Libado Grasslands…

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Clyde made sure the area was clear before retrieving his new relic from the inventory.

[You have found a magic lamp. Item class: *Relic*]

"This is going to be awesome," he said as he placed the basketball-sized lamp onto the grass. "Or horribly backfire. Still, it's an item." He gave it a rub.

[Would you like to summon the genie of this lamp?]

Clyde selected yes, grinning. It shimmered repeatedly. A purple fog-like substance oozed from the open nose of the lamp, forming into a five-foot-tall shape. He almost felt like he summoned Shenron from Dragon Ball. A feminine voice spoke from the fog, which slowly was defining itself into a…person. Of course, the genie materialized.

"Oh, I've been summoned into the human world? Wait, Satovia," she said then...squealed in delight. "Oooh, ah. Thank heavens it was after I finished bathing. Uh-oh, I really hope I turned off the stove…"

Clyde gulped.

"Uhm, hey, great genie, whatever," he said. "Thank you for coming here. I've got my wishes ready. I don't want to hold you here longer than—"

The fog vanished, revealing a beautiful tan-skinned girl with pointy ears, long purple-white hair tied in a ponytail, and Harumi-level breasts. Wearing only a black bra and panties…a bikini of some sort… the genie woman sported a range of gold jewelry: a necklace, bracelets, rings on each finger, and even star-shaped hair pins. Purple eyes stared at him with glee.

"A man! Finally," she said. "You know what the downside of being a virgin genie is, Master. These days, its being nearly powerless." She undid her bra and pulled off her panties.

"What are you doing?" Clyde said.

"You just relax," she said. "I need spirit energy. But to make sure you don't run—in case you're some kind of sorcerer."

She aimed a hand at him. Clyde tried to move, but it was too late.

((Kanako triggered Halt))

[You have been inflicted with Unmoving. You cannot move.]

"Nothing personal, Master," she said, pulling off Clyde's pants. "I've been ridiculed by my peers. They say I'm not a real genie until I grant wishes. But you know, the Supreme Demon lord's influence added a limit which makes it impossible for virgin genies to do anything except mundane jobs." She crawled on top of the young man. "I was a cashier! Fallen from grace."

Clyde's erection wouldn't stop, regardless of the ridiculousness of the situation.

"This is really happening," he said as she mounted him. "Look, I just want—" He grunted as her tight insides squeezed. And she rode.

"I'm powerless thanks to the Supreme," Kanako said, licking her lips. "Succubus limitations require me to have sex with human men in order to gain spirit energy. Then with enough of that, I can see to your needs."

Clyde sighed. Going alone to the Libado Grasslands with no backup, just to get wishes granted, got him raped by the Genie. Hmm, did anyone in history ever take into consideration that the wish-granter may end up being bad news?

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Kanako's soft breasts smothered Clyde's face as she leaned forward. He forced himself not to perversely smile. Her juices seemingly drenched the young man's lap. She kissed him. Eventually, the climax approached, which worried the young man.

[You have naturally warded off the status alignment.]

When the genie let out a climatic song, Clyde pushed her to the side to release his load on the grass. Kanako laid next to him panting.

"I'll just take that as a welcoming gift," Clyde said, "but now can we get to the wishing."

"You should be happier about receiving a genie's virginity," Kanako said.

Clyde rolled his eyes.

"So, for my first wish—"

"Master, I'm hungry." She hopped into his lap, reengaging an erection. "Or should I call you husband?" A blush made the woman cover her face. "My friends will never believe me. The no-bold girl they call me. Forever Virgin. Some of them even nicknamed me Mary. Can you believe tha—"

"Kanako, as much as I would love to hear you rant about your questionable friends, let's get to the wish-granting," Clyde interrupted.

The genie girl tilted her head, smiling.

"Okay! What do you want? With your…whoa…extraordinary spirit energy flowing through me. You aren't some mere human, huh?"

"No," Clyde said. "My first wish is to cure anyone under the princess dire curse."

