: there is a dark card bearer in the area. Do you wish to track?]

Clyde selected no. A million and one things on his list, and he didn't need to add to it. What could a random guy with a deck of cards do to anyone? Strolling around, he heard a cheering crowd.

"Nothing better to do I guess," he said as he walked over to see about the fuss. For some unexplained reason, Airi was performing for a crowd of thirsty men. On a high tightrope, she flipped and twirled and revealed as much of her panties as possible. Still, Clyde had to admit to being impressed with the gymnastics. And appreciative for the view. He wiped away the remainder of his nosebleed with a napkin. The possibilities with Airi in bed. That fit and tone body from adventuring so much. And while she didn't have much on the breasts side, she made up for it everywhere else. And often showed it off—sexy legs, thighs, and… Poisonous thoughts again, he thought. To distract himself from the panty-queen, he checked his quest log. Chika's call was a main story quest. Could he do it here? Did ten count as a late hour?

He dialed away. It was a win-win for him anyway.

[Quest completed. Step 2. Guided by Chika. Reward: unknown.]

Chika anime-dove into him then grabbed his arm. They explored the festival grounds while chatting. He didn't notice the direction she guided him toward until it was too late.

But… the moment she pulled him into the dim area with trees and a large shed for cover, the two froze. Sounds of moaning and grunts. Just a few feet ahead, Clyde could see a curvy form moving. Then he finally noticed the minotaur going wild on someone, holding his mouth. If he didn't secretly tell Neko and Hinako to watch Toru, the man getting done in would definitely be him.

The man just barely managed to move the minotaur's hand as she let out what sounded like a climatic moan.

"Look, six times is well enough—I can't go anymore," he said. "Let me go, you fucking hot freak."

The minotaur kissed him.

"I'll make a good husband out of you."

"No fucking way man—my dick won't survive that kind of abuse," he said.

"But you're hard already," the minotaur said.

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"Somebody help! Damn, to sound like a damsel in distress. This was hot at first—but I've got a life. Somebody—mmh!" the minotaur covered his mouth again and began another ride.

Clyde and Chika were close enough to intervene now without accidentally killing the man.

"Don't kill her—we can't be traumatizing the public," Clyde said.

"True," Chika said.

"A level eighty minotaur," Clyde said.

[Your party has entered combat!]

Clyde started to take aim, but Chika beat him to the first attack.

[Chika activated Air thrust.]

She punched forward, causing a jet of air to smack the lusty minotaur a few feet from her prey. The naked man scooped up his clothes and SPRINTED. The manic monster girl tried to run after him, but Clyde injected.

[Clyde activated Tier 2 skill: Neptune's water edge.]

The minotaur girl dodged it.

"Why you! Fine, if I can't have him, you'll do. Oh, you'll do so much better. Come 'mere."

"I don't want his sloppy seconds," Clyde said.

The minotaur froze, eyes widened, then she collapsed to her ass.

"Is that what I am, sloppy seconds. Oh I'll make you pay then bathe you in my juices. Watch this!"

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[Minotaur Sian activated Showl-gen earth!]

The blast of brown magic traveled on the ground, toward the unconcerned young man. He jumped over it. Chika's stealth vanished as she rained a series of blows onto the monster girl's face, then kicked her into the air. Clyde decided he wanted to try the anime downward kick for once and jumped into the air above her. It worked. When he kicked downward, the minotaur somehow was hurled at what seemed like hundreds of miles per hour into the ground, creating a small crater. Dragon ball shit, for sure, Clyde thought.

"Whoa," Chika said. Clyde landed slowly and softly.

"How do you like them apples?" he said.

"You should've chosen a one-liner from the movies," Chika said. "Or a pun. The apples thing is a bit dated."

"It's kind of a classic—oh never mind," Clyde said.

[Minotaur Sian's HP has dropped to 80%]

"What do we do with her?" Chika said. "Should we capture?"

"No, she'll just escape like the other one," Clyde said. "I suppose Tear will have the answer to this problem. I'm not exactly eager to give that demon lord chick another minion."

"You mean the blonde woman?" Chika said. "It's not like she's going to suddenly show up."

"Hey, stop ignoring me!" Sian almost tackled Clyde, but met his foot instead.

"I told you, I don't want his sloppy seconds," Clyde said. "Uck. Do you not bathe first before going for the next prey?"

"Of course we bathe, you idiot," Sian snapped. "Are you one of those speciest? I was just going to take you back to the camp first."

"Only to get devoured by your sisters?" Clyde said and laughed. "I have a question before I knock you out. Well, before Chika knocks you out. Are you able to resist the Supreme's influence?"

The minotaur rolled her eyes.

