Last time on The Anime Trope System, Clyde and his party took down the Niyoto questline. Despite encountering crazy cultists, minotaurs, and questionable people who called themselves crusaders, the trip turned out well. They even made a new friend. A strange but adorable one.

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That aside, the saga continues. And old flames spark.

Welcome to….

The Anime Trope System Volume 7:

The Stone of his Territory…

Sunday. Week 2. Month 2. Year 1. Season: Autumn.

Libado Grasslands…

Home sweet home, back into his training grove. Clyde let out a peaceful breath, the late-autumn winds caressing his face like a caring mother. The quest log continued to slim, and the team continued to improve…well, be overpowered, yet things were looking up, coming together for the best. He stared at the unconscious hornet woman on the ground.

"You guys just never learn," Clyde said. "But hey, at least you're training." Grinding off them didn't help him progress as much anymore. He'd have to go discover new monster girls eventually.

A movement in the airflow made him spin, but Chika was right there in his face—tackling him to the ground. Before he realized it, they were having wild sex on top of the hornet.

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[Ki increased! Vitality: 6. Speed: 6. Aura: 7. Bonus +1 extra increase to aura for consecutive sex with Chika. Chika's Ki status is the highest.]


Chika laid her head on Clyde's shoulder. The young man took the opportunity to examine the quest log.

Quest log:

Main story.

-Defeat Dark in a Real game (Stone-Token quest.)

-Wait for Melody to come to you

-Craft 1 complicated item. (MS)

-Get to know Sazuki over time.

-Take all female party members on one date.

-Investigate the Dragon threat.

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World Objectives:

Slay the demon lords: 3/15. Reward: *World star fragment*.

Receive special training. Reward: Stone magic line access.

World side objective: learn more about this world. Current knowledge of Satovia: 1.8%

System opinion: you suck! Get on it, godling.

Chika sighed,

"I'd better stop stalling and tell you."

Clyde looked at her.

"Is it about the—"

"No, not that," she said. "I told you, Alice didn't wake up. Also, you really should stop spamming the left B attack."

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"I was trying to do a combo," Clyde said, laughing. He still wasn't sure how she managed to convince him to play the Loli Saga fighting game. Apparently, it was one of the games Natalia played regularly, which the young man found a little amusing. He also couldn't wait to tell Noona about her favorite author when she visited later.

"Platia is cheap and you know it," Chika said. "Anyway, that's not what I want to talk about."

The hornet awoke, eyes teary.

"Why do I feel so…. violated?"

Chika casually kicked her in the face, knocking the hypocritical monster girl back into unconsciousness.

"My mom wants to have a get-together of some sort with everyone's parents. With all of the talk of Team Stone, it was only a matter of time. Even Maki's parents are curious."

"Ah boy," Clyde said tiredly, his memories of Chika's mother coming to the front. That woman was dangerous. "When is she trying to do this?"

"Possibly this Friday or next," Chika said. "She somehow convinced my father to take the time off—even overlook…a project of mine." She patted the grimacing young man's back. "Oh, my father's not so bad, once you get to know him." She smiled sadly, nerfing his confidence. He no longer denied the harem. Way too late for that—in fact, he basked in every moment of it. What will they think when one or more of the women show affection to Clyde? Well, he supposed they could just overlook that upon seeing that they're not living in a house of men or toxic college environments.

He allowed himself to admire Chika's lack of snobbiness, especially during his noobie days. She hadn't flaunted any money whatsoever, though her clothing was always nice. Just not flashy. The same went for Alice, now head of the Hades' household.

"Let's go," Clyde said. "I've got to meet up with Seth later."


Clyde's house…

Yuki stared blankly at her two workers. Sophia, ex-Viper maiden and Maki ex-filth. The demoness's therapy sessions, community service and volunteering, intense all-day labor, and just helping her in general had shaped this girl into a more tolerable person. She was on her way to being great.

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It sometimes baffled Yuki how Maki didn't make excuses nor lie. Not that one could lie to a demoness. If the woman detected that, she'd bounce her back to square one. The purple-haired young woman was hers, bounded by contract, and atoning for what she did. In another month, the team will gather and vote. Oh, she'd miss making her scrub floors and do laundry. Not really. Yuki could do all of those things twenty times faster. That man wanted her to be his equal. He pushed and pushed, made sure she got plenty of time off. Made her finance manager, although he did convince her that it was okay to pursue her own goals.

And that's what she did. As an advanced chef with the points and qualifications to upgrade to Master Chef, Yuki could offer private cooking lessons to serious students. Well, that alongside of running a restaurant. Something to honor the Stone…her Stone. That man fought for her future and those of the others. MANY of them wanted to come back and serve him, but there was no way the demoness would deal with more annoying competition.

Taking care of the house was her job. She'd share the spy teaching gig with Chika, though the silver-haired girl would handle most of it.

In terms being a great chef, Harumi had potential and a long way to go before she could consider taking on Yuki again. That secret cook-off they commenced was just pathetic, but she loved the fox for trying.

"Maki, dust the library. Sophia, you're on floors."

Sophia bowed.

"The Great Stone be praised."

"Well, you're right," Yuki said. "But don't do that. My Clyde's not that kind of man. If you're going to be a Stone Maiden or whatever, do it right. And your sort isn't oblivious to cleaning the temple. So, think of Clyde's house as that."

"Where do I set the worsh—"

Yuki held up a hand to forestall.

"Just stop. And get on to the floors, now."

"Ye—yes, of course," the maiden said, scurrying off.

"The things I do for him." Yuki chuckled. "He needs to hurry up and get here."

As the demoness walked into the kitchen, Melody caught her attention. The half-goddess, half-trickster seemed depressed, sitting alone at the counter, hands around a half-empty coffee mug, eyes down.

"I'm a fool, Yuki," she said. "I blew it with him."

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