Clyde, his party, Clare, Tetra, and the magical girls were in the back hotel room, taking in Tear, Hinako, and Melody's reports. Ashard sat on the edge of the window, eating a bag of potato chips, a nonchalance in his mood. The group stared at him blankly. He continued to snack.

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"Why are you still here?" Toru said. Ashard shrugged.

"Curiosity," he said. "Who wouldn't want to see how this played out? Besides, why are you raiding the Necro? Did she actually do anything to attract the attention of the Stone?"

"Like many demon lords, she's spawning demons," Clyde said. "Clare and the magical girls mostly did the patrols, but there were plenty of monsters to fight. Let's also not forget the usual missing people reports, the minotaur abducting men, the crazy cult, and while she isn't directly to blame for the crusaders coming here…well, she kind of is." The young man sighed, picturing the happy anime girl eating cake. "A pretty face isn't enough of an excuse to let a demon lord remain in power. Human souls are being lost every night. Hell, men might start to become scarce as they either leave the city or get captured to be a sex slave to some minotaur." Clyde stood. "I thought a lot about this one and at first, I planned to cancel the raid, but if we start letting them go unaccounted for their actions, we're no better than the nasty ones. Demons would eat this city alive."

"So you're just going to kill her?" Ashard said.

Clyde blinked.

"Who said anything about killing her?"

Ashard's eyes widened and he let out a low gasp. For the first time, the man saw Clyde.

"I saw Noona myself. Tear and Alice keyed me in on what I needed to know about her," Clyde said.

"We don't personally know her," Alice said, "but she's nice. Perhaps too nice."

"And I think she's deadly," Tear said. "Politically irresponsible." She gave Alice a stern look.

"What?" Alice said.

"She probably doesn't keep up with the actions of every member in her house," Tear continued. "Noona isn't a soul-eating demoness nor does she allow it. But she makes no effort to set a standard among her minions. Rumors of her being lazy are everywhere, but I think it's more of simply not knowing what to do as an heir of a demon house. Which is why they call the Necros the silent demon house now. Because she's not working to undo the mess her father left behind, we're going to remove her from power."

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"And if she resists?" Detective Tetra said. "Because I owe her at least one arrest if she does."

"A normal prison wouldn't hold her," Melody said. "If she resists, she'll fight."

"Which means we'll have to use fists and not words," Toru said. "Not something I want to do here."

"I concur," Seth said in a mocking noble voice, soliciting a glare from Toru.

"And that's why we have Kitome," Clyde said, getting a glance from the entire room. The magical girl blushed furiously. She was sitting in the chair next to the young man.

"What about me?"

"I see," Seth said. "If Kitome talks to her, she'll come out crying and oof—"

The marker eraser that the blue-haired young woman threw nailed Seth dead center of his forehead.

"He means my ability to negate enemy magic, dumbass," Kitome snapped.

"Time and time again, he pokes that rabid bear," Toru said.

"Who are you calling rabid, you sli—"

"Enough," Tear snapped, interrupting Kitome. "Or I'll give you both terrifying nightmares."

The two didn't say anything else, but Kitome still glared. When Toru gave her a blank stare, anger aura burst around the young woman.

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"Anyway, Kitome will cut off her from magic and we'll—"

"I'm not sure if Necro uses magic," Ashard said. "At least, not only magic."

"We still haven't answered the main question yet," Sahara said. "And that is, why are you still here? Do you not have an altar to pray to? You'll never fix your homeland's problems by bothering us."

"There's a flock of devil bugs having a family reunion north of here, the direction I need to go," he said. "They'll be gone in a day or two, so I'm stuck," Ashard said. "And I'm not trying to get ra—"

"So you're hanging out here," Clare said. Ashard shrugged.

"Like I said, I'd like to see how this entire thing plays out."

The party continued to chat and plan the raid well into the lunch hours. Clyde secretly thanked Yuki for the double energy boost. Midafternoon, the young man dismissed everyone for either training with Toru or relaxing until the next day's raid. Sazuki, Kiko, and Yusuke groaned. Even though the student council president seemed to have a knack for magic, the young man didn't allow anyone to slack off on her training. He'd have to get to know her over time. She'd probably be difficult to get on a date.

"Don't forget to give Yusuke an extra push," Clyde told Harumi. "I'd love to see his improvements." He grinned evilly. Harumi gave him the Gin smile.

"Don't you worry about that," she said, pinching Clyde's cheek. "He's in capable hands."

"I bet he is." The young man chuckled. "He's looking quite fit these days."

Upon noticing that the others left, the pink-haired girl pinned the young man to the wall. She gave him a deep kiss.

"I know who else is—"

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She quickly moved away as Neko and Alice returned.

"The cat's forcing me to go to the mall with her and you're coming with me."

"Sure," Harumi said, innocence in her eyes.

"And you," Alice said, pointing at Clyde, walking over to him. She whispered, "attack me more." She nibbled his bottom lip. He grinned.

"More you say," he said. Not even willpower could keep his erection down. He wondered if he was becoming worse than Chika.

"Nya, you know we can all hear that," Neko said.

"Jealous?" Alice said, smugly.

"Nyya, come on, let's go before I die of old age," Neko said.

"Fine," Alice said.

When the three left, Clyde sat on the sole couch of the room and relaxed. The raiding plan was simple on paper. A barrier protected the skyscraper where the demon lord resided. Three guarded magic circles scattered across the city needed to be deactivated before the team could so much as enter the building. They'd have to deal with high-level minotaurs and at least one holstaur, the cow equivalent—which don't attack humans. She'd have to be detained somewhere until the main fight ended.

They were going to storm in like a police force and probably tear up shit in the process. Something about doing that just made Clyde feel uncomfortable. But in his position, it's either continue to be a bystander while people lost their souls every night or suppress the demon lord. Hard lessons. He really didn't want to hurt that peaceful-looking young woman.

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Demon lord's Skyscraper…

"Please continue to enjoy yourselves," Noona said. She bowed and left her faithful guards, servants, and minotaur friends to party on their day off. She wished Leon could join them. She folded her arms as she continued the walk down the hall of the first floor.

"Maybe it's me," she said. "I know. When he gets back, I'll apologize to him."

Apologizes always came a long way. She'd ask him for his advice, try to make his life as the captain of the guards easier.

Passing a random room, she heard the voice of anime characters conversing on the TV inside. Unable to resist the urge, Noona went into the room.

"To be the king of games, one must believe in the heart of the cards," a man said. "With this draw and the power I summon from my friends. DESTINY DRAW."

Noona's eyes seemed have stars in them as she watched the protagonist defeat the bad guy during the climactic scene.

Power from friends. Well, Noona couldn't hang out with the minotaur women, as they had to learn how to be nice without her around. Her old friend Titania was too far and the closer demon lords seemed scary to befriend. She didn't want to be acquainted with her father's rivals anyway. Old meanies.

Fine, she'd become the queen of card games without any friends. Time to dig out that old Stone-Tokken deck her father was once obsessed with. She knew the game—but of course, the cards were only going to be there as a prop. She'd have to find a nice costume from her closet. So much to do! It would still be nice to have at least one friend, she thought as she hurried to her room.

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