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Demon lord's skyscraper…

Large meeting room…

Noona Necro glared at the guards she forced to line up and stand at attention. Cosplaying—no, wearing a military skirt and a hat, she inspected the armor-wearing demons. Badges of honors she had no idea about were pinned on her blouse.

"Alright, listen here you worthless maggots," she said, then giggled. She always found the drill sergeants in the movies to be hilarious and motivating. Her guards held neutral expressions. Well, except one who switched to a blank stare. "Squad one, re-port!" She tried to sound as close to a marine sounding off as possible. The guard saluted her, fist to chest.

"My great and beautiful lady," he began, soliciting an annoyed stare from some of the other guards. Especially the females. A few of them even rolled their eyes. "Three of squad one stand unaccounted for."

"That's because they had the night off you moron," a squad two guard said. He paused at Noona's icy glare.

"Did I give you permission to speak, maggot?"

"No Lady Noona," he said.

"That's mam to you! Now drop down and give me thirty-five pushups." She giggled. The angry guard was about to obey, but Noona motioned for him to hold. "All is forgiven. Back at attention, soldier."

His eyes widened. Someone mumbled behind the forgiven guard.

"He doesn't deserve forgiveness, mistreating our pride and joy."

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"I know right?" a hob-imp said.

Noona glanced at her minions again, fists to her side, cool expression on her face.

"Squad two, reeeee-port!"

The demon straightened to attention, saluted fist to chest and spoke with a nervous voice.

"Lady Necro, if I must be the one to break this silly ice, our leader Leon is missing."

"So he's not one of three taking the day off?" Noona said.

"He disappeared last night," he said. "Since he usually does things on his own for the benefit of the guard, if I must add, this seemed normal. But, I can't imagine him missing a meeting like this. An open forum was just what he's been waiting for."

Noona tilted her head.

"He always seemed a little grumpy. This meeting was to celebrate his birthday. Food is being prepared and the minotaurs are in charge of the entertainment. They said they had something nice planned for him." One of the guards snorted. "What was that, maggot?" Noona snapped. The guard lurched to attention. "Squad one acting leader, make sure you give him a nice talking to later. But don't hurt his feelings."

The guards snickered. One of them whispered,

"Sure, we won't hurt the whittle sunshine's feelings."

The offending guard blushed, humiliated.

"Go take one of the minotaurs to track his scent, maggot," Noona said to the closest guard. "If it's too far, just come back to find me."

"Lady Necro, if I go into the minotaur quarters, you know what's going to happen," he said. "And I'm really not in the mood today. Had too much to dri—I mean, uhm, I'm practicing abstinence."

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"Oh they don't mean any harm," Noona said. "I've talked to them. Unless you're part human. Now hurry." The guards snickered again. "As for everyone else, some of the minotaurs will be coming in with party hats and cake. Go change into your normal clothes—everyone gets a break. The servants will be mingling too. Make sure the new girl gets comfortable."

"Uhm…Lady Necro, she disappeared too," one of the guards said. "I think she quit."

Noona frowned.

"I treat and pay everyone fairly." She sighed. "That's the last time I let Leon hire anyone." She wagged a finger.

When Noona left, the acting leader guard turned to the others, happy tears foaming from his reptilian eyes.

"We've got to protect that smile."

The others raised a fist into the air.

"Protect Lady Necro! Protect our pride!"

"And the tits," someone whispered, spiraling them into perverted laughter, until the female guards whacked their heads.

"Don't speak of her like that, you simple-minded perverts," one of the demonesses said.

"Leo seems to have resentment toward her for some reason," someone said.

"Meh, fuck Leo—let's party!"

"Yeah!" the other chanted.

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Thursday. Week 1. Month 2. Year 1. Season: Autumn.

City: Niyoto, Satovia

[Current quest: Investigate Niyoto. Step 4!]

Day four!

[Card bearers in the immediate area: 2. Ming, Unknown.]

[Cook-off opponents in the immediate area: 5. Harumi, Advanced chef Yuki, Alice, Kitome, unknown. ]

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Clyde rose and yawned. Surprisingly, no one was in his bed this morning. He allowed himself to feel just a little disappointed, but no doubt felt super refreshed. Yuki practically forced his head onto her soft breasts the previous night. He fell asleep before he could attempt to pull off her nightgown. The last thing he remembered was a kiss on the forehead then she was out like a candle.

Wait…someone was in his bed, but the small shape made him flash step to his bathroom, take care of all morning activities, and then bolt the hell out of there. He gave himself mental pats for dressing as silently as a ninja.

He was seconds from heading to the hotel's café to order food when Yuki grabbed his arm. She kissed him. Dressed in her maid outfit, she pulled the young man toward the hotel dining.

"I've prepared your meal this morning," she said. "We've got a long day of raid planning and you'll need the extra energy. First."

She suddenly pulled him into a closet—they were only a few meters from the eating area where Clyde suspected the others awaited. Yuki closed and locked the door. Before he could process that, the demoness was already giving him a boob job that melted his speech. She didn't let him release, however. And no wonder; as he entered her, while in a standing position, the wetness complimenting her tightness explained it all. The bounce and the kissing actually increased Clyde's stats.

[All stats receive a +2 bonus.]

Yuki's song and husky breathing quadrupled his erection. He almost released into her and probably wouldn't have cared, except for the woman. She knew he'd take care of her.

Clyde wasn't done yet, Yuki was just too incredible. And in the maid outfit… He kissed and reentered her. The demoness accepted eagerly, and they went wild.

Again, he played the risky game of pulling out before the release. The women always squeezed tight, engulfing his horn, holding him, as if urging the young man to implant his seed.

Before he would even consider such a thing, especially during the stone-viper games, he'd talk to the women. Not together of course. There was a limit of awkwardness the young man could take.

"That's just half of your breakfast," Yuki said. "The others will eventually get over their anger at having to wait half an hour."

Clyde shrugged then laughed. Yuki had a peculiar sense of humor.

"Oh well."

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