"A small price to pay for great power, protection, and immortality," she said. "Well, that's what we tell ourselves. Now pre—"

Chika's stealth vanished and one simple chop to the head using a glowing hand knocked the monster out.

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[Chika used Stealth Sleep.]

[Minotaur Sian has been inflicted with Sleep.]

[Chika has ended the battle.]

"I wish this worked on the leader enemies," Chika said. "I would ask you to create some handcuffs."

"I know right," Clyde said. "I really need to level this ability up." He pulled out his phone and dialed up Tear. After explaining the situation, the succubus appeared. She kissed him.

"You owe me," she said softly. His immunity to the power in her words prevented what would've been an instant erection. But she already knew that Clyde looked forward to…comforting her. "I'll be taking this one to the futas for holding."

"Alright," Clyde said. "In the meantime, I think it's time to wrap this whole ordeal up and get back to the hotel."

The second Tear left, Chika pounced Clyde.

[Quest completed! Reward: 300,000 EXP. 10 *free points* and *Moon Drop Potion* Item class: epic.]

He got an epic item for this quest—for basically—his thoughts melted as Chika mounted him. Her wet insides made his manhood throb, almost like a heartbeat. And the thirsty yandere, his thirsty yandere, rode and rode, kissing him. There was a little drool running as she sped up, breathing harder and hungrily. She laid forward, breasts to Clyde's chest, hold him tightly, squeezing and pouring herself to him.

He took over the ride, fiercely plowing and kissing. Chika didn't want to let him go. After finishing, she continued to hold Clyde.

"I love you," she whispered then kissed the young man. He almost released again. She giggled. "The top student of the most powerful college in the world can't stop thinking about sex with one man, not even for a day."

Clyde chuckled.

"I don't mind."

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"You don't?" she said. "Even though I sometimes can't control myself."

He felt her wetness return, increasing, and entered. She felt so good—Clyde charged faster, harder, until Chika's songs were loud enough to make him cover her mouth with his lips. The passionate kisses and exchanges of fluid, tongue and love, only made the two crave each other even more.

"I love you too," he said, pulling out in time for the mutual climax.

Tears fell from the young woman's eyes, surprising Clyde. He wiped them away without saying anything.

He silently noted that Chika had changed. Oh she was still the fucking yandere that he'd always known, but these days, shown as more than that.

But hey, what could a bunch of first-year college students channeling the power of the gods do?

Clyde smiled at the thought as he helped the silver-haired girl stand.

"I want more rounds," she said then continued, forestalling Clyde. "I know, I know, we've got to meet up with the others.

[Your bond with Chika has strengthened. This may add to your strength, but it is still highly recommended to consider marrying her. *Marriage power flows both aways.* You're currently the only being in the universe with this kind of power flow. Great work on keeping your bonds solid. A woman's heart is complicated. You must continue to look beyond any lust to see her.]

[You are trying to learn a special attack, *Tier 0* skill: Eternal Soul Wind, but failed to meet the requirement of establishing a bond with all female party members. This highly rare skill will be put on hold until you level up to 100 and meet the requirements.]

Son of a bitch…

His eyes widened. Well fuck, he thought. A bond with ALL female party members? All…included Natalia. Yeah, not happening. The fact that a tier zero existed intrigued him. Clyde pulled Chika into a hug, stroking her hair. The young woman melted into him. He…felt her heartbeat…faster?

Once again, fuck Earth. Well, it wasn't all bad. If he recalled his mundane bland relationships, there was one in his childhood—not that he counted that—in fact, he dropped the thought. As if she'd remember him like the tropes in the animes. There was no way someone would give two shits about ten years of lost time.

Tomorrow, they'd plan to raid the demon lord's estates and put her down. He…didn't feel right about that for some reason. She looked so…kind and peaceful and if he had to be honest with himself, really fucking sexy. But a quest was a quest. Monster girls were hot. And he…killed plenty of them. But there was no point of doing the old double standards gist. A monster was a monster—plus in the old tales, many of them were known to be pleasing to the eye, but deadly as shit. Besides, it would be kill or be taken back to their camp for eternal monster marriage. A weird version of kill or be killed…

Why were they so obsessed with the marriage thing, anyway? The answer came to him right away. They needed spirit energy, like the succubi. Many of the monster girls obtained it through prey or forcing their fancied men to be their husbands.

What a twisted fucking system. Why did the Supreme demon lord run things like this? And why were the S-class adventurers ignoring her? Questions for later. For now, he needed to finish his business in Niyoto.

The entire quest line was helping the people at least. He still needed to suppress the local demon lord.

Goals…goals. These were his thoughts as he and Chika returned to the others.

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