The genie flashed the young man a blank stare.

"I mean, that's an admirable first wish, but it can't be done, sorry." She hopped off Clyde and waved a finger. His pants were back on in an instant and she, in her bra-panty…black bikini wear. Then she laid back, lazily floating in the air.

"What do you mean it can't be done?" Clyde snapped.

"I'm Kanako, mediocre, most laughed at genie in the world," she said. "At least while I was a virgin. Thanks that, I'm willing to do anything for you…but, well, there are even more limitations. Even if my power could break the barrier of that curse, I'd still need a LOT of spirit energy to erase it. The amount of sex, while nice, is too much for someone…Oh my Venus, I just had sex with the Stone." She fainted.

"No, no. Hey." Clyde shook her. "I need an explanation. You were my first relic drop dammit."

Kanako awoke, groaning softly.

"Ow, watch the ribs—you don't have to shake so hard. I'm delicate—you surely don't treat a lady this way, do you?" She floated back into the air, hovering at five feet. "Sheesh, do you even know your own strength?"

Clyde stared at her blankly. Kanako sighed.

"I don't have the power to zap a curse of that magnitude," she said, folding her arms. "End of story."

"Are you serious?" Clyde said. "You are a genie. You're supposed to be able to grant anything—"

"The ancient genies are like that," Kanako interrupted, "but as I was saying earlier, Deaf-man, is that we have even more limitations than before. I don't condone violence, but the only way you're getting me to full power is to…well, you know. To the Supreme."

"So the Supreme's ridiculous influence zapped your powers," Clyde said then threw his arms into the air. "My first relic and what do I get? A rapey useless genie. RNGesus is laughing at me."

"Hey!" She whacked Clyde on the head.

"Ow," he said. "What was that for?"

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"Apologize for calling me a useless genie."

Clyde shot her a blank stare.

"You really haven't proven yourself to be anything more." He sighed. "Why couldn't I get something like a Mythril Sword. At least—"

"I'm not a useless genie," she snapped. "Name your wish and if I have the spirit energy, I can grant it."

Clyde looked at the time on his phone.

"Okay, how about I wish that the Supreme's influence didn't affect you. Then with your original power, you should be able to—"

"That's not going to work," Kanako said, wagging her finger.

A blast of rage briefly shot through Clyde then he let it go. At least the sex was nice. For his pride, he'll call it that. He eyed the beautiful genie once more, shaking his head. No wonder why she was the laughing stock of her home realm. Unable to grant any decent wishes. What a disappointment.

"Well, see ya." Clyde turned and made the Jump, infuriated that his first relic was a piece of utter horseshit. An item rarer than a legendary. His other relic, the Place of Power core, didn't count. It wasn't earned.

[Your Jump was stopped.]

Kanako anime-dove into him, tears streaming.

"Please don't abandon me, I'm trying my best." She waved her hand, causing blue light to shimmer. "But my power can't penetrate the Supreme's natural barriers. She's the one who placed the limitations on us."

"Look, you're free from the lamp, just do whatever," Clyde said. "I'm—"

"You can't leave me!"

She held onto Clyde's waist, as if for dear life.


Clyde's house…

Ming peeked around the corner. Coast clear. If she could just make it out the door, she'd be home-free. Abruptly, she heard a voice a few yards behind her.

"Just one more photo, please! I promise I won't fangirl…all the time."

"Why is this happening to me?" Ming whined as she ran. Ahead, she saw a familiar loli. "Natalia, help!"

Natalia blinked.

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"Hmm?" She caught the scene. Noona, the ex-demon lord chasing after Ming, stars in her eyes.

Natalia dropped her Loli Saga coloring book and bolted for someone she saw in the distance.

"Tear! Ming's bullying me!"

She anime-dove into Tear's breasts. Then her mood fell.

"Tear…you pervy booby monster."

Tear pet the loli's head, smug grin on her face.

"Ah Nattie, maybe one day, you'll grow up to be just like me."

Natalia groaned.


