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Platus dressed into his suit and kingly robes. His wife still hadn't returned, more than likely surrounded by idiots baffled by the presence of She Who Dawns Time. He sighed. Well, he married a beautiful trickster, so he dealt with it. Someone knocked on his door.

"Your excellency, I've got some disturbing news."

Platus waved his hand. The spell on the door vanished, allowing his fallen angel messenger to enter. He bowed.

"It is an honor to be among your—"

"Don't waste a dark god's time with the unnecessary niceties of the light," Platus said. "What the hell do you want, early this morning?"

"Forgive me sire—word has reached this realm," he said. "Both Hades and Ashfall are no longer in power. Which means the contract that you were suggested to bond by Ashfall pleaders is no longer in play. Your punishment for Melody hasn't been active for at least a month. Her full power is slowly awakening."

Platus punched a deep fist-sized hole into his solid titanium wall.

"WHY HASN'T THIS BEEN REPORTED TO ME A MONTH AGO?" he roared, his godly voice creating winds strong enough to knock the servant to his back.

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"Apparently a succubus killed all of the spies," the servant quickly said. "She could be anywhere now. Her presence is gone."

"NO!" Platus roared. "Bloody hell, that rebellious brat. Notify the Blood Hand. If Matsuko can't deal with her, I'll come myself. She broke the realm core, childishly fiddling with things she shouldn't concern herself with until it is time. I'll come up with a new punishment when she's brought back."

"Your excellency, with all due respect, Matsuko's…wild. Fallen arch angel women—"

"Don't doubt my orders," he said coldly. "Do your job or die. NOW GO!"

"Yes sire!" the servant whimpered as he scurried off. Platus sniffed distastefully. It was time to teach a disobedient little girl a cold hard lesson. And to think rumors blamed HIM for some black Ki incident. Platus had no fucks to give about Ki or anything. Why would he go to some random human wench's home for that? If he wanted it, he could have it. His daughter's power was probably not recovered enough to detect which passing dark god or entity compelled the human. It took Platus quite the time to clear his name and reputation.

Another lesson to teach his daughter. "Oh Melody, you just continue to push your father. Now I'm going to make you wish you were never born."


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Saturday. Week 1. Month 2. Year 1. Season: Autumn.

Clyde's Hotel room…

City: Niyoto, Satovia

Clyde didn't feel like moving that morning. Many of his teammates—especially the women— popped in and out of his room to visit. Despite giving them the day off to pack their things for the Jump back to Lot City, they goofed off. Yuki managed to get rid of the kids…well, not really. Natalia returned with a handheld game and eventually fell asleep on his bed. He turned down the TV so she wouldn't be disturbed. She may be a brat, but she was a somewhat good kid…or woman.

None of this explained why Harumi's head was in his lap, melting into his head paths. It took just one warning look to Ruri to keep Clyde to herself. The hellhound had way more time anyway and more than likely would be pestering him later.

To keep his erection down, he switched between sports and fighting shows—which of course were all animes. So, for once, he truly enjoyed them. They were as over-the-top as ever.

Noona called him twice and texted a few times, before he invited her over.

His mouth dropped at her…personality change…cosplay persona she put on. Another reason why he needed the sports. That cowgirl outfit she wore…

He couldn't get around her persona, no matter what, so the young man just went with it. To think Western things were known here too. Abruptly, she switched back to normal.

"Please visit us again soon," Noona said. "I'll try to come over as often as possible."

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Clyde nodded.

"Alice would like that too."

"It feels…incredible to have people I can call friends and not servants," she said then full-boobed hugged Clyde. And she smelled and felt incredible. Well, all of the women did. Like Alice, Noona had an air that set her apart. Then again, didn't they all?

He was just glad that he had the opportunity to meet someone like this.

"Nyaaa, I see you have a thing for the good girls," Neko said as she walked in. Harumi rose and sat in Clyde's lap. Somehow, he felt no pain of the strain. Just a rising mountain.

"And a good morning to you too," he said, smiling at the catgirl. "Are you leaving us?"

"Nyyaa, sadly," Neko said. "Especially after a week of leaving my sister on shrine duty. She's already the grumpy sort."

She licked Clyde's cheek.

"I'll be back soon, nya." And just like that, the catgirl vanished.

"I reckon you have a lot of girl…friends, boy," Noona said in her cowgirl persona, then giggled. Harumi laughed too. And it wasn't a surprise to the young man that they too exchanged numbers.

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The trio talked, joked, and got acquainted. Eventually Alice joined in. The depart from Niyoto was not a sad one—they had a new valuable friend and ally.

This has been volume six of The Anime Trope System. The episodes will remain in order.

The next story arc is underway! And something terrible seems to be brewing…

Fate is a mysterious string.

Hello, you amazing anime, light novel, fantasy, and manga fans. I'm Alvin Atwater and I would just like to take the time to thank everyone who read and support the series. Please consider leaving me a review on I could use as much help as possible. My goal is to expand the Anime Trope System into other forms of media such as manga, artwork, and even games. If my following hits the millions, I may even attract the attention of the anime overlords. At this time, an artist has agreed to do the manga. I'm currently budgeting for it. More info about it will be released on ******* when things get started.

In the meantime, I will get back to work as this series is very fun to write. Six volumes completed! I think I may be starting to feel like Super Saiyan Goku!

I can be found at

And until the next volume, have a good one.

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