Outside of Clyde's house…

"I can't believe you followed me all the way here," Clyde said. "I told you, I'm done. Go away." The genie still held onto his waist, tears falling. "I'll give you points for having the stamina to hold on that long."

"Master, you can't abandon your new subject," she said. "And you're the Stone, so I owe you more than just the standard one wish. You get four."

"Four, pfft," Clyde shook his head. "You can't even grant one. I asked you to delete a horrible curse, you can't do that. I ask you to get rid of the Supreme demon lord's influence off you, apparently that's impossible too. Even a few minutes ago, I gave you one last chance. Either kill the Viper or make him lose the will to play the stone-viper games. And what do I get from you?" He made an obscure vocal impression of her, "I can't Master, blah blah, not enough spirit energy blah blah, I'M USELESS."

"I'm not useless," the genie said. "And I'm going to prove it to you."

Clyde tried harder to wiggle his way out of her grasps.

"I'm not going to have sex with you for an eternity. Not for one month straight, not for three."

Kanako's embrace turned into steel. Ahead, the young man took notice of Yuki stepping outside, in her maid outfit. Even though he recently asked her to just wear normal clothing. Still, she was one of his favorite people ever and a solution out of this.

"Yuki help!" he called then grinned evilly at the genie. She paled.

"Master I'm on your side, how could you."

He smirked turned forward only to see the demoness right in front of him, arms folded.

"Clyde, did you really bring another girl to the house?" she said.


"Please take care of me," Kanako said.

"Yuki, get rid of her," Clyde said. With some visible effort, which was baffling for Yuki, she managed to get the genie off the young man. "Woo! Finally, free. I think I know how genies in the lamps felt in the stories."

"She's a genie?" Yuki said, voice fascinated, and she let go. Clyde flashed stepped, down the street, followed by Kanako, who somehow kept up.

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His fading shout was, "Yuki, why?"

Yuki blinked, confused, then sighed.

"What just happened?"



Dark smirked.

"I summon Solar Knight Gevin. Gevin, finish off this clown. Radiant slash!"

The knight wearing shining armor rushed forward, sword brighter than the sun. One brilliant swing and the rest of his opponent's life force vanished. He looked at the pale man on the ground. "Your own rule banishes you to the land of Silence. Nothing I can do for you buddy, bye. Filthy dark card bearer. Abandoned your humanity for a lost cause."

A pulsing black light surrounded the man and he let out a scream as he was pulled down into god-knows-where, by hundreds of grotesque hands. "

Selkie sighed.

"That's your second encounter with them. Good job, chuuni." She smacked him on the back. "You've gotten stronger in both your stats and Stone-Tokken."

Dark shrugged.

"The lord of the dark cannot be outdone by his inferiors. But…I still don't understand why I'm the sole owner of two decks."

"Just accept the gift horse, chunni-for-brains," Selkie said. "Just accept the gift horse. Many of us would kill for a second deck. And Solar Knights. Talk about pity from Lady Luck."

"I just hope the normie will be prepared for it," Dark said. "I owe him two duels now, but on separate days." He chuckled. "Not even a superior being such as myself can handle that much pain."

Selkie rolled up the newspaper in her hand and whacked Dark.

"Come on, let's go before your ego swells up even more. The mayor wants you to help some crusader group take out the Cinder Wyren that's blocking a nearby trade route."

"Ugh, fucking crusaders," Dark said softly. "Do I have to?"

"You need the reward for that quest, so man up," Selkie said, then chuckled. "I'm not a fan of them either, but we all have to put up with their sort at some point in our lives."

"I feel like I'm betraying the world, fighting with them," Dark said.

"You are in an adventurer group assembled by the mayor, fighting with the crusaders," Selkie said. "Nothing more, nothing less. In the end, it's all for humanity—just think of it like that. The faster you get this done, the faster you get away from them."

"Yeah yeah," Dark said, still unhappy. He'd rather walk into a harpy nest and get raped for days. "I just hope we actually catch up to this Falcon